MR #12.27: CountyCare for Cook County Residents

MR #12.27: CountyCare for Cook County Residents


  • Effective 11/01/12, CountyCare is a new medical benefits program authorized under a federal waiver from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services;
  • Three month retroactive coverage (backdate) will be available to applicants; however retroactive coverage cannot begin prior to 11/01/12;
  • Eligibility is limited to Cook County residents between ages 19-64;
  • Persons who qualify for CountyCare are not otherwise eligible for full medical benefits (except for Veterans Care which is maintained in a central office);
  • Medical services are provided by a network that includes Cook County Health and Hospitals System (CCHHS) providers and a designated group of CountyCare network partners;
  • A new Family Community Resource Center (FCRC) is created to process applications and maintain the active cases for persons receiving medical services through CountyCare;
  • CountyCare cases will be authorized through the Automated Intake System (AIS) as category 94;
  • Some references to General Assistance (GA) are removed with this release.  General Assistance ended 07/01/12.  A manual release removing the remaining references to GA is forthcoming; and
  • Some references to FamilyCare Share, Premium and Rebate for parents and caretaker relatives are removed with this release.  FamilyCare for parents caretaker relatives with income greater than 133% of the federal poverty level (FPL) ended 07/01/12. These parents may still qualify for Family Health Spenddown.  A manual release removing the remaining references is forthcoming.