3/19/2013 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM
The Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation (BAJA) and the Illinois ADA Project host an ADA Distance Learning session on "Throwing the Switch: Empowering Advocates to Make the Most of Current Trends in Disability and Technology Policy." This session will discuss with the latest developments in technology policy affecting people with disabilities and provide practical advice on how they can make use of complaint and other processes to advocate and ensure accessibility. In addition, this session will explore the linkages and overlapping policy concerns of the Twenty-First Century Communications and Video Accessibility Act (CVAA), the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), copyright law, and other laws.
- Mark D. Richert, Director, Public Policy, American Foundation for the Blind
CE Recognition: CRCC, U of I CEU, Cert. of Attendance
To Register
The program is free to those who call and register. You must pre-register with the Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation prior to the training date in order to receive the dial-in number and pass code.
Please contact the Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation at one of the following numbers:
- (312) 793-0034 (Voice)
- (312) 793-3917 (FAX)
- (888) 614-2384 (TTY)
Reasonable Accommodation
If you are requesting a reasonable accommodation, please contact the Bureau of Accessibility and Job Accommodation and specify what form of accommodation is needed at least two weeks prior to the training date.