- TANF Category P4/P6 and AABD Category P3 cases are no longer created.
- TANF approved in IES as presumptively eligible while certain nonfinancial verifications are pending is approved as Category 04/06. FCRC staff follow up with TANF cases approved as presumptively eligible to ensure that requirements are met for continuing cash eligibility.
- When approving TANF as presumptively eligible, do not backdate an adult's medical eligiblity prior to January 1, 2014. Medical eligibility may be subsequently backdated prior to January 1, 2014 if requested, once verifications have been received or paternity is established.
- Category P3 is no longer needed due to discontinuation of cash for the P3 progams, and the introduction of the ACA Adult Program. Disability is not a factor of eligibility for the ACA Adult Program.
- A listing of P3 cases has been provided to the FCRCs for determination of continuing eligibility under either the AABD medical, or the ACA Adult Program.
- The Department no longer has a contract for SSI Advocacy.
- Refer customers who have been found "probably eligible for SSI" by CAU to a local legal clinic for advocacy.
- A correction is made to PM 03-06-01-c to state that hours of self-employment to count for TANF participation are calculated by dividing the self-employment income amount, minus self-employment expenses, by the current federal minimum wage.
- TANF presumptive eligibility due to pending non-financial verifications:
- Determination of ongoing TANF eligiblity after approval as presumptively eligible:
- Medical backdate not allowed prior to 1/1/14 for adult approved as presumptively eligible for TANF
- Discontinuation of Category P3:
- SSI Advocacy:
- Calculation of Self-Employment Hours for TANF Participation:
TANF presumptive eligibility due to pending non-financial verifications:
TANF may be considered as presumptively eligible when financial eligibility is established, but:
- nonfinancial verifications are still pending from a 3rd party; or
- paternity is yet to be established for an alleged father who is applying as a child's caretaker.
This is not new policy, but the procedure is changed because presumptively eligible cases approved in IES are sent as Category 04/06 instead of Category P4/P6. FCRC staff must follow up to ensure that ongoing eligibility requirements of the case are met.
See PM 17-02-01-b: Applicant Presumed Eligible for complete policy.
Determination of ongoing TANF eligiblity after approval as presumptively eligible:
Approving cash for a presumptively eligible TANF case in IES results in a Category 04/06 case. Issue revised Form 2468 (pdf) to the customer to inform them of what is expected in order for cash to continue. No additional notification is needed if continuing eligibility for cash is established due to receipt of verifications within the 3 month time frame, or if paternity is successfully established.
End cash assistance with the appropriate type action reason for ineligible persons when:
- Requested verifications are not received in 3 months; or
- DCSS reports the alleged father does not cooperate with establishing paternity; or
- DCSS reports that paternity is failed.
Medical backdate not allowed prior to 1/1/14 for adult approved as presumptively eligible for TANF
When approving TANF as presumptively eligible, do not backdate an adult's medical eligiblity prior to January 1, 2014. Medical eligibility may be subsequently backdated prior to January 1, if requested, once verifications have been received or paternity is established.
Note: Cases which are in current P4/P6 status may continue to be certified or denied for as long as IPACS is available.
Discontinuation of Category P3:
Category P3 is no longer needed due to discontinuation of cash for the P3 progams, and the introduction of the ACA Adult Program. Disability is not a factor of eligibility for the ACA Adult Program.
A listing of currently active Category P3 cases has been provided to the FCRCs for review of ongoing eligibility under either the AABD medical or the ACA Adult Program. Persons who fail to qualify for medical benefits are to be referred to the federal Marketplace.
SSI Advocacy:
DHS no longer contracts for SSI advocacy services. The elimination of the General Assistance program has greatly reduced the number of customers who need to be referred for assistance in applying for SSI. The Client Assessment Unit (CAU) no longer refers customers who are found "probably eligible for SSI" for SSI advocacy services.
Refer customers who need assistance in applying for SSI, or in pursuing an appeal with the Social Security Administration to a local legal assistance clinic.
A TANF customer who is approved for an exception to the 60-month limit due to a finding of "probably eligible for SSI" must obtain and cooperate with legal assistance in order to continue receiving cash under that exception reason.
Calculation of Self-Employment Hours for TANF Participation:
A correction is made to PM 03-06-01-c. Hours of self-employment to count for TANF participation are calculated by dividing the self-employment income amount, minus self-employment expenses, by the current federal minimum wage. This calculation is used when a customer is not employed as a child-care provider paid at or near the Department rate.
Michelle R. B. Saddler
Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services
Julie Hamos
Director, Illinois Department of HealthCare and Family Services
Client Assessment Unit (CAU) Memorandum (Form 183F)
Authorization of Assistance - Presumptive TANF Eligibility (Form 2468)
Client Authorization Form (Form 183E)
Notice to P3 Transitional Assistance Client (Form 2509)
Notice to P3 Medical Assistance Client (Form 2509A)