May 15, 2013 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 15, 2013, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor
    Chicago, IL


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Status of Funds
    1. Application Updates
    2. JABG Transfer Update
    3. DJJ Funding Update
    4. Funding Awards/Priority Areas
  5. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
    1. Communications
    2. DMC
      1. Assessment Update
    3. JDAI
      1. Conference Update
      2. DOC/Compliance Update
      3. VERA Institute Risk Assessment Instrument
      4. Transportation Grants Update
    4. Planning and Grants
      1. IJJC Core Values, Principles, Decision Points and Planning
  6. Program and Project Report Updates
  7. IJJC Membership
    1. Youth Engagement
    2. CJJ Conference Update
    3. IJJC Website
  8. Legislation
  9. Other Updates
  10. New Business
  11. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 9:11am.
  2. Roll Call
    Chairman George Timberlake, Vice Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Rodney Ahitow, Julie Biehl, Shelley Davis, George Hill, Arnetra Jackson, Patrick Nelson, Esther Franco-Payne, Edward Rangel, Pamela Rodriguez, Michael Rodriguez, Ethan Viets-VanLear. Quorum present. Staff: Jeff Bradley (P), Heidi Mueller, Julie Stremlau, Rob Vickery, Karima Douglas, Ron Smith, Dick Walsh. Guests: Donna Taylor, Erica Hughes and Miguel Rodriguez.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Jacobs moved to approve March 20, 2013 minutes with the clarification of the JCEC description in JABG Transfer Update section. Commissioner Ahitow seconded the motion. Minutes approved as edited.
  4. Status of Funds
    1. Application Updates
      Executive Director, Heidi Mueller reported that the Title II and JABG grants have been submitted as requested and in a timely manner. We await notification to submit the remaining JABG grant applications as guided by OJJDP. Heidi presented the Commission with a JABG Program Plan/Application template. Commissioner Ahitow moved to approve, seconded by Commissioner Pam Rodriguez. Approved as edited. Motion passed.
    2. JABG Transfer Update
      Continue to work to transfer JABG funding to IJJC/DHS from ICJIA. Ongoing process. Requests for applications sent.
    3. DJJ Funding Update
      DJJ will give an update to the Commission at the next full meeting. The IJJC requests a report on their Aftercare work and screening assessment progress.
    4. Funding Awards/Priority Areas
      Commissioner Jacobs explained the Planning and Grants Committee work thus far on narrowing down priority areas/goals and allocating funding. Upon finalization of this list there will be committee assignments and next steps. The group went through each category. No second motion necessary as these are committee recommendations. These are approved as edited:
      1. Prevention of JJ Involvement, Arrest, and Detention: Commissioner Jacobs moved, approved.
      2. Detention: Commissioner Franco-Payne motioned, approved.
      3. System Intake/Referral for Prosecution-Petition: Commissioner Jacobs moved, approved.
      4. Transfer to Adult Court: Chairman Timberlake moved, approved.   
      5. Trial: Commissioner Pam Rodriguez moved, approved.
      6. Adjudication & Sentencing: Commissioner Jacobs moved, approved.
      7. Probation/Community Based Supervision Services: Commissioner Jacobs moved, approved.
      8. IDJJ Commitment, IDJJ Release/Parole, Parole Revocation, Parole Discharge, Aftercare Supervision and Services. Commissioner Ahitow moved, approved.
      9. Collateral Consequences: Commissioner Rodriguez moved, approved.
        • JABG Strategies and Purpose Areas The group discussed the JABG purpose areas, funding strategies and ranking. All comments, edits, etc. due to Heidi Mueller prior to June 19th Executive meeting. Commissioner Hill moved, Commissioner Ahitow seconded the motion to allow the Executive Committee final vote on the 2013-2014 Strategies as edited. All in favor, motion passed.
  5. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
    1. Communications
      Commissioner Franco-Payne reported the Annual Report is complete. Currently working on getting the report released and distributed as required.
    2. DMC
      1. Assessment Update
        Karima Douglas explained the DMC Assessment is in the process of being edited for release to the public as the length of the original document is too cumbersome for distribution. No word from the Feds as to IL DMC Compliance Appeal.
    3. JDAI
      1. Conference Update
        Jeff Bradley gave the JDAI conference update. It will be May 23rd in Champaign, IL. Bart Lubow from Casey will be a keynote speaker. There is collaboration taking place with the juvenile detention standards and rewriting the jail standards with DOC and DJJ and the IJJC will remain actively involved in this process.
      2. DOC/Compliance Update
        Continue to wait for Compliance Standards update and JCAR approval.
      3. VERA Institute Risk Assessment Instrument
        No update, under consideration.
      4. Transportation Grants Update
        Franklin County was approved for continued funding for Transportation program. Suggestion to change name as there will be only one grant after this year.
    4. Planning and Grants
      1. IJJC Core Values, Principles, Decision Points and Planning: Please see information discussed previously.
  6. Program and Project Report Updates
    Commissioner Jacobs explained the JSO report is almost complete.
  7. IJJC Membership
    1. Youth Engagement
      There will be a Youth Summit on August 3, 2013. The group continues to meet as scheduled.
    2. CJJ Conference Update
      The IJJC Youth Members presented at the CJJ Conference in Washington, D.C. Commissioners Viets-VanLear, Jackson and Miguel Rodriguez gave the members of the Commission the presentation at today's meeting.
    3. IJJC Website
      Donna Taylor asked for feedback on the site, it continues to run smoothly. There was a brief discussion about content of information shared and responses posted. Will continue to ensure integrity of the site as required by Department policy.
  8. Legislation
  9. Other Updates
  10. New Business
    Heidi Mueller presented a request for funding from a DJJ team for $12,000 to attend Georgetown University's Center for Juvenile Justice Reform Youth in Custody Certificate Program. After a long discussion, the Commission did not recommend supporting. Request denied.
  11. Adjournment
    Commissioner Ahitow motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Pam Rodriguez seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 2:39pm.