Ligas Consent Decree

Ligas Consent Decree

The Ligas v. Hamos lawsuit was filed on July 28, 2005, on behalf of adults with developmental disabilities living in private, state-funded Intermediate Care Facilities for Persons with Developmental Disabilities (ICFs/DD) who want to move to community-based services or settings and on behalf of adults with developmental disabilities living at home who want community-based services or settings.  In June 15, 2011, the Ligas v. Hamos Consent Decree was approved by the Court.  For more information, see Ligas Consent Decree Overview. Annual implementation plans are developed in order to layout the activities that will be taken to address Ligas Consent Decree concerns.
Here is the FY24 Ligas Implementation Plan.

Please watch our Ligas Consent Decree Video for good information about living situations and procedures.

Your Independent Service Coordinator (ISC) is the first contact you make to get services.  There are 8 ISC agencies throughout the State of Illinois.  To contact your ISC agency, please use our DHS Office Locator to find the agency nearest to your home. 

This page is not intended as a sole source for information, but only to serve as information for a basic understanding of the Ligas Consent Decree. Please see the Consent Decree (pdf) or Ligas Implementation Plan and a detailed explanation of rights and requirements under Ligas.