EVV Agency FAQ

  • A staff member performs a speaker verification enrollment role and occasionally serves as a worker.  Does this person need two distinct ID's (1 with a pound sign for their enrollment side and one with no pound sign for their worker side) with two voice prints OR will one voice print work with one ID.

    The staff member can use one Santrax ID for both the enroller ID and call ID. They would need to record their voice print twice; once as a enroller and another as the employee. Ideally, though, each agency will have more than one enroller and another enroller would enroll the staff who also provides direct care to customers.

  • Is the number they call into to enroll people in speaker verification different than the toll free numbers they are assigned for the call process?

    No, Speaker Verification enrollment and the Santrax calls use same toll free numbers assigned to the account.

  • Can agencies have access to the power point slides so they can train their staff?

    The training presentation will be uploaded to the DHS EVV website; check there for updates and new information

  • Can agencies have access to the accurate call audios after the training so they can train their workers - English and Spanish?

    The sample Call process audio files will be uploaded to the DHS EVV website. Please go to dhs.illinois.go/evv to check for updates and new information. The audio will only be available in English.

  • Is there any charge to the agencies? Some are worried about being charged per phone call.

    Please refer the October 18th letter sent by DHS & DOA which addressed the issue of cost.

  • Can agencies start before January 1, 2014?

    Agencies which have completed training should receive their account information around mid-December. Upon receipt they can begin their office staff and workers on the call process.

  • If a worker calls in when they get to the home of their client and enters the wrong Santrax ID (maybe they are 1 number off) and then they record the voice phrase. Will it still recognize their voice if they enter the wrong Santrax ID or will both show up as issues in visit maintenance?

    If there is no voice print associated with the Santrax ID entered on the call, Santrax will not prompt the caller to speak the phrase

  • What happens if an worker services two customers in the same home, such as a husband and wife? What would be the call process?

    If the schedules are back to back, they worker will need to make three calls. The arrival call, a middle call at the time the first schedule ends and second begins. During the middle call, the worker will need to enter each client ID for each customer so the system knows to apply the call to both schedules. The third call will close out the second schedule. The end calls do not require a client ID, only the middle call.

  • Can the agencies use the export function in Santrax as a part of their use if they want to create a spreadsheet for billing purposes?

    Yes, they can use the CSV export function to generate spreadsheets to assist with their billing process. Their existing process does not change; the way they currently bill will not change.

  • Will DHS be implementing the same rule that the Department of Aging is implementing - they require that if the client has a home landline phone or cell phone that they use a home phone, that the client MUST allow the worker to use the phone or they will not be eligible for services.

    Customers must allow the worker to use their home phone.

  • Can agencies change the setting for requiring the password to be changed annually to a different time period like every 90 days?

    Agencies will have administrative access to the Security module so they will be able to set the password expiration period for their account.

  • Is the call process set up to handle overnight work? Will there still be only 2 calls even if it crosses days?

    If Santrax receives a schedule which crosses days (e.g. 8:00pm Tuesday - 8:00am Wednesday), only two calls are needed. If the agency's scheduling system is not able to create a schedule that crosses midnight, then the options are for the worker to call out and in again at midnight when the schedules splits or only call in upon arrival and call out when they leave and the office performs Visit Maintenance to confirms the hours

  • To double check, the clients we have that our now moved to insurance companies under managed care, they will still have to be under this evv process, correct? They are still under the home services program, but bill to the private insurance companies.

    Yes, the agency workers will still be required to participate in EVV and the agencies will bill the Managed Care Organizations as they do now.

  • Do the agencies continue to round hours on their invoices as they do today (worked 1:59 minutes but bill 2:00)? And do they have to approve each pay hour that is 1 minute or more different that are in red i.e. 1:59 or can they leave it red?

    Agencies should not round their visit times

  • Our agency runs an apartment complex for the clients we serve. Our workers visit multiple clients in one day in that same complex so go to one apartment, finish the visit, go to another apartment and finish the visit, etc. Currently, we pay our workers for that travel time between apartments and now with the call in and call out in each apartment, that time traveling between apartments will no longer be documented. IS there anything we can do to help with this issue - to ensure our workers get paid for the time it takes them to go from one apartment to another?

    HSP Service Plans are the mechanism which authorizes the amount and type of service to an HSP customer. They do not provide for time to get to and from a customer's home.

  • One agency has a worker that is deaf and two that have significant speech impediments. How will the speaker verification process work for them?

    If a worker has speech capability, their voices should be recognized. If Speaker Verification does not recognize their voices, please contact DRS directly for direction. Deaf workers can use relay calls.

  • What does the statement "Remember to still obtain customer certifications as these need to be retained for DHS auditing purposes" mean?

    Agencies have their own procedures for obtaining customer certifications.  DHS/DRS audits agencies to ensure these certifications are on file.