This report represents the contributions and expertise of many individuals and organizations. The Human Services Commission gratefully recognizes the efforts of all who have provided content, commentary and guidance to this report.
We are grateful for the support and contributions made by commissioners. Commissioners provided guidance and feedback on the report through attending work group session and/or submitting written comments.
J. Maichle Bacon, Illinois Public Health Association
Lore Baker, Supportive Housing Providers Association
Arthur Bishop, Department of Juvenile Justice
Denver Bitner, Lutheran Social Services of Illinois
Nancy Bluhm, Illinois Association of Public Health Administrators
Richard Calica, Department of Children and Family Services
William Delgado, General Assembly
Evelyn Diaz, Chicago Department of Family and Support Services
Mark Doyle, Governor's Office
Wendy DuBoe, United Way Metropolitan Chicago
Eileen Durkin, Community Counseling Centers of Chicago
Art Dykstra, Trinity Services, Inc.
Ric Estrada, Metropolitan Family Services
Sara Feigenholtz, General Assembly
Gaylord Gieseke, Voices for Illinois Children
Salvador Godinez, Department of Corrections
Julie Hamos, Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Dr. LaMar Hasbrouck, Department of Public Health
Pam Heavens, Will-Grundy Center for Independent Living
John Holton, Department of Aging
Gary Huelsmann, Catholic Social Services of Southern Illinois
Mattie Hunter, General Assembly
Anne Irving, AFSCME Council 31
Toni Irving, Office of the Governor
Marco Jacome, Healthcare Alternatives System
Naomi Jakobsson, General Assembly
Shawn Jeffers, Little City Foundation
George Jones, Ada S. McKinley
Christopher Koch, Illinois State Board of Education
Maggie Laslo, SEIU HCII
Ngoan Le, The Chicago Community Trust
David Leitch, General Assembly
Valerie Lies, Donors Forum
Rosemary Mulligan, General Assembly
Carole Pankau, General Assembly
Maria Pesqueira, Mujeres Latinas
Gregory Pierce, United Power for Action and Justice
Polly Poskin, Illinois Coalition Against Sexual Assault
Nancy Ronquillo, Childrens Home and Aid
Dee Ann Ryan, Vermilion County Mental Health
Amy Rynell, Social Impact Research Center at Heartland Alliance
Michelle Saddler, Department of Human Services
Nancy Shier, Ounce of Prevention Fund
Dave Syverson, General Assembly
Susan Kennedy, YMCA
Neli Vazquez-Rowland, A Safe Haven
Maria Whelan, Action for Children
Diane Williams, Safer Foundation
We are grateful for the expertise provided by Jane Bilger, who provided extensive support for the report on rebalancing. Other consumers and advocates have also provided input into the information gathering process, including:
Mark Abner, University of Illinois
Christine Achre, Primo Center for Women and Children
Sandra Alexander, IDoA
Stephanie Altman, Health and Disabilities Advocates
Melanie Anewiski, Featherfist
Jennifer Aring, GOP Senate
Sue Augustus, Health Disability Advocates
Jeanette Badra, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services\
Karen Batia, Heartland Alliance
Betsy Benito, CSH
Paul Bennett, IL Healthcare and Family Services
Marge Berglind, Child Care Association of Illinois
Karen Berman, Ounce of Prevention
Lisa Betz, Illinois Department of Human Services-Division of Mental Health
Mike Bibo, The Center for Developmental Disabilities Advocacy and Community Supports
Neville Bilimoria, Duane Morris LLP
Nancy Bluhm, Illinois Association of Public Health Administrators
Lisa Braganca, Access Living
Marca Bristo, Access Living
Scott Burgess, Alexian Brothers Center for Mental Health
Daniel Burke, Office of the Governor
Chris Burnett, IL Assoc of Rehabilitation Facilities
Michele Carmichael, Illinois State Board of Education
Terry Carmichael, Community Behavioral Health Care Association
Kevin Casey, IL DHS/DD
Richard Callica, Department of Children and Family Services
Bill Choslovsky, Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg LLP
Shawn Cole, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Ray Connor, Individual Care Grant (ICG) Parent
Liz Doyle, McHenry County Mental Health Board
Mark Doyle, Office of the Governor
Mary Driscoll, Illinois Department of Public Health
Andi Durbin, Illinois Collaboration on Youth
Jamie Ewing, CSH
Peggy Flaherty, Thresholds
Gil Fonger, Marklund
Christopher Gange
Laura Garcia, Healthcare Alternative Systems, Inc.
