Request for Approval of Online QIDP Training

Note:  At this time, there is not a DHS-approved Online QIDP Classroom Training

The DHS requires QIDPs to complete at least of 40 hours of DHS-approved classroom training within six months of being assigned QIDP responsibilities. 

DHS-approved QIDP training programs do not require on-the-job training (OJT) activities.

The training programs must be evaluated by DHS to ensure all Illinois requirements are met and that they cover all competencies included on the QIDP Training Program Course Content Review Guide

The application must:

  • Describe the content, how to access the online training, and identify the ownership of the online training program.
  • Specify whether the curriculum will be used in its entirety or if only selected lessons or modules will be used to train specific topics or competencies.
  • Specify which lessons or modules of the online training program will be part of the Provider's QIDP classroom training program and identify the informational competencies that will be covered by the online lessons or modules.
  • Include a completed Request for Online QIDP Training Program Competency Matrix  This Competency Matrix helps Providers and DHS ensure that all QIDP competency areas are trained.
  • Describe QIDP instructor interaction with trainees and how the interaction will ensure trainees understand how to use the online program effectively and address questions timely.
  • Identify how the Provider will ensure trainees comprehend the online informational competencies at the 80% level of accuracy by testing or other objective evaluation.  Include copies of proposed testing instruments.
  • Include temporary electronic access to the online training program, i.e., web site or CD, or include screen prints of all training modules.
  • Ensure the online program works as intended and DHS can fully understand it.
  • Include forms and documents required for QIDP training program approval process.  See QIDP Training Program Approval Process for information about the QIDP training program approval process, list of required forms and documentation that must accompany applications.

Submit Online Training Program Approval Requests to:

  • Illinois Department of Human Services
    Division of Developmental Disabilities
    319 E. Madison, Suite 4J
    Springfield, IL 62701
    Attention: DSP or QIDP Training Program Review

If you have any questions about this process, please email: or call (217) 782-9438.

Reimbursement for Online Training:

  • Online training must be approved by DHS Division of Developmental Disabilities.
  • Reimbursement rates and processes are the same as those for instructor-led QIDP training.
  • Reimbursement Requests requests must comply with the Division's guidelines.
  • There is no reimbursement for any development or maintenance costs for online training programs.