Client Assistance Program – All Funds

FY14 Budget - Change by Line Item - All Funds

Staff (June 30th) - All Funds

FY13 Request FY13 Adj. FY13 EOY FY14 Adj. FY14 Request
Staff (June 30th) 8.0 8.0 8.0

Appropriations - All Funds

Appropriation Name FY13 Approp. FY13 Adj. FY13 Est. Exp. FY14 Adj. FY14 Request
Personal Services $507.8 ($77.1) $430.7 $47.3 $478.0
Retirement $192.9 ($29.3) $163.6 $29.1 $192.7
Social Security $38.8 ($5.9) $32.9 $3.7 $36.6
Group Insurance $184.0 $184.0 $184.0
Subtotal $923.5 ($112.3) $811.2 $80.1 $891.3
Contractual $28.5 $28.5 $28.5
Travel $38.2 $38.2 $38.2
Commodities $2.7 $2.7 $2.7
Printing $0.4 $0.4 $0.4
Equipment $32.1 $32.1 $32.1
Telecommunications $12.8 $12.8 $12.8
Subtotal $114.7 $114.7 $114.7
Client Assistance Project $50.0 $50.0 $50.0
Subtotal $50.0 $50.0 $50.0
Total Appropriation $1,088.2 ($112.3) $975.9 $80.1 $1,056.0

FY13 Adjustments - All Funds

Adjustments Description Amount
FY13 Adjustments Personal Services and Fringe FY13 pricing adjustments ($112.3)

FY14 Adjustments - All Funds

Adjustments Description Amount
Personal Services Assumes ratification of the AFSCME Contract $47.3
Retirement Annualized cost at rate of 40.312% $29.1
Social Security Annualized cost at current payout rates $3.7