March 7, 2013 JDAI Committe Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission JDAI Committee Members and Staff.  The public is welcome to attend.


March 7, 2013, 9:30a.m. to 11:00a.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL 


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Chair's Comments
    1. Illinois Juvenile Justice Leadership Council Priorities
  5. Compliance Report
  6. Coordinator's report
  7. Old Business
    1. IJJC Transportation Grant
      1. Franklin County Follow-up
    2. JDAI Conferences
      1. Planning for 2nd Conference
    3. Risk Assessment Instrument
  8. New Business
    1. JABG FY' 14 Funding
    2. Adolescent Domestic Battery Program Updates and Opportunities
  9. Adjourn


  1. Call to Order
    The meeting was called to order at 9:35am.
  2. Roll Call
    Chairman Rick Velasquez, Barb Shipp. George Hill and Rodney Ahitow by phone. Guests: Leah Menzer, Intern; Peg Robertson, AOIC; Kanako Ishida, Juvenile Justice Initiative. Staff: Jeff Bradley, Julie Stremlau, Rob Vickery and Heidi Mueller.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Hill motioned to approve the January 3rd minutes. Barb Shipp seconded the motion. All in favor, minutes approved.
  4. Chair's Comments
    1. Illinois Juvenile Justice Leadership Council Priorities
      Chairman Velasquez explained that the Council has been meeting for about a year. The priorities are of interest to the IJJC and the JDAI Committee. There are four basic areas of interest: Data, Mental Health and Substance Abuse, Family Engagement and Diversion-Detention Alternatives and Statewide Strategies. This group brings together the courts and interested parties in the juvenile justice field. Partners may include but not limited to: State's Attorney, Sheriff, Probation Officer, county board, schools, social services, public health and safety, and state agencies.
  5. Compliance Report
    Chairman Velasquez would like the Compliance Report to have more information. We understand that violations occur and in what area. We need to know more about why they occur and how to address them so they do not continue. He believes we need to know the cost of monitoring these areas and is it valuable data and should we continue. How can we refocus this money in areas to improve the end result. Jeff Bradley added that many of these areas have shelter care facilities for emergency kids and these kids can end up detained. Facilities then claim they are spending money and assisting kids from counties they should not be responsible for, etc. It becomes a pipeline for violations.
    Rob Vickery and Leah Menzer gave an overview of the federal and state statutes governing conditions of compliance. Chairman Velasquez believes the system should change. We need to raise the issues on a state level and determine DOC's role in the compliance monitoring process. There has been considerable cost to the Commission for this monitoring. Further review of this topic will continue.
  6. Coordinator's report
    Jeff Bradley presented his report. He talked about Raise the Age and it seems they are proposing a law that is already a law. Senate Bills 1844 and 2232 state that a person 17 years of age or older who has a petition of delinquency filed against them may be confined to an adult detention facility. Jeff believes the argument to oppose these bills is simply PREA (Prison Rape Elimination Act). Response to these bills is ongoing.
  7. Old Business
    1. IJJC Transportation Grant
      1. Franklin County Follow-up
        Franklin County was notified of their contract increase. Jeff Bradley explained their first Juvenile Justice Council meeting is next week and he will be in attendance. Barb Shipp asked if the other transportation sites have any issue with the change to Franklin's contract. Chairman Velasquez explained that Franklin noted their opposition to the funding elimination. The involved partners worked with the Commission to come to a reasonable alternative.
    2. JDAI Conferences
      1. Planning for 2nd Conference
        Jeff explained that the conference is moving along. Conference date is May 23rd, at the Champaign Public Library. The conference is café style, not lecture. Sites involved are: 2nd and 4th Circuit, St. Clair County, Peoria County, 18th Circuit, LaSalle County, Lake County and the 15th Circuit. May add Winnebago and Champaign. The sites will attend the conference with their data to work and drive policy as their data implies. Bart Lubow will be the Keynote speaker. The sites will come with data in hand to use the data to drive policy and practice.
    3. Risk Assessment Instrument Risk Assessment
      Rob Vickery and Chairman Velasquez met with Margie Groot of AOIC on several subjects. The VERA institute worked with New York City to develop their detention risk assessment instrument (RAI). NYC now has a statewide strategy in place. It was discussed to have the VERA Institute come to Illinois and meet with the Commission and AOIC. The JDAI Committee proposes for this topic to be reviewed by the Planning and Grants Committee. Chairman Velasquez motioned and Barb Shipp seconded. All in favor, motion approved.
  8. New Business
    1. JABG FY' 14 Funding-Application submitted, no other updates.
    2. Adolescent Domestic Battery (DB) Program Updates and Opportunities
      Heidi Mueller gave the DB update. They are working on developing a tool. Models for Change sites have been working on strategies and are moving forward. Discussion ensued about whether DB falls under the jurisdiction of the JDAI Committee of if this is more a Communication Strategy. They are working on a proposal.
  9. Adjourn
    Commissioner Hill motioned to adjourn. Chairman Velasquez seconded the motion. All in favor, meeting adjourned at 11:01am.