Expedited SNAP Changes




Effective 10/01/2013, changes to the Expedited policy as well as the expedited application process have been made. 

  • A full eligibility interview is required for all expedited SNAP applications including Service Coordination. 
  • After the interview, if eligible and if all eligibility factors are verified at the interview, issue expedited benefits and put on regular roll.  Assign an approval period using regular SNAP policy for approval periods. 
  • After the interview, if eligible and verifications are postponed, issue mercury benefits for 1 month if the applicant applies on or before the 15th of the month. If the applicant applies after the 15th of the month, issue benefits for 2 months. 
  • Issue Form 267, Instructions to Client and allow the applicant 10 days to return the needed verifications. IES will display an Alert 2 days prior to the due date of the Form 267.
  • A central 360C, Notice of Decision on Application for Cash, Medical, and/or SNAP Benefits will be sent.  The central 360c notice is revised for all expedited initial month approvals (11-7-04's).  The revised notice will include the statement:  If you were asked to provide additional verifications, these must be submitted before additional SNAP benefits will be approved.   
  • Do not obtain a second signature page.  No additional registration is required in IES or the legacy system.   The Alert is displayed in IES indicating "SNAP has not yet been disposed". No application will show pending in the legacy system. 
  • When verifications are received, approve the case for the rest of the approval period.  In IES, run data collection, re-run eligibility and certify the case for the rest of the approval period.
  • If verifications are not received by the due date, no further action is needed in the legacy systems.  In IES, re-run eligibility.   Verify the SNAP EDG is denied in IES. No additional denial notice will be sent. 
  • If verifications are provided after the due date, follow reopen policy in PM/WAG 17-04-03-d.  Issue benefits in IPACS until Phase 1b.
  • Changes to Expedited Applications apply to initial applications and untimely redeterminations processed in Service Coordination as well.  Review initial SNAP applications and untimely redes for expedited service. 

Expedited SNAP Application

When someone requests SNAP, IES will automatically screen the application for expedited processing. Expedited policy has special time frames and requirements for getting SNAP benefits quickly to people who qualify for them.


A full eligibility interview is required for expedited SNAP applications prior to issuing expedited benefits. An applicant who qualifies for expedited services must be interviewed the day of application or the next workday.

When an application is submitted electronically, mailed in or faxed, if the applicant qualifies for expedited service, call the applicant.  A telephone interview can be conducted if possible or schedule an appointment for the next workday. If you cannot reach the applicant by phone, send Form 267, Instructions to Client with a scheduled appointment.


Try to get all required verification within the expedited processing time frame. Identity must be verified before issuance of benefits. Use electronic sources, especially SOLQ.  If the interview is conducted and identity is verified, do not delay issuing benefits just because all other required verification has not been provided.

If all of the proofs are not provided within the expedited processing time frame, determine eligibility and benefit amount based on what the applicant reports.

Verification Provided

If all eligibility factors are verified at the interview or within the expedited time frame, issue expedited benefits right away.  IES will assign the approval period using regular SNAP policy for approval periods. 

Verifications Are Pending

If all verification is not received during the expedited processing time frame and the application date was on or before the 15th of the month, run eligibility in IES and certify the first month (TA 11 TAR 04).

If all verification is not received during the expedited processing time frame and the application date was after the 15th of the month, certify and authorize 2nd month's benefits. Do not require the waived verifications before approving the 2nd month's benefits.

Tell the applicant that additional SNAP benefits will not be approved until all verifications are received by the due date.  A new application is not required.  Do not obtain a second signature page.  After issuance of the expedited SNAP benefits, do not issue any more until the missing information is provided.

Make all requests for verification/information for clients who apply for SNAP on Form 267, Instructions to Client.  Allow 10 days to return the needed verifications.  Specify the last day on which the verifications are due on the Form 267. The last day must always be a workday.

Revised 360c

The 360c, Notice of Decision on Application for Cash, Medical and/or SNAP benefits has been revised for Expedited approvals (TA 11 TAR 04).  The revised notice includes the statement:  If you were asked to provide additional verifications, these must be submitted before additional SNAP benefits will be approved. 

IES Alerts

IES creates an Alert 2 days before the due date of the Form 267.  The alert remains open until the case is certified. 

If the SNAP EDG has not been disposed, an alert will escalate to the manager on day 27 indicating "SNAP EDG has not been disposed".

Waived Verifications Received

When verifications are received within 10 days and eligibility remains, approve on-going benefits.  Re-run eligibility, validate the approval and certify the case.  IES will determine the approval period using regular SNAP policy for approval periods.  The approval period is the rest of the original approval period.

