November 12, 2014 Planning and Grants Committee


Planning and Grants Members and Staff.  The public is welcome to attend. 


November 12, 2014, 9:00am to 11:00am


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor
    Chicago, IL 
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes - October 12, 2014
  4. Fiscal Update
    1. ICOY Expenditures
    2. Q1 Grantee Expenditures
  5. Annual Report
  6. Reentry Initiative Update
  7. RFP Planning for SFY16 Contracts
  8. New Business
  9. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting call to order at 9:16am.
  2. Roll Call
    Chairman Lisa Jacobs, George Hill, Rick Velasquez, IJJC Chairman George Timberlake and Julie Biehl. Quorum declared present. Guests: Susan Witkin, CPRD; Shirene Thomas, University of Illinois Springfield; Jamie Noto, Youth Outreach Services; Linda White and Mark Smith, Children's Home and Aid via teleconference; Jiffy Lansing, Chapin Hall; and Scott Kleiman, Governor's Office, Pay for Success Initiative. Staff: Julie Stremlau, Rob Vickery, Monica Kelley, Ron Smith and Karima Douglas.
  3. Approval of Minutes - October 8, 2014
    Commissioner Hill motioned to approve the minutes. Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
  4. Fiscal Update
    1. ICOY Expenditures
      Karima Douglas, DMC Coordinator gave the ICOY report. She explained the handout which was a one-page budget/expenditure overview. Commissioner Velasquez asked about the administrative costs. DHS requires a 10% cap. Commissioner Hill wants the personnel costs broken down. Not to determine salaries but to see what is covered administratively. The Commissioners asked questions about where the funds go within ICOY as a whole and what services they provide. Contractual, expenses, salaries and administrative costs overall. It was noted to change the presentation of the budgets, not just ICOY. Show the IJJC what and where the money is going. Development and use of a standardized form was suggested. The Committee will review this budget again at the next meeting.
    2. Q1 Grantee Expenditures
      Executive Director, Rob Vickery gave the report. He explained that two of the Formula JABG providers, City of Chicago and DuPage, will not expend all of their funding. We are determining what can be moved and used by others instead of lapsing the funds. The Discretionary grants did better. It was noted the Formula grantees are not under our control and continue to lapse money.
      Pay for Success representatives explained their purpose and focus in Chicago and Southern IL and the state at large. Evaluation is essential. The IJJC helps guide our perspective and to partner with the IJJC has weight to it. They currently serve about 200 youth a year, evaluation over 7 year period and should serve 800 youth. Commissioner Biehl remarked she felt this request sounded like start-up money. Planning and Grants Chairman Jacobs stated that this project is great and certainly what the youth need but feels the Commission needs more time to review and determine what we could do to actually help. We will ask the full Commission to approve Executive Committee final approval on this due to time constraints.
  5. Annual Report
    No update at this time.
  6. Reentry Initiative Update
    Jamie Noto from Youth Outreach Services gave an overview of their reentry program. She explained the challenges and successes of their program. The Department of Juvenile Justice did not have an aftercare program when this program started. Now the Aftercare specialists are significant in getting Reentry services going. Mark Smith from Children's Home and Aid talked about the evaluation overall and what we want and need. Commissioner Hill asked if the caseworkers felt overwhelmed. Mark explained they do not. Jamie Noto updated that there have been no revocations for technical violations for a few months, which is amazing. She added that DJJ's change in their scope seems to help this entire program and wrap around services in general. Consider it a big success. The summer youth employment program also helped. Commissioner Velasquez explained the evaluation will show more of what we have to thank for this success and how we got here.
    Jiffy Lansing from Chapin Hall talked about where they are with the evaluation. There will be a discussion held at the January 14th IJJC meeting for concerns and updates on this project. Chapin Hall will have a draft evaluation available for the January IJJC meeting.
  7. RFP Planning for SFY16 Contracts
    Rob explained the RFP planning process and that it would be December or early January before we could get the RFP ready. It was noted the Commission needs time to evaluate the proposals and to prepare and determine the scope of services. An evaluation of the current purpose areas to ensure they are still accurate and reflect what the IJJC wants to accomplish. There is a need to prioritize and narrow our scope. Focus on where we are and what we want to accomplish moving forward. Review of the current application is needed to ensure it still covers what the IJJC wants. Due to the major review and changes that may be necessary for this RFP, it was recommended to seek approval from the Executive Committee for the new RFP template and application. Motion made by IJJC Chairman Timberlake, motion seconded by Commissioner Hill. All in favor, motion approved.
  8. New Business
    None noted
  9. Adjourn
    Commissioner Velasquez moved to adjourn. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 11:06am.