Teri Garate, Illinois Department of Public Health
Michael Gelder, Governor's Office
Gene Griffin, Northwestern University
Valery Gruss, UIC College of Nursing
Christine Haley, CSH
Brenda Hampton, IL Dept Human Services
Brady Harden, Office of the Governor
Dan Harris, Illinois Department of Human Services
Christine Harman, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
Dr. Seth Harkins, National Louis University
Michelle Hoereth, IFF
John Holton, Department of Aging
Jane Hornstein, Cook Bureau of Community Economic Development
Toni Hoy, National Alliance of Mental Illness-Parent
Debbie Humphrey, St. Clair County Mental Health Board
Judy Hutchison, Illinois Department of Human Services-Division of Mental Health
Mark Ishaug, Thresholds
Dennis Jones, Williams/Colbert Court Monitor
Larry Joseph, Voices for Illinois Children
Norm Joyce, Maryville Academy
Mike Kaminsky, ARC of Illinois-Lifespan Project
Jack Kaplan, United Way Metropolitan Chicago
Frank Kopel, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Dr. Art Kohrman, Illinois Department of Public Health
Greg Kyrouac, SIU School of Medicine
Dawn Lamp, Turner's Manor
Jonathan Lavin, Age Options
Erin Laytham, Illinois Association of Rehabilitation Facilities
Thomas Lenz, United Power for Action and Justice
Janine Lewis, Illinois Maternal and Child Health Coalition
Jim Lewis, The Chicago Community Trust
Sandy Lewis, McHenry County Mental Health Board
Jerry Lowell, Aunt Martha's Youth Service Center & Health Center
Dave Lowitzki, SEIU Healthcare
Colette Lueck, Illinois Children's Mental Health Partnership
John Lyons, University of Ottawa and Northwestern University
Faye Manaster, Family to Family- ARC of Illinois
Sharron Matthews, Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services
Lora McCurdy, HFS
Renee Mehlinger, Illinois Department of Human Services-Division of Mental Health
Christina Miksis, Alexian Brothers Center for Mental Health
Mark Mroz, Mado Management
Richard Monoccio, Cook County Housing Authority
Jim Nelson, Illinois Public Health Association
Matt Obert, Chaddock
Heather O'Donnell, Thresholds
Rahnee Patrick, Access Living
Tony Paulauski, Arc of Illinois
Tara Peele, IFF
Marianne Philbin, Pierce Family Foundation
Melissa Picciola, Equip for Equality
Anne Posner, Age Options
Tony Records, Ligas Court Monitor
Diane Redleaf, Family Defense Center
Mike Rein, Transitions of Western Illinois
Sheila Romano, Illinois Planning Council on Developmental Disability
Phyllis Russell, Association of Community Mental Health Authorities in Illinois
Sister Catherine Ryan, Maryville Academy
Barb Schipp, Illinois Department of Human Services
John Schornagel, Illinois Community & Residential Services Authority
Todd Schroll, McHenry County Mental Health Board
Ralph, Schubert, Illinois Public Health Association
Sheryl Seiling, Cook County Housing Authority
Bruce Seitzer, C4
Mary Shahbazian, Allendale Association
Michael Shaver, Children's Home and Aid
Barbara Shaw, Illinois Children's Mental Health Task Force
Glendean Sisk, Illinois Department of Human Services
Evelyn Smith, Maryville Academy
Amber Smock, Access Living
Kenneth Soyemi, Department of Public Health
Amy Starin, University of Illinois at Chicago, Institute for Juvenile Research
Cynthia Tate, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services
Joanne Thomas, Central Illinois AAA
Lora Thomas, National Association of Mental Illness (NAMI)
Laura Thrall, United Way Metropolitan Chicago
Ray Vázquez, YMCA
Shannon Wall, Age Options
Constance Williams, Illinois Department of Human Services-Division of Mental Health
Janet Williams, Rockford ADRC
Suzie Woods, ARC of Illinois
Julie Youngquist, Lawrence Hall Youth Services
Project Team
Brandon Thorne, The Chicago Community Trust
Mavara Agha, Office of the Governor
Robbie Dembo, Office of the Governor
David Lloyd, Voices for Illinois Children
Herra Iqbal, Community Counseling Centers of Chicago
Hanna Hwang, Community Counseling Centers of Chicago