October 16, 2013 Executive Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Executive Committee Members and Staff.  The public is welcome to attend.


October 16, 2013
9:00 am to 11:00 am


  • 401 S Clinton, 7th Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 East Monroe
    Springfield, IL


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. JSO Study Final Review and Approval
  5. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
  6. Committee Updates
  7. New Business
  8. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:12am.
  2. Roll Call
    Lisa Jacobs, Chairman George Timberlake, Julie Biehl, Michael Rodriguez. Quorum declared present with addition of Michael Rodriguez to Executive Committee.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Chairman Timberlake motioned to approve last Communications Committee minutes, and Executive Committee minutes from June and August. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion. All in favor minutes approved.
  4. JSO Study Final Review and Approval
    The focus of this meeting is the JSO Review and Recommendations. The Commission approved all recommendations for the evidence-informed policy and practice. This is the final review of the Executive Committee approval to move forward with these recommendations, no further discussion necessary. Chairman Timberlake moved to approve, Commissioner Jacobs seconded. JSO Recommendations approved.
    The discussion continued with a focus on the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice (IDJJ). The research of the JSO study showed community based and family focused treatment was more successful. Chairman Timberlake explained that DJJ is not equipped to treat sexual offenders in the means necessary, at this time. Due to the deficits that exist in the current system youth should not be sent to DJJ. It appears that DJJ is not able to provide constitutional or minimal services. The youth who are a risk to others must be incarcerated and need specialized treatment and we must not confuse the two. We have a duty to notify judges, attorneys, etc. that youth with sexual issues should not be sent to DJJ. Those youth who need sex offender treatment in a specialized facility should be given the proper services. We need to develop standards for level of risk, etc. The study also showed that the youth with extreme sexual behaviors/issues are a low percentage. DJJ needs to develop an entirely new service model for these youth and to hire and train staff to provide the specialized services. The IJJC recommendation is for these youth to get treatment in the community. "Do no harm." DJJ's lack of services is harm.
  5. Fiscal and Strategic Planning
    Commissioner Jacobs gave the update on the JABG and Title II funding. JABG will continue with existing grants but moving forward we will review future program requests and ensure they meet the specific IJJC goals and policies. Motion to approve current fiscal plan from Planning and Grants committee, no second necessary. All in favor, motion approved.
  6. Committee Updates
    DMC Chairman, Karima Douglas updated the group on DMC data collection efforts. We are gathering the necessary data from across the state. Again, noted we are now in compliance with OJJDP.
    Rob Vickery gave an update on JDAI. He explained the admissions, status offenses, etc. He also explained the process of Reauthorization. It is still pending. There is a meeting planned to discuss JDAI and Cook County with Chris Bernard.
  7. New Business
    None noted.
  8. Adjournment
    Chairman Timberlake motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 10:51am.