October 8, 2014 Planning and Grants Committee


Planning and Grants Members and Staff.  The public is welcome to attend. 


October 8, 2014, 9:00am to 11:00am


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL
  • Call In:  888-494-4032  Code:  5329547331#


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes - September 10, 2014
  4. Fiscal Update
  5. Juvenile Justice Councils Project Planning
  6. Planning for Annual Report
  7. Youth Advisory Board - Mini-grant Project
  8. Funding Requests
    1. Juvenile Officers Association Conference
  9. New Business
  10. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting called to order at 9:08am.
  2. Roll Call
    Planning and Grants Chairman, Lisa Jacobs. Rick Velasquez, George Hill, IJJC Chairman George Timberlake, Esther Franco-Payne. Staff: Ron Smith, Rob Vickery Karima Douglas, Julie Stremlau, Monica Kelley. Guests: Susan Witkin, Gregg Gaither.
  3. Approval of Minutes - September 10, 2014
    Commissioner Hill motioned to approve minutes as edited. Commissioner Velasquez seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
  4. Fiscal Update
    Executive Director, Rob Vickery gave the fiscal update. The corrected funding charts will be sent out. The JJ Councils have not shown a lot of activity so our immediate focus has been on the JABG grants. ICJIA and DOC Title II contracts were lowered. Commissioner Jacobs asked about the JJ Councils not expending any funds. Rob explained we continue to work with the Councils to try to assist the agencies in spending. Commissioner Franco-Payne asked where we are in terms of objectives, following the contract, etc. We will cover these questions and any other areas of concern in the next agenda item. Rob further explained the JABG 2010 grant, which ends November 4, 2014. We are aware that we will lapse funds and continue to look at 2011 funds and deobligating funds from agencies so as to not continue to lapse further funds. The group discussed the JABG agencies amounts that remain, as of today's discussion. Commissioner Hill asked about the problems with Cook County lack of spending. Rob explained that Cook has a processing or timing gap. Commissioner Hill believes we should consider not funding Cook in the future due to these issues. Rob explained that OJJDP's denial of our extension caused a lot of the issues. We will continue to work with all agencies to facilitate grant expenditures. AOIC is working on activating their contract with legal; this negotiation process has taken much longer than anticipated.
    Moving forward we need to consider moving funds in order to reduce lapsing funds and we can move funds as necessary with discretionary JABG funds. Formula funds will need to be reviewed and altered as necessary in the future. DMC Coordinator, Karima Douglas gave the ICOY expenditure update. She explained they continue to work on youth projects, a variety of activities, the JSO Report and possible RFP proposals. She explained the budget materials included in the packet. Many Commissioners expressed concerns with the current ICOY report and lack of spending. Commissioner Jacobs asked for clarification of programming expenses and administrative costs. She further explained that ICOY's future contract has been decreased and that ICOY does not retain the funds they have not expended. There is not an urgency or lapse of funds issue that will occur with the ICOY unused funds. The group would like a single document that indicates the budgeted or contract amount, the prorated allocations projects (Compliance Monitoring, DMC Support, JDAI Support, etc.) and the actual quarterly expenditures. ICOY will provide a full budget at the next meeting. Rob Vickery also announced that we received two new grants. The Title II 2014 is just over 1.3 million. The PREA reallocation is just over $30,000.
  5. Juvenile Justice Councils Project Planning
    Commissioner Jacobs explained that our idea initially with the grantees was a "hands off" approach so they could accomplish what they needed on their own. It appears this plan should be altered. Rob Vickery informed the group of recent activity with the councils. There is a new data template that was recently developed and should assist the grantees. They have received the template and not much feedback yet. Grantees have been encouraged to attend the Illinois Juvenile Justice Council conference in Champaign, IL on March 6th. Commissioner Jacobs indicated that the use of the data template and collection is going to be difficult at first but this information is absolutely necessary. The group discussed an all-sites meeting in January. There will be discussions with the councils and this event will be organized. Commissioner Franco-Payne stated she believes outreach is the best plan. She has had concerns since the beginning about the councils and the efficient administration of the grant. Again as with the JABG discussion the Committee members voiced their concerns over the lack of expenditures. We will continue to work with the agencies to determine who and how much will possibly lapse of 2011 funds and work to deobligate those funds as necessary. We will also continue to provide assistance in facilitating programs and services so the councils achieve their goals.
  6. Planning for Annual Report
    Commissioner Franco-Payne indicated they have met about the Annual Report and that work continues but there are no major updates, at this point.
  7. Youth Advisory Board (YAB) - Mini-grant Project
    The group discussed the YAB Mini grant project. The amount is $1,000 for each grantee and they request a cap on administrative costs. This money has already been allocated from ICOY funds so no approval for this but just discussing the logistics of the projects.
  8. Funding Requests
    1. Juvenile Officers Association Conference
      Executive Director, Rob Vickery explained the request for the Juvenile Officers Association conference. $10,000 is requested and the IJJC has assisted this event for the last four years. Rob Vickery met with conference facilitators and the IJJC may present their chosen topics of interest. The IJJC will also present at the conference. Commissioner Jacobs added that the juvenile officers are really interested and appreciate the opportunity to continue this partnership. Commissioner Velasquez motioned to approve the $10,000. Commissioner Hill seconded the motion. Motion passed.
  9. New Business
    Rob explained that he met with Scott Kleiman from the Governor's office regarding the Pay for Success project. They may request funding to develop their project evaluation protocol. DJJ continues to develop the YASI screening assessment protocol and they received federal funds for that. They are looking for training and support for staff in facilities, etc. This is moving forward and Heidi Mueller is vital to this process.
    Mr. Gregg Gaither had a concern he voiced to the Committee about a proposal he submitted in July or August in response to the Short Term JABG Project RFP. Mr. Gaither described his proposal and asked why it had not been selected. Commissioner Jacobs and Executive Director, Rob Vickery replied and referenced information about the RFP and the facts surrounding this RFP. Decisions were based upon changes in JABG fiscal projections.
  10. Adjourn
    Motion to adjourn made by Commissioner Velasquez, seconded by Commissioner Hill. Meeting adjourned at 11:00am.