Documents to Upload in CRV

CRV allows participating providers to upload contract-related documents in order to communicate with State human service agencies. Documents and their definitions, as listed below, represent the most frequently requested by the State.

IDHS (Illinois Department of Human Services) End of Year Financial Reports.

  • CFR (Consolidated Financial Report), with all Applicable Schedules, including "In Relation To" Report (primarily used by the Department of Human Services) - The Consolidated Financial Report (CFR) includes five (5) specified schedules for reporting: expenses; revenues; personnel; contractual services; and client service units. These reports are used by applicable state agencies for cost analysis and rate setting. The "In Relation To" Opinion is a report rendered by an independent auditor certifying that the amounts reported on the CFR reflect audited financial information. The "In Relation To" Opinion is required if an audit is required.
  • Grant Close Out Report (formerly the Grant Allowable Cost Summary and the Unallowable Cost Report, primarily used by Department of Human Services), including "In Relation To" report or "Agreed Upon Procedures" report - This report enables the recovery of funding through the reconciliation and identification of misspent or improperly held grant funds based on one of the following methods, Eligible Expenditures v. Program Revenue (this method compares the eligible expenditures to the total Department revenues by program) and Eligible Services Delivered v. Services Projected - This method compares the actual eligible services delivered to the services projected in the contract or agreement. The "In Relation To" and the "Agreed Upon Procedures" Opinion is a report rendered by an independent auditor certifying that the amounts reported on the CFR reflect audited financial information. The Opinion is required if an audit is required.
  • Personnel/Administrative Information Form (primarily used by Department of Human Services) - This form is used to collect provider staffing levels, changes to staffing levels, Board member names and meeting dates of the board.
  • Provider Demographics Information Form (primarily used by Department of Human Services) - This form is used to collect current provider contact information and is a part of the annual reporting packet sent to Providers.
  • Reporting Checklist (primarily used by Department of Human Services) - This form is part of the annual reporting packet sent to Providers. It itemizes the annual reporting requirements and is to be signed by the CEO or CFO and the Board of Trustees President or Treasurer.
  • Financial Statement Audit - A financial statement audit is a review completed by a Certified Public Accountant who is trained to look for GAAP compliance. Therefore, this is not something that can be conducted by your employee accountant. It is to be completed by an independent CPA with no financial incentives, other than the fee to do the compliance check. Note: Grantees who have GATA reporting are required to upload their audit to the GATA Grantee Portal. The audit can be voluntarily loaded to the CRV.
  • Single Audit - A single audit is an organization-wide audit that includes both the entity's financial statements as well as its federal awards. The Office of Management and Budget Super Circular 2 CFR 200 Subpart F, Audits of States, Local Governments, and Non-Profit Organizations, requires entities that expend $750,000 or more a year in federal awards to have a single or program-specific audit conducted. Note: Grantees who have GATA reporting are required to upload their audit to the GATA Grantee Portal. The audit can be voluntarily loaded to the CRV.
  • Federal and State Agency Form 990 or other appropriate tax documentation - The federal and state year-end income reporting form. For not-for-profit organizations the 990 and the corresponding state return the IL-AG990. For-profit organizations the 1120 or 1120-s and the appropriate corresponding state return.

Additional Documents Uploaded in the CRV

  • Amendments and Addenda to the Contract - a copy of all amendments and addenda for each contract with an Illinois State human service agency.
  • Articles of Incorporation - a legal document that creates a corporation; it is filed with a state by the founders of a corporation and is governed by the laws of the state
  • Corporate By-Laws - Bylaws are the rules of a corporation, established by the board of directors during the process of starting a corporation.
  • List of Board Members - A group of people comprising the governing body of a corporation.
  • Central Contractor Registration - Central Contractor Registration (CCR) is a federal entity with which vendors can register to do business with the Federal government. Providers should complete a one-time registration which provides basic information relevant to procurement and financial transactions. Vendors must update or renew their registration annually to maintain an active status.
  • Name and Address of Certified Agent - A registered agent, also known as a resident agent or statutory agent; a business or individual designated to receive service of process (SOP) when a business entity is a party in a legal action such as a lawsuit or summons. The registered agent for a business entity may be an individual member of the company.
  • Registration as a Charitable Organization (i.e., 501(c)(3) corporate status) - A copy of the determination letter from the Internal Revenue Service granting your organization an exemption from federal income taxes under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3).
  • Tax Exempt Letter - In Illinois, an organization must have an exemption identification number, also known as an "E"-number, from the Illinois Department of Revenue to be exempt from sales tax.
  • Management Letter associated with the most recent audit - a management letter identifies issues not required to be disclosed in the Annual Financial Report but represent the auditors concerns and suggestions noted during the audit.
  • Letter of Good Standing from Illinois Secretary of State - An Illinois Letter of Good Standing Certificate is issued by the Illinois Secretary of State.
  • Organizational Charts - a diagram representing the management structure of a company, showing the responsibilities of each department, the relationships of the departments to each other, and the hierarchy of management
  • Employee Handbook - An employee handbook is a compilation of the policies, procedures, working conditions, and behavioral expectations that guide employee actions in a particular workplace.
  • Limited English Proficiency(LEP)- The purpose of these LCC Guidelines is to improve access to culturally competent programs, services, and activities for Limited English Proficient (LEP) customers, persons who are hard of hearing or Deaf, and persons with low literacy (collectively, the Goal). LEP Customers, as used herein, includes LEP Customers, persons who are hard of hearing or Deaf, and persons with low literacy.
  • Illinois Department of Human Rights Number/Verification (primarily used by Department on Aging) - This number is used to verify registration with the Illinois Department of Human Rights.
  • W-9 Tax Form (primarily used by Department of Public Health) - IRS Form W-9 is a request for a taxpayer identification number. It is used by the State to inform the IRS of how much money has been paid to the recipient organization.
  • LTC Providers Monthly Assessment Report (primarily used by Department of Healthcare and Family Services) - This report is one that nursing homes are required to complete and submit on a monthly basis. The information is self reported by the nursing home and requires the provider to report occupied bed information and to calculate the tax amount due.