
The Reduction of Infant Mortality in Illinois
2012 Annual Report

The number of persons served by the WIC and FCM programs during SFY 12 is presented in Table 2. FCM does not keep a separate count of the number of participating postpartum or breastfeeding women. However, under USDA guidelines, these women comprise a separate category of eligibility for the WIC program.

Table 2 - Number of Persons Served in WIC and FCM Programs by Type of Client and Program - SFY2012

Pregnant Women 104,959 93,045
Post Partum Breastfeeding Women 49,696 N/A
Infants 167,594 136,262
Children 198,308 37,328
TOTAL 520,557 266,635

Source: Cornerstone

*  FCM does not have a category of post-partum breastfeeding women.

The caseload of FCM dropped for FY2012. This is in part due to the continuing decrease in state funding. Further, Cook County Health Department (CCHD) withdrew from the program in 2009. In addition several community based organizations and downstate health departments declined to be providers of FCM since then. The primary reason for their withdrawal from the program being finances; the late and slow payment of General Revenue funding hinders agency's abilities to remain viable. Although caseloads were reassigned, the disruption of service delivery is evident in the caseload figures presented in Table 3.

Table 3 - Total Number of Persons Served in WIC and FCM Programs by Program and State Fiscal Year

PROGRAMS 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012
FCM 371,487 371,676 345,769 342,428 329,658 312,389 288,159 266,635
WIC 516,568 514,350 519,250 532,753 549,086 553,342 538,782 520,557

Source:  Cornerstone

The WIC and FCM programs together reach over 45 percent of all infants and over 81 percent of Medicaid-eligible infants born in Illinois each year. Women who are at greatest risk for giving birth prematurely or having a baby with other health problems are over-represented in the caseload of the WIC and FCM programs. Approximately two-thirds or more of African American, Hispanic, single and teen-aged women who give birth in Illinois each year participate in the WIC or FCM programs; the programs are reaching their intended target population. Refer to Table 4.

Table 4 - Number and Percent of All Live Births and Live Births to WIC or FCM Participants, by Demographic Group  Illinois, 2009

All WIC or FCM Participants
GROUPS Number Percent Number Percent


of Group

White 125,618 75.9% 51,547 68.5% 41.0%
Black 29,280 17.7% 21,003 27.9% 71.7%
Asian and Native American* 10,709 6.5% 2,686 3.6% 25.1%
All 165,607 100.0% 75,236 100.0% 45.4%
Hispanic 40,019 24.2% 25,841 34.3% 64.6%
Single 67,017 41.0% 51,524 68.5% 75.9%
Teen 15,953 9.6% 13,450 17.9% 84.3%

Source: Vital Records, Cornerstone

* Includes all other races.