March 13, 2014 JDAI/DMC Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission JDAI/DMC Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


March 13, 2014, 9:30a.m. to 11:30a.m. 


  • 160 N LaSalle
    10th Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL 


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Chair's Comments
  5. Detention & DMC Committee Structure and Development
  6. Detention/Detention Alternatives
    1. Compliance Update
    2. Site Updates: Model Site Visits, Warrant training & New JMIS Data Report
    3. Detention Self-Assessment
    4. Statewide Screening instrument
    5. JDAI Intersite Conference
    6. IPCSA G. Workplan Review
  7. DMC
    1. Introduction and Discussion with New Participants
    2. Current Work Underway
      1. DMC Data Collection
      2. CASP
      3. Law Enforcement/YMCA Project
      4. DMC Communications- Monthly Newsletter
  8. Creating a New Strategic Direction
    1. Policy Impact
    2. Community Impact
  9. New Business
  10. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting called to order at 9:35am.
  2. Roll Call
    Chairman Rick Velasquez, Esther Franco-Payne, George Hill, Jacqueline Bullard, Michael Rodriguez. Quorum present. Guests: Susan Witkin, Meg Helder, Lynetta Haynes-Turner, Margo Rothshild, Sarah Yousef, Christine Head, Henrica McCoy and Marion Sleet. Staff: Heidi Mueller, Rob Vickery, Karima Douglas, Ron Smith and Julie Stremlau.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Motion by Commissioner Hill to approve minutes, Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded. All in favor. Minutes approved for October 21, 2013 DMC Minutes, JDAI November 7, 2013 and JDAI/DMC January 14, 2014.
  4. Chair's Comments
  5. Detention & DMC Committee Structure and Development
    Commissioner Franco-Payne gave a brief overview of DMC and asked the group to consider how DMC impacts communities. It is imperative that DMC have a separate Committee and will be established when a new Chairman is chosen.
  6. Detention/Detention Alternatives
    1. Compliance Update
      Rob Vickery gave the update. He indicated we are below the deminimus number as set by OJJDP. Commissioner Velasquez wants more detail. Where the violations are, why and how often. Commissioner Bullard does not believe the violators are just judicial issues in the two counties with the most violations, but broader court culture. Susan Witkin explained that she can provide data that shows demographics, counties, detention centers, etc. Rob Vickery will work with Susan Witkin to compile this data. Jeff Bradley explained his JDAI & DMC Meeting 2 5/6/14 meeting with Greg Sullivan of the Illinois Sheriff's Association to address youth under age 18 being held in jails. Jeff has identified some common ground and proposed legislative changes. It seems that legislation is the only option to make this happen as not working through standards process.
    2. Site Updates: Model Site Visits, Result Reports & New JMIS Data Report
      The group discussed domestic violence issues in relation to Vermillion County. Commissioner Hill asked about the CCBYS providers in the area. Jeff Bradley stated they have met with the CCBYS providers in that region and collaborated with the detention center. It was recommended that Commissioner Bullard and Jeff Bradley meet with Champaign and Vermillion court personnel.
      The Franklin County Transportation grant was discussed. They could enter warrants more accurately in JMIS. Jeff Bradley explained that he has been working with Jason Steele from AOIC. Susan Witkin explained the new JMIS Data Report is out to sites and will continue to be shared. She explained the sites need to read their numbers. Need to build capacity in the sites to collect their own data and to understand it. Commissioner Bullard asked if the counties know how they compare to other counties. She believes they will see the value in that information.
      It was noted that the JDAI sites attendance at the Statewide JDAI conference is looking good. The group discussed a possible statewide report card and the JJ Councils could help with the idea of comparing county success and/or issues.
    3. Detention Self-Assessment
      Jeff Bradley has discussed the Detention Self-­-Assessment with Peoria. St. Clair, and Lake counties. He is trying to engage more centers as well. Jason Steele explained that he is waiting for a meeting between AOIC and the IJJC to address the JABG money.
    4. Statewide Screening Instrument
    5. JDAI Intersite Conference
      Jeff Bradley, JDAI Coordinator informed the group about the JDAI Conference April 10-11 in Portland, Oregon. Six to ten representatives from St. Clair and the 1st Circuit will attend.
    6. IPCSA
    7. Workplan Review
