February 20, 2013 Executive Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Executive Committee Members and Staff.  The public is welcome to attend.


February 20, 2013, 9:00a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


  • 401 S Clinton, 1st Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Raise the Age Report
  5. Juvenile Sex Offender Study
  6. Annual Report
  7. Commission Members
  8. Discussion of Commission Related Leadership Opportunities for Youth Commissioners
  9. Fiscal Status Update
  10. JABG
    1. Training Update
    2. Application approvals
    3. Transfer Updates
  11. Commission Data Liaison
  12. Committee Updates
    1. DMC Assessment Update/Data Needs
  13. Next Meeting
    April 17, 2013
  14. New Business
  15. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order:
    The meeting was called to order at 9:55am.
  2. Roll Call:
    Chairman George Timberlake, Esther Franco-Payne and Rod Ahitow on the phone. Commissioners Jacobs and Pamela Rodriguez. Quorum present. Guests: Susan Witkin and Erica Hughes by phone. Staff: Heidi Mueller, Rob Vickery, Julianna Nelson-YNC Intern, Karima Douglas and Julie Stremlau.
  3. Approval of Minutes: Commissioner Rodriguez moved to approve the minutes. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes approved.
  4. Raise the Age Report
    Raise the Age Report is being finalized and will be processed for distribution on February 26th.
  5. Juvenile Sex Offender Study
    The JSO report is being finalized for final review and approval.
  6. Annual Report
    The Annual Report is almost complete. Final edits and review to be complete by the end of this month.
  7. Commission Members
    The Commission has two vacancies, at this time. Applications have been submitted to the Governor's office for review.
  8. Discussion of Commission Related Leadership Opportunities for Youth Commissioners
    Commissioner Jacobs stated that the Coalition for Juvenile Justice (CJJ) Conference would be a good place for youth members to learn and grow as Commissioners. There was a discussion of using IJJC funds to assist Commissioners in attending the conference. Rob Vickery will create a proposal for IJJC to review and ensure there is funding available.
  9. Fiscal Status Update
    Currently working to expend grant dollars for those grant years closing out and continuing to allot funding where necessary and in the true intent of the Commission's plan for systems improvement.
  10. JABG
    Application is almost ready for submission. Approval from IJJC to submit following final Executive Committee review and approval. Executive Director, Heidi Mueller explained that the application is based on the 3 year plan and with updated new information/priorities. It is currently going thru clearance process with DHS. The deadline for comments to the proposal is Monday, February 25th. Commissioner Jacobs motioned to approve submission of JABG application with edits. Commissioner Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor, motion approved.
    1. Training Update JABG Training took place on January 15th and 16th with Nancy Gannon Hornberger, the Executive Director of the Coalition for Juvenile Justice.
    2. Application approvals Approval needed to submit by February 28, 2013, see above.
    3. Transfer Updates Heidi Mueller explained the need to make multiple requests for transfer of current JABG funding to the Commission and the Department of Human Services.
  11. Commission Data Liaison
    No updates noted.
  12. Committee Updates
    1. DMC Assessment Update/Data Needs:
      Commissioner Rodriguez announced the DMC Assessment is finally complete. She talked about the data collection, the absent data, data collection issues, etc. She explained that the recommendations are fine; they just need to be consolidated. As we collapse the priorities, we determine what our job is and what we can pass to others as appropriate. Commissioner Rodriguez recommended that Heidi and Rob will review and determine the most IJJC focused recommendations. The DMC committee meets the 25th of this month and will further discuss. The final report will be given to the full Commission for approval in March before submission to the Feds. Commissioner Rodriguez wants to plan to roll this assessment out as the IJJC has released previous reports. An executive summary is needed. Heidi commented that the Commission needs to talk about how we will collect this data going forward. This type of data collection needs to be standard so we do not have to go through this process again. Susan Witkin will do a further review of the report to ensure its quality. Commissioner Jacobs added that Models for Change could add value to this report. We know data issues exist but what is the liability. Due to the timeliness of this research there is a lot to be learned from this. Who has ownership with what we have learned and found with disproportionality when we are really up against the wall with all the discussion about violence in Illinois. The Leadership Council can really help with this. Chairman Timberlake noted that we need feedback on these recommendations prior to the March 20th meeting. If any changes necessary, Erica will add them to the report. Commissioner Rodriguez further explained that only transfer data is mandated in courts.
      There is no clear method for this. The Illinois State Police by law have to do arrest data, but are not required to do demographics. She further stated there continues to be issues with RRI data. In areas with the least evidence of disproportionality we need to look at the tools used. A standardized tool is used but locals have the power to change this tool. We need to know the impact of that tool. Commissioner Rodriguez would like this added to the report.
      Erica talked about how vague as a state our data collection systems are and that discrepancies exist. Commissioner Jacobs added that in terms of implementation we need to develop standardized definitions. We need a common understanding of terms and what they mean. She suggested we use the terminology that OJJDP uses like decision points. It would be a relatively simple process to reveal what these terms mean.
      The Juvenile Officer's Association has asked for $10,000 from the Commission, a formal letter was submitted to the Chairman and Executive Director. The group discussed the request and determined the IJJC should have input into the agenda and to stipulate conditions if they supply the requested funds. Commissioner Rodriguez asked that the IJJC stipulate that DMC be a prominent subject for the conference. The group requested a budget from the Officer's Association and then further review. We are supportive of the partnership but it is important we have a dialogue with the association. There is a need to establish policy and practice for the IJJC to address these types of requests. It was also mentioned that due to the resignation of Commissioner Straza, we need law enforcement representation on the Commission. Recommendations will be made.
  13. Next Meeting
    April 17, 2013
  14. New Business:
    Commissioner Jacobs notified the group of an upcoming conference Michael Chavers of Indian Oaks Academy is hosting on crossover and dually involved youth. Rob Vickery participates on the Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) Child Welfare Advisory Committee (CWAC) work group, which will also support this conference. Commissioner Rodriguez commented that the Commission has a lot of issues and priorities at this time and we need to be careful where we extend our funds. Commissioner Jacobs noted that this is an opportunity with DCFS that could result in other things for juvenile justice youth. It is important and this conference is great opportunity. Commissioner Jacobs announced that this funding request did not come from DCFS. It was further recommended that the IJJC needs a process going forward on training and budgetary issues, setting standards on how we address such requests for funding.
  15. Adjournment
    Commissioner Rodriguez moved to adjourn. Commissioner Jacobs seconded the motion, meeting was adjourned at 11:08am.