Teen REACH Spending Plan Revision Instructions & Form

Illinois Department of Human Services
Bureau of Youth Intervention Services

Teen REACH Policy & Procedure Manual

9.0 - Appendices & Forms

Revised Date:  July 2013

Spending Plan Revision Instructions & Form

  1. Purpose
    • Spending Plan Revisions are to be submitted to DHS for prior approval when cumulative spending plan line items shifts of fund exceeding 10% of the spending plan line item or 5% of the total program award. (See Section 2.3.C. Spending Plan Revisions) In addition, each piece of equipment purchased at $1200 or more must receive prior approval of DHS if the equipment is not included in the submitted and approved annual budget.
  2. Procedure
    1. One copy of the spending plan revision form is to be submitted to:
      • Dave Robisch
        IDHS/Bureau of Youth Intervention Services
        Teen REACH Program
        815-823 E. Monroe St.
        Springfield, IL 62701
    2. Grantee must submit the spending plan revision request to DHS at least two weeks prior to the revision is applicable.
    3. The approved revision will be sent to the grantee and a copy retained on file at IDHS.


Links & Resources

Program administration and reporting forms, individual file forms, and general program information and resources, are available by calling the Bureau of Youth Intervention Services, Teen REACH at (217) 557-2109 and/or on the DHS Website at www.dhs.state.il.us.