Example:  Application received for SNAP only, interview conducted and eligibility for expedited with postponed verifications completed on October 3 for October benefits and first month benefits issued.  Form 267 issued with a due date of October 15 (October 14 is a non-workday).  Verifications are received October 11 and eligibility continues.  Re-run eligibility and validate the SNAP EDG.  IES will assign the approval end date of March. Certify the case for on-going eligibility. 

Verifications Not Returned

If required verifications are not returned by the due date,  IES will send an Alert 2 days prior to the due date of Form 267.  Deny the application (in IES only) the first workday following the due date of Form 267. If processing in legacy systems, no action is needed because no application is pending. 

Example:  Application received for SNAP only, interview conducted and eligibility for expedited with postponed verifications is completed on October 3 for October benefits.  First month benefits issued (TA 11 TAR 04).  Form 267 issued with a due date of October 15 (October 14 is a holiday).  Verifications not received by due date.  In IES only, deny(TA 05 TAR 23)  the application October 16 for failure to provide verifications.

Verifications Returned After 10 Days - Reopen SNAP Application

if verifications are provided after the due date, follow reopen policy in PM/WAG 17-04-03-d until Phase 1B and issue benefits via IPACS.

Verifications provided late but within 30 days of the date of application

If verifications are provided within 30 days of the application and eligibility exists:

  • Reopen using the date of the original application to register (TA 02 TAR 05)
Example: Verifications received within 30 days

Original application of October 3 and expedited benefits issued with postponed verifications.  Verifications received October 22 and eligibility continues. 

  • Reopen using the date of the original application (October 3) to register (TA 02 TAR 05) in IPACS or Option N in ACM. 

Verifications provided between day 31 and day 60 of the original application date

If verifications are provided between day 31 and 60 and eligibility exists:

  • Reopen using the date of the original application to register (TA 02 TAR 05)
  • Issue benefits prorated from the date verifications were received. (TA 11 TAR 02)
Example:  Verifications received between day 31 and day 60 of the original application date.

Original application of October 3 and expedited benefits issued with postponed verifications. Verifications are received November 8 and eligibility continues.

  • Reopen using the date of the original application (October 3) to register (TA 02 TAR 05) in IPACS or Option N in ACM.
  • Issue prorated benefits (TA 11 TAR 02) for November covering from November 8 (the date verifications were received) through November 30.  Approve regular roll effective December. 

Note:  Do not reopen an application for missing an interview.  A new application must be taken. 

Expedited SNAP Applications in Service Coordination

Changes to Expedited Applications apply to initial applications and untimely redeterminations processed in Service Coordination.  Review initial SNAP applications and untimely redes for expedited service.  A full eligibility interview is required for expedited SNAP applications.  An applicant who qualifies for expedited service must be interviewed the day of application or the next workday. At the time the initial application is filed, provide the applicant with Expedited/Emergency Screening Form (Form 401).

When an application is submitted electronically, mailed in or faxed, if the applicant qualifies for expedited service, call the applicant.  A telephone interview can be conducted if possible or schedule an appointment for the next workday. If you cannot reach the applicant by phone, send Form 267, Instructions to Client with a scheduled appointment.

  • After the interview, if all eligibility factors are verified at the interview, issue expedited benefits and put on regular roll.  Assign an approval period using regular SNAP policy for approval periods. 
  • After the interview, if verifications are postponed, issue mercury benefits for 1 month if the applicant applies on or before the 15th of the month.  If the applicant applies after the 15th of the month, issue benefits for 2 months. 
  • Issue Form 267, Instructions to Client and allow the applicant 10 days to return the needed verifications.
  • A central 360C, Notice of Decision on Application for Cash, Medical, and/or SNAP Benefits will be sent with the initial month expedited approval (TA 11-TAR 04).  The central 360c notice is revised for all expedited initial month approvals.The revised notice will include the statement:  If you were asked to provide additional verifications, these must be submitted before additional SNAP benefits will be approved.   
  • Do not obtain a second signature page.  No additional registration is required. No application will show pending in the legacy system. 

If pending verifications are returned timely and eligibility exists, approve regular roll benefits for the rest of the original approval period.  Issue any 2nd month mercury benefits  (TA 56 TAR 06) if needed. 

If pending verifications are not returned, no additional actions are required.  No denial notice will be sent. 

If verifications are provided after the due date, reopen in IPACS or Option N in ACM following policy in PM/WAG 17-04-03-d.


  • When expedited SNAP benefits are authorized (TA 11 TAR 04), the office must issue the Link card. The Link card is not mailed by the Link contractor.
  • If the SNAP interview is conducted by phone or the customer is not in the office when expedited is approved, do not require the customer to come in to pick up their Link card. Mail the Link card unless the customer stated during the phone interview they would prefer to come to the office to get their card.

Michelle R.B. Saddler

[signed copy on file]

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services

Forms referenced:

Form 267

Form 360C

Form 401