Our Principles & Values
Supporting Individualized Transitions to the Community
- We understand the urgency of the situation. We know we must act deliberately and effectively. We also believe that people deserve a life - not just a "placement." We will do everything possible to help them achieve that goal.
- We will look at people and supports - not facilities and slots. We will commit to develop supports for one person at a time. An intensive, person-centered, community-based individual support plan must be developed for each person.
- We believe that people deserve to be healthy and safe. We also believe that behavior is communication and we need to listen to what people are telling us. We must listen carefully. We acknowledge that people with significant and complex behaviors create issues both for the individual with difficult behavior and the group with which he/she lives. Each person-centered plan must include a provision for ongoing best-practice crisis supports - including prevention, medical and related healthcare, and other supports anticipated as being needed for the individual to succeed.
- Settings are preferred to be 1-2 persons and not more than four persons. If there is a roommate, it will be a person who is compatible, not based on diagnosis or some other artificial criteria. All individuals will have his/her own room.
- We acknowledge best-practice trends to separate housing and services. The first option explored should be assisting the individual or family directly renting or owning the housing. As settings are small, they are more available than larger settings. The community support provider should concentrate on facilitating and providing the supports. A separate housing provider is preferable and desired.
- As a part of the support planning, we presume no set manner for service and support delivery - except that we will facilitate and provide what is recognized as best-practice to the fullest extent of our collective ability. This includes preferring supported employment over traditional day programs and not presuming the need for 24/7/365 shift-staffing, although this level of staffing will be available for those individuals for whom it is necessary. In many cases, people with significant and complex behaviors need and want the stability of relationship that comes with live-in staff, or a family setting. This option will be offered utilizing creative approaches and supportive adjuncts that are fiscally sustainable.
- We will seek providers who subscribe to these principles and values. The individual will have maximum control over the selection of the provider to the extent possible. Providers must agree to work to their fullest extent possible with the transition project team to prevent any re-institutionalization.
- An individual support budget will be developed based on the assessed individual's needs and the person-centered plan. In all cases, every budget will be individualized, and flexible to respond to the any arising issues.