MH Grants & Program Support - All Funds

FY14 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds      

Staff (June 30th) - All Funds

FY13 Request FY13 Adj. FY13 EOY FY14 Adj. FY14 Request
Staff (June 30th) 2,492.0 (46.2) 2,445.8 0.0 2,445.8

Appropriations - All Funds

Appropriation Name FY13 Approp. FY13 Adj. FY13 Est. Exp. FY14 Adj. FY14 Request
Personal Services $5,496.1 ($93.1) $5,403.0 $192.4 $5,595.4
Retirement $320.6 ($35.3) $285.3 $43.8 $329.1
Social Security $411.2 ($7.1) $404.1 $14.4 $418.5
Group Insurance $207.0 $207.0 $42.5 $249.5
Subtotal $6,434.9 ($135.5) $6,299.4 $293.1 $6,592.5
Contractual $1,091.5 $1,091.5 $1,091.5
Travel $90.5 $90.5 $90.5
Commodities $22.1 $22.1 $22.1
Equipment $8.9 $8.9 $8.9
Telecommunications $173.6 $173.6 $173.6
Mental Health State Operated Hospitals $202,659.4 $202,659.4 $11,535.2 $214,194.6
Subtotal $204,046.0 $0.0 $204,046.0 $11,535.2 $215,581.2
MH ICG's $22,415.0 $22,415.0 $22,415.0
MH Psychotropic Drugs $1,900.8 $1,900.8 $1,900.8
Community Transitions & Rebalancing $16,750.0 $16,750.0 $19,128.8 $35,878.8
MH Grants, Transitions, and Related Expenses $178,873.5 $178,873.5 ($60,279.0) $118,594.5
MH Grants (Care Coordination) $0.0 $0.0 $55,477.5 $55,477.5
Supportive MI Housing (GRF) $18,345.0 $18,345.0 $2,047.7 $20,392.7
MH Grants (Mental Health Fund) $20,000.0 $20,000.0 ($20,000.0) $0.0
Supportive MI Housing (Hospital Tax Fund) $5,000.0 $5,000.0 ($5,000.0) $0.0
For Persons with Mental Illness (Hospital Tax Fund) $6,000.0 $6,000.0 ($6,000.0) $0.0
DHS Community Services $20,000.0 $20,000.0 $20,000.0
DHS Federal Projects Fund $34,450.0 $34,450.0 ($18,427.0) $16,023.0
Medicaid- Mental Ill/Kid Care $122,689.9 $122,689.9 $162.2 $122,852.1
MH Block Grants $16,025.4 $16,025.4 $16,025.4
MH Block C&A $4,341.8 $4,341.8 $4,341.8
Teen Suicide $206.4 $206.4 $206.4
Subtotal $466,997.8 $0.0 $466,997.8 ($32,889.8) $434,108.0
Total Appropriation $677,478.7 ($135.5) $677,343.2 ($21,061.5) $656,281.7

FY13 Staff - All Funds

Staff Description Amount
FY13 Reductions from the closure of Tinley Park and Singer Mental Health Center (46.2)

FY13 Adjustments - All Funds

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services Personal Services and Fringe FY13 pricing adjustments ($135.5)

FY14 Adjustments - All Funds

Adjustment Description Amount
Personal Services Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $192.4
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 40.312% $43.8
Social Security Annualized cost at current payout rates $14.4
Group Insurance Annualized per employee average rate $42.5
Mental Health State Operated Hospitals Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $14,912.0, annualization of the closure of Tinley Park and Singer MHC ($13,568.4), the opening of a unit at Madden MHC related to the Tinley Park Closure $1,600.3, the opening of step down units at McFarland and Chicago Read related to Singer closure $3,936.2, and the forensic medical staff and opening of McFarland Lincoln North Forensic Unit $4,655.1 $11,535.2
Community Transitions & Rebalancing Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $128.8, FY13 annualization and FY14 new Consent Decree liability $19,000.0 $19,128.8
MH Grants, Transitions, and Related Expenses

Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $173.8

General Revenue Fund pickup of One-time funding $20,000, Tinley Park and Singer Annualization for Community services $4,024.7, Funding realignment to TDF ($3,000.0),

One-time funding shift to Other State Funds ($22,000.0), Affordable Care Act liability shift to other state funds ($4,000.0), Appropriation split to fund DHS portion of Care Coordination ($55,477.5)

MH Grants (Care Coordination) Appropriation split to fund DHS share of Care Coordination $55,477.5
Supportive MI Housing (GRF)

Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $47.7

General Revenue Fund pick-up of one-time funding $2,000.0

MH Grants (Mental Health Fund) Funding Realignment of One-Time shift to Other State Funds ($20,000.0)
Supportive MI Housing (Hospital Tax Fund) Eliminate Excess Appropriation Authority ($5,000.0)
For Persons with Mental Illness (Hospital Tax Fund) Eliminate Excess Appropriation Authority ($6,000.0)
DHS Federal Projects Fund Eliminate Excess Appropriation Authority ($18,427.0)
Medicaid- Mental Ill/Kid Care Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $162.2

*FY14 includes increased expenditures within current appropriation levels of $26M from the Medicaid-Mental Ill/Kid Care Fund