March 20, 2013 Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


March 20, 2013, 9:00a.m. to 3:00p.m.


  • 401 S Clinton
    1st Floor
    Chicago, IL


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes
  4. Status of Funds
    1. Title II Application Submission and Update
    2. JABG Transfer Update and Timeline Approval
    3. Approval of ICOY/YNC Funding Change
    4. DJJ Funding Update
    5. Process for Awarding Funds
    6. Juvenile Officer's Association Funding Request
  5. Program and Project Report Updates
    1. JSO Report Timeline
    2. DMC Assessment Approval and Submission
    3. Annual Report
    4. Parole Study Update
      1. Community Briefings
    5. Reentry Update
    6. Domestic Battery Program
  6. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
    1. Communications
      1. DJJ Vocational Education
    2. JDAI
      1. Conference Update
      2. DOC/Compliance
      3. VERA Institute Risk Assessment Instrument
      4. Transportation Grants Update
    3. Planning and Grants
      1. Michael Chavers of Indian Oaks Academy Conference Update
  7. IJJC Membership
    1. Youth Engagement
    2. CJJ Conference Youth Proposal
    3. IJJC Website
  8. Legislation
  9. Other Updates
  10. New Business
  11. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 9:20am, quorum established at 9:50am.
  2. Roll Call
    Commissioners: Chairman George Timberlake, Rodney Ahitow and Ben Roe by phone. Vice Chairman Lisa Jacobs, Julie Biehl, Shelley Davis, Veronica Dixon, Arnetra Jackson, Patrick Nelson, Esther Franco-Payne, Pamela Rodriguez, Michael Rodriguez, Ethan Viets-VanLear and Dana Weiner. Staff: Heidi Mueller, Julie Stremlau, Rob Vickery, Karima Douglas. Jeff Bradley by phone. Guests: Erica Hughes and Ashley Cross.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Commissioner Michael Rodriguez moved to approve minutes. Commissioner Rodney Ahitow seconded the motion. Minutes approved.
  4. Status of Funds
    1. Title II Application Submission and Update
      The Title II application is due April 1st. We currently do not have an answer to our DMC appeal so our money is 20% less in this application. This is the budget we anticipate and Commissioner Jacobs explained this is the 3rd year of our Three Year Plan. This is an update so the application is brief and the budget adjusted. These 2013 funds will not be spent for 3 years as the older money will be spent first, the 2010, 2011 and 2012 Title II funds and the JABG funds. Heidi explained we need the Commission's approval for this application. Commissioner Rodriguez motioned to approve and Commissioner Franco-Payne seconded. All in favor, motion passed, application approved.
    2. JABG Transfer Update and Timeline Approval
      Heidi explained the JABG workplan/timeline document. Like the JJDP Act funds, JABG funds require a state JABG advisory group, called the Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition (JCEC) to administer the JABG funds. When the transfer occurs, the Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission (IJJC) will take over the role of the JCEC. The JCEC that is currently in operation through ICJIA will dissolve as of July 1. Beginning in July, the IJJC/JCEC will start approving applications for 2010 and 2011 Formula Grants. The status of the 2009 funds has changed and will remain at ICJIA until the funds expire in December 2013. It was determined that the Planning and Grants Committee will do the preliminary JABG strategic planning.
    3. Approval of ICOY/YNC Funding Change
      After a brief discussion, Commissioner Michael Rodriguez moved to approve increasing ICOY funding by $20,500. Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor. Motion passed.
    4. DJJ Funding Update
      Ashley Cross explained they continue to move forward. Quarterly discussions are planned. DJJ will present about policy, practice, etc. as requested for the full Commission. Commissioner Ahitow asked about aftercare.
    5. Process for Awarding Funds
      Heidi Mueller and Rob Vickery created a form for Request for Funding. This is to be used for all funding requests. It is short form for IJJC to use for review and a formal process to review the requests. This is to be used until we have a clear policy procedure for approval or disapproval of funding. Commissioner Nelson thinks it is a good idea and to set an amount or cap. We can pilot this and see how it works. Commissioner Weiner motioned for a $25,000 cap. Commissioner Michael Rodriguez moved to use this form with $25,000 cap and to further stipulate that the $25,000 cannot exceed 5% of the Commissions full budget. Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed.
    6. Juvenile Officer's Association Funding Request
