May 17, 2013 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


May 17, 2013, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

Chicago: 401 Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.

Springfield: Harris Building, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of Minutes (April 19)
  4. Implementation Plan Revision Response Decisions
    1. Fourth Circuit
    2. Madison County IPR Follow-Up
  5. Redeploy Program Data
  6. FY13 Funding: YNC Funds Workgroup Report/Status
  7. Planning Grant Updates
    1. Vermilion County Final Report - Submitted
    2. Winnebago County Final Report - Submitted
    3. Union County (First Circuit) - Status Update
    4. Cook County - Status Update
  8. FY14 Budget Update
  9. FY14 Funding Discussion
    1. Maintenance of Current Sites
    2. Redeploy Focused
    3. Site Expansion (RFP)
      1. RFP Workgroup
    4. Program Support (Technical Assistance and Training)
    5. Program Administration
  10. Illinois State University: Recidivism and Cost Benefit Analysis Study - Dr.
    Kethenini: Status of Requested Revisions
  11. 2012 Annual Report Update
  12. Next Meeting: June 21, 2013
  13. Adjourn 


  1. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 1:08pm.
  2. Roll Call: Chair: Grace Hong-Duffin (representing Secretary), Erica Hughes (representing Jack Cutrone), Betsy Clarke, Patricia Griffith, Jim McCarter, Peter Parry, Janet Ahern, George Timberlake, Esther Franco-Payne (representing Paula Wolff) and Athena Farmakis (representing Margaret Wood). Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, Danielle Donovan, Jim Sherwood, John Payne, Rob Vickery, Nels Nelson, Vince Collins, Kristin Knox (DHS Intern), and Shiyang Zhou (DHS Intern). MaryAnn Dyer participated by phone (Quorum was met).
  3. Approval of Minutes: The RIOB discussed the meeting minutes from April 2013.  George Timberlake put forth the motion to approve the April 2013 meeting minutes; Peter Parry seconded.
    Decision: The Board voted to approve the April 2013 minutes as amended.
  4. Implementation Plan Revision (IPR) Response: John Payne gave a summary of the two site assessments and what is expected from the IPR for each.
    1. Fourth Circuit: John Payne asked to table this IPR in order to allow sufficient time for review. John has not had a chance to review this IPR prior to the meeting and requests the aid of Board Member George Timberlake to discuss possible discrepancies in the IPR. This IPR has been tabled.
    2. Madison County: From Last Meeting: Members felt that this site did not fully respond to the first recommendation. However, this site did submit a follow-up explanation and response. John Payne gave a summary of this submission. His recommendation was to approve the full IPR with the additional information provided by the site.
      Motion: Jim McCarter put forth the motion to approve the IPR Response in full from Madison County; Pam Rodriguez seconded. Patricia Griffith abstained.
      Decision: The Board voted to approve the Madison County IPR Response in full.
  5. Redeploy Program Data: Karrie Rueter addressed planned data collection changes that will take place in the near future. Specifically, the need to incorporate the usage of eCornerstone for Redeploy. Issues with the Illinois State University - Recidivism and Cost Benefit Analysis Study and Macon County data collection issues really brought this to light. Coupled with the significant success of our program, the state and national recognition, not to mention the Budgeting for Results process, moving to this web-based system will allow us to better demonstrate our results and to effectively monitor and track the work of the sites. Once implementation begins, sites would no longer have to complete monthly report and it would significantly reduce the size of the annual report. The data analysis potential and reliability will significantly increase.
  6. FY13 Funding - YNC Funds Workgroup Report/Status: Rob Vickery gave an update: of the additional $41,060 of Redeploy funds that the RIOB added to the YNC contract at the last meeting. The approximate $66,000 in current unobligated YNC Redeploy funds will expire June 30, 2013. The Ad Hoc group formed at the last meeting met and discussed ways in which this money could be appropriately expended. Correctional Program Checklist (CPC) Training ($15,000), Redeploy Illinois Website Enhancement ($1500), Technical Assistance and Training for the Second Circuit on Trauma Screening ($5000) and SPARCS Training ($30,000) were all items the Ad Hoc group had discussed. After much discussion with the full RIOB, Rob agreed to reach out to providers about the possibility of funding summer employment programs with this money as well. Rob will meet again with the Ad Hoc group and report back at the next meeting.
  7. Planning Grant Updates: John Payne gave an update on the status of the current Planning Grant recipients: Vermilion and Winnebago Counties have already submitted the final reports. Union County has 6 of 9 Counties participating - Jackson, Johnson, Massac, Pope, Saline and Union (Alexander, Pulaski and Williamson are not). They have completed site visits with the 2nd and 4th Circuits and are set to visit St. Clair County on May 24th. Christian Social Services is currently reviewing files in each County and will draft a report. In Cook County, the grant has been accepted by the County Board and they are in the process of working through the contracts with Loyola University. Loyola is in receipt of the contracts and has requested a few changes to be made to the contract. Cook County staff are waiting for this information to be changed and for the final contract to be signed.
  8. FY14 Budget Update: Grace Hong-Duffin gave the board an update on the progress of obtaining a formal budget for Redeploy. As of now, Secretary Saddler is still having regular meetings to finalize the budget.
  9. FY14 Funding Decision: Karrie Rueter addressed the funding possibilities. Maintenance of current sites, the release of an RFP (funding contingent upon appropriation increase), Program Support and Program Administration were discussed. The board supported the plan to maintain current levels of funding and the release of an RFP with funding contingent upon the final budget. Karrie also asked for direction on losing the two current program staff members. The RIOB recognized the need for staff to manage this program. Karrie and Grace will discuss possibilities and report back for the June meeting.
    Motion: Pam Rodriguez put forth the motion to maintain current levels of funding; Patricia Griffith seconded and Jim McCarter opposed.
    Decision: The Board approved the motion to maintain current level funding.
  10. Illinois State University - Recidivism and Cost Benefit Analysis Study: Dr. Kethenini was asked to provide additional information. As of today, staff members have received only two of the three additional pieces of information. Therefore further discussion regarding the release of this report will again be tabled. Staff members will begin to develop a summary of this study and will work with ICJIA and Chip to prepare a draft for the next RIOB meeting. We will also attempt to take a proactive stance and develop a set of limitations of this study etc. based on the previous suggestions at the last meeting.
  11. 2012 Annual Report Update: The annual report is in the early stages of development.
  12. Next Meeting: June 21, 2013 from 1:00 - 3:00 pm
  13. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 2:55 pm by Pam Rodriguez; seconded by George Timberlake.