CN 13.36: Giving Income to Community Spouses or Dependent Family Members

Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

Illinois Department of Human Services



  • CN 13.36 (pdf) and CN 13.36S (pdf), Giving Income to Community Spouses or Dependent Family Members, will be centrally mailed to Nursing Home (NH) customers and Supportive Living Facility (SLF) customers diverting income to family members.
  • This notice informs NH and SLF customers that the annual Social Security Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) increase they receive in January may be diverted to a family member.
  • The notice will be centrally mailed to NH and SLF customers in December 2013. 

Revised Client Notice

CN 13.36CN 13.36 (pdf) and CN 13.36S (pdf) is a revised version of the annual diversion notice sent to NH and SLF customers receiving a "Cost of Living Adjustment" (COLA) increase from the Social Security Administration (SSA).

This notice provides case-specific information regarding the amount of the person's SSA increase and explains that the SSA COLA increase may be diverted to specific family members.

NH and SLF

This notification will be centrally mailed in December 2013 to NH and SLF customers diverting income. 

[signed copy on file]

Michelle R. B. Saddler

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Julie Hamos

Director, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services

Forms referenced:

  • CN 13.36
  • CN 13.36S