      Heidi explained her work with the Association to add agenda items and sessions the IJJC would recommend. The IJJC has two breakout sessions and a lunch session. There was a group discussion about the proposal. Chairman Timberlake motioned to approve up to $10,000 for the training. Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez seconded the motion. Commissioner Biehl and Nelson abstained. Commissioner Viets-VanLear voted no. Motion passed.
  5. Program and Project Report Updates
    1. JSO Report
      Timeline Commissioner Jacobs explained there will be a completed draft by the end of April and a June 1st release date.
    2. DMC Assessment
      Approval and Submission Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez reported that the report was sent to the members and we need full Commission approval to submit. Commissioner Pamela Rodriguez motioned to approve, Committee motion, no second needed. All in favor, motion passed. She explained that dissemination of this report will come later. She recommended contacting Senator
      Durbin to help with our appeal to OJJDP concerning our finding of non-compliance in core requirement of DMC.
    3. Annual Report
      DJJ will do a final review of report before submission.
    4. Parole Study Update
      1. Community Briefings There have been many briefings and they have been well attended.
    5. Raise the Age
      Commissioner Biehl and Commissioner Jacobs reported on the RtA Study release. The report and a fact sheet were sent to every legislator. It received a lot of coverage.
    6. Reentry Update
      The reduction of time on parole has not moved forward this session. We will check data and systems to determine if we are still on right track as this study was released over a year ago. The original application focused on Reentry, now we are trying to add more IJJC direction and goals.
    7. Domestic Battery Program
      Commissioner Jacobs gave the DB update. She explained we are working the pilot sites and then seeking national validation. We plan to work with McArthur on this. Proposal to come in May to the JDAI Committee first.
  6. Committee Updates/Motions for Consideration
    1. Communications
      1. DJJ Vocational Education Commissioner Franco-Payne met with DJJ about education, feedback and online classes, etc. The data template will be reviewed by Commissioner Weiner.
    2. JDAI
      1. Conference Update Conference is May 23rd.
      2. DOC/Compliance
      3. VERA Institute Risk Assessment Instrument
      4. Transportation Grants Update
    3. Planning and Grants
      Following the Planning and Grants session over focus, comments are expected by the end of the week. Will circulate these prior to the meeting in May for feedback. All Commissioners are invited to the Planning and Grants meeting in April.
      1. Michael Chavers of Indian Oaks Academy Conference Update Commissioner Jacobs explained there is a LEADS conference with ICOY and DCFS coming up. They had an Illinois Youth Conference in January with analysis and debate with stakeholders all over the state. This is a six month meeting following that conference. It is at Kankakee Community College on June 20th, 2013. This is a Planning and Grants Committee motion to allocate up to $5000 in funds to LEADS conference. All in favor. Motion approved. Please notify Vice Chairman Jacobs if you are interested in attending and/or presenting.
  7. IJJC Membership
    1. Youth Engagement
      Commissioner Viets-VanLear reported on the Youth Advisory Group. Commissioner Jackson talked about the afterschool program she works with and about the school curriculum. They discussed their last meeting and how well it went.
    2. CJJ Conference Youth Proposal
      It was suggested that some of the youth Commissioners attend the next CJJ conference to learn more about their role on the Commission. The IL Youth Members submitted a proposal to CJJ to present and were accepted out of a large pool of applicants. This will be the first youth presentation from Illinois at a National Conference. The Commission is very proud. It was noted that the Models for change website would be a good way to get word out. Commissioner Davis added that the group could also present at the citywide conference this fall. Rob Vickery requested a motion to approve up to $6000 to assist the group in facilitating the CJJ Conference in Washington, D.C.; May 1st-4th. Commissioner Biehl motioned, Commissioner Jacobs seconded. All in favor, motion passed. Commissioners Viets-VanLear, Jackson and Dixon abstained.
    3. IJJC Website
      The IJJC website is live and going great. Address is
  8. Legislation
    ICOY sends IJJC legislative updates. Jeff Bradley updated the group on current legislation. He will provide Commissioner Biehl with necessary information concerning Reentry.
  9. Other Updates
    None noted.
  10. New Business
    None Noted.
  11. Adjournment
    Commissioner Jacobs moved to adjourn, Commissioner Biehl seconded. Meeting was adjourned at 12:35pm.