      Executive Director, Heidi Mueller, gave the JDAI Workplan update.
  7. DMC
    1. Introduction and Discussion with New Participants
      Commissioner Franco-Payne asked the new members of the DMC Committee to describe their work in the community as it relates to DMC. She also asked to use these introductions as a way to tap into what is happening outside of the existing Commission network on the grassroots level and learn where there are overlapping goals or priorities.
      Ms. Haynes-­Turner discussed the work being done around improving data collection and training at the Cook County juvenile court. The DMC Committee at the Court no longer meets. Representatives from the Ada S McKinley operates a behavioral health program in the south side of Chicago and are looking to bridge the gap between behavioral health and alternatives to the juvenile justice system. Christine Head of the Health and Policy Research Group is working on DMC and the LGBTQ youth of color with a particular focus on cultural competence training. Professor McCoy researches assessment instruments and where mental health, recidivism and residential geography intersect. Meg Helder at the YMCA's Youth Safety and Violence Prevention program gave an update on the youth/law enforcement project and their work with "high risk" youth. Caronina from the Woods Fund discussed their 2.5­-year project focused on supporting restorative justice work throughout Chicago. Kathy Bankhead discussed community prosecution on the southside. She focuses on educating the community on restorative justice with the end goal of creating community­-level process that avoids arrests completely. Commissioner Franco-Payne discussed continued DMC Committee recruitment, especially from outside Chicago.
    2. Current Work Underway
      1. DMC Data Collection
        Karima Douglas, DMC Coordinator, discussed the progress of the statewide data collection. Most counties have reported at least a portion of the necessary decision points. She also explained the primary difficulty with getting the data is that the Commission does not have a lot of leverage because these counties are not technically required to report to the Commission. Commissioner Hill asked what we plan to do with the numbers once the collection is completed. He expressed concern data collection alone is not enough to reduce DMC. The DMC Workplan explains the plan for follow-up. We need to see the issues and where they exist and then we will work with the councils to address the issues and strategize to reduce contact with the JJ system. The data is the first step to identifying the DMC issues and move forward with assistance. Commissioner Franco-Payne suggested that all of the IJJC conversations should be viewed with a DMC lens. The statewide conference is an opportunity to bring the DMC discussion to the stakeholders.
        Kathleen Bankhead suggested getting legislation passed that would mandate DMC data collection based on the fact that DMC is a core requirement. Commissioner Payne explained that the Commission cannot lobby for legislation but outside organizations and individuals can work to getting such policy changes enacted.
      2. CASP
        Karima Douglas, DMC Coordinator, talked about the CASP grant and possible participants. Commissioner Franco-Payne talked about developing a model and implementing that model across the city. This initiative has been rolled into the JJ Councils Project. 
      3. Law Enforcement YMCA Project
        Partnership continues between the Youth Advisory Board and the Youth Safety and Violence Prevention arm of the YMCA to form a dialogue between youth (especially youth of color) and the police in their neighborhoods. This is one long term strategy to reducing DMC at the arrest decision point. Commissioner Franco-­Payne hopes that this project yields a model curriculum for jurisdictions outside Chicago
      4. DMC Communications-Monthly Newsletter
        Karima Douglas passed around a draft of a new monthly "DMC Update" that she plans to circulate to Commission networks in order to regularly inform people about DMC issues, news, resources and related events. This newsletter is a core component of our DMC Communications strategy. Commissioner Franco­-Payne suggested a new title that would include language a wider audience would understand. Commissioner Velasquez mentioned tracking the impact of the newsletter in order to ensure that people are opening and actually receiving the information in a way that is useful. 
  8. Creating New Strategic Direction
    (Tabled for the May DMC Committee Meeting)
    1. Policy Impact
    2. Community Impact
  9. New Business
    None noted.
  10. Adjourn
    Commissioner Hill moved to adjourn. Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 11:31am.