GRF Walk-Up

GRF Walk to DHS FY14 Introduced Budget

Category Total
GRF FY13 Estimated Spending $3,268,471.1

(All Numbers in Thousands)

Category Total Line Item Sub-Total
Addiction Treatment Services ($861.6)
Est ACA Liability shift to OSF ($10,000.0) ($10,000.0)
Maintain Medicaid Payment Cycle $9,000.0
Assumes ratification of AFSCME Contract $138.4 $9,138.4
Developmental Disabilities $136,558.4
GRF shift to Other State Funds ($15,000.0)
Cost reductions from Jacksonville Closure ($25,525.8) ($40,525.8)
Realignment of Staff/other costs from JDC Closure to other SODC's $8,374.7
Community CILA costs for JDC transitions $15,456.0
Ligas Annualization cost pickup from JDC Community Reinvestment $1,695.2
Ligas Annualization cost $18,037.5
700 New Ligas transitions $12,795.7
Murray FY13 & FY14 Transitions $4,352.0
GRF Pick up of One-Time Funds for CILA FB rate increase $13,000.0
CILA Fringe Benefit rate increase Annualization $4,300.0
Annualize 1-4 Bed CILA Rate increases $5,700.0
DCFS Transitions Annualization $2,340.0
90 New DCFS Transition $2,418.2
100 New SODC Transitions $2,755.5
Maintain DD Long Term Care Payment Cycle $23,615.5
Maintain Community Payment Cycle $30,722.2
Reduce Payment Cycle $10,653.7
Assumes ratification of AFSCME Contract $20,868.0 $177,084.2
Family & Community Services $51,928.8
TANF caseloads are leveling ($13,728.4)
Maternal Child Health shift to the Department of Public Health ($1,793.8) ($15,522.2)
Annualization of 200 staff from FY13 for Enhanced Eligibility Verification (EEV) $11,680.5
Phase funding for 600 additional staff to handle the newly-eligible population under ACA and severe understaffing $13,520.7
Maintain AABD at current caseloads $846.0
Restore support services cut in Employability Development $3,028.8
Cover current telecom shortfall $489.3
Early Intervention case increase; reduction of other sources $7,787.7
Increase to Redeploy Illinois $2,500.0
Maintain Child Care Payment Cycle $10,341.2
Assumes ratification of AFSCME Contract $17,256.8 $67,451.0
Mental Health $35,398.2
One-time GRF shift to Other State Funds ($22,000.0)
Est ACA Liability shift to Other State Funds ($4,000.0)
Cost Reduction from Tinley Park and Singer Closures ($13,568.3) ($39,568.3)
Tinley Park and Singer Closure - Crisis Care Systems Annualization $4,024.7
Opening of unit at Madden MHC from Tinley Park Closure $1,600.3
Opening of Step Down Units for Chicago Read and McFarland MHCs from Singer Closure $3,936.1
Forensic Medical Staff Expansion & McFarland Lincoln North Forensic Unit $4,655.1
Treatment & Detention Facility Expansion & Annualization Costs $3,261.8
Williams Annualization $19,000.0
GRF pick-up of One-Time funds $22,000.0
Assumes ratification of AFSCME Contract $16,488.5 $74,966.5
Rehabilitation Services $86,415.6
Case Costs Annualization $11,523.2
Home Services Program Admin Cost Annualizations $282.6
SEIU Wage Increase $8,000.0
SEIU Health Insurance Increase $2,500.0
Time Keeping System $10,000.0
Support Srv In-service Trng Re-Org $15.2
Rate/Price Adjustment $46.1
Health, Life Safety $13.5
Maintain Home Services Program Payment Cycle $25,333.7
Eliminate Home Services Program Payment Cycle $25,333.7
Assumes ratification of AFSCME Contract $3,367.6 $86,415.6
Program Administration $28,158.8
Support Srv In-service Trng Re-Org ($15.2) ($15.2)
Indirect Cost Princ/Interfund Spending Realignment $2,500.0
CMS Fleet Management $2,026.8
Eligibility Modernization (SNAP & TANF) $8,000.0
CSA Tracking $750.0
DARTS & ROCS $2,000.0
Windows 7 Migration $1,200.0
IT Management Resources $3,000.0
SSRF Shortfall $5,300.0
Inspector General Travel $16.6
Assumes ratification of AFSCME Contract $3,380.6 $28,174.0
Department of Human Services General Revenue Fund Totals $337,598.2 $3,606,069.3