April 19, 2013 Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board


Redeploy Illinois Oversight Board Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


April 19, 2013, 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.


This meeting will be conducted via video conference with Chicago & Springfield Locations as follows:

  • Chicago: 401 S Clinton Building, 7th Floor Executive video conference room.
  • Springfield: 100 South Grand Ave. East, 3rd Floor Executive video conference room.


  1. Approval of Minutes
  2. Implementation Plan Revision Response Decisions
    1. Madison County IPR Response
    2. Macon County IPR Response Update
    3. St. Clair County IPR Response Update
  3. Illinois State University: Recidivism and Cost Benefit Analysis Study-Dr. Kethenini
    1. Review of Report/Discussion
    2. Consider Decision to Release to Public
  4. FY13 Funding
    1. Current Unobligated Funds
    2. Funding Decisions
  5. FY14 Budget Update
  6. FY14 Funding Discussion
    1. Maintenance of Current Sites
    2. Redeploy Focused
    3. Site Expansion (RFP)
      1. RFP Workgroup
    4. Program Support (Technical Assistance and Training)
    5. Program Administration
  7. 2012 Annual Report Update
  8. Next Meeting Date
    May 17, 2013
  9. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 1:15pm.
  2. Roll Call: Chair: Grace Hong-Duffin (representing Secretary), Vice Chair Anne Studzinski, Mark Myrent (representing Jack Cutrone), Margie Groot, Patricia Griffith, Jim McCarter, Peter Parry, Janet Ahern, George Timberlake, Paula Wolff and Athena Farmakis (representing Margaret Wood). Staff and Guests: Karrie Rueter, Danielle Donovan, Jim Sherwood, John Payne, Rob Vickery, Donna Taylor, Nels Nelson and Esther Franco Payne. Erica Hughes participated by phone (Quorum was met).
  3. Approval of Minutes: The RIOB discussed the meeting minutes from March 15, 2013. Paula Wolff asked that the minutes reflect that she had to leave early; Margie Groot asked that the minutes reflected that she was present.
    1. Motion: Anne Studzinski put forth the motion to approve the February 2013 meeting minutes with corrections; Mark Myrent seconded.
    2. Decision: The Board voted to approve the March 2013 minutes as amended.
  4. Implementation Plan Revision (IPR) Response: John Payne gave a summary of the four site assessments and what is expected from the IPR for each.
    1. Madison County: Members felt that this site did not fully respond to the first recommendation.
      1. Motion: Paula Wolff put forth the motion to approve the IPR Response from Madison County with the condition that they provide staff with a satisfactory response to the first recommendation. George Timberlake seconded. Margie Groot and Patricia Griffith abstained.
      2. Decision: The Board voted to approve the Madison County IPR Response.
    2. Macon County: This IPR (except for the first response) was approved at the March 2013 meeting. The first response did not pass because board members were concerned with the data collection issue present in their site evaluation. They were specifically concerned with the need for a protocol to establish the habit of proper data collection and maintaining consistency. Members agreed that for Macon County, very detailed technical assistance could solve most of the data collection issues. Chip Coldren, Erica Hughes, John Payne, Karrie Rueter and program staff have held meetings with Macon County regarding technical assistance needs they have. Macon County has proposed changes to the first recommendation and requested reconsideration from the Board.
      1. Motion: George Timberlake put forth the motion to approve the IPR Response from Macon County with the condition that they continue to work with staff on this issue and that staff provide the board with regular updates. Paula Wolff seconded. Margie Groot abstained.
      2. Decision: The Board voted to approve the Macon County IPR Response.
    3. St. Clair County: This IPR was presented at the March 2013 meeting. It did not pass because board members had concerns about why this site chose to stop using MST and what would be replacing it. Members specified that they wished to have more information on credentials of replacement services and if those services would be culturally competent. Members were concerned with why MST failed at this site. Members expressed the need for more information before they could approve this IPR Response. The site explained that they did not have enough cases where there was a stable guardian willing to participate. For that reason, as well as the cost of the program, the site chose to use a different therapy. Board member Patricia Griffith, Executive Director of One Hope United and the provider of MST for the site, explained that the site canceled their contract at the end of FY12 and made no attempt to contact her about why. She also wished to note that the other two circuit-wide sites that use MST have not had any issues with the program.
      1. Motion: Anne Studzinski put forth the motion to approve the IPR Response from St. Clair County. Mark Myrent seconded. Patricia Griffith and Margie Groot abstained.
      2. Decision: The Board voted to approve the St. Clair County IPR Response.
  5. Illinois State University: Recidivism and Cost Benefit Analysis Study - Dr. Kethenini: Dr. Sesha Kethenini has been working on the Recidivism and Cost/Benefit Analysis of the Redeploy Illinois Program. She submitted a draft of the final report in August, 2012. There were some concerns raised by staff regarding content, data collection, the accurateness of the data presented and the overall read of the document. Karrie asked Chip Coldren to review. We then asked ICJIA to review. A day-long meeting was held with staff, Chip Coldren, ICJIA staff and Dr. Kethenini to go over content and accurateness. Dr. Kethenini has made revisions per our recommendations and this is the final draft. Board members discussed the report and decided that they were not comfortable releasing this to the public without the follow-up currently being requested of Dr. Kethenini.
    1. Motion: Anne Studzinski put forth the motion to table any action on this topic until next month's meeting (May 17, 2013). Janet Ahern suggested that the board take a proactive stance and develop a set of limitations of this study, define recidivism for the purpose of this study and that we take a vote on using conviction vs. arrest rates for statistical information. After considerable discussion, Anne Studzinski withdrew her motion.
    2. Decision: This topic has been tabled until further notice.
  6. FY13 Funding: Collectively, there is approximately $75,000 remaining. Approximately $50,000 of this is currently unobligated General Revenue funds at DHS and approximately $25,000 of the unobligated funding is at YNC. These funds will expire June 30, 2013. The board discussed ways in which this money could be expended.
    1. Motion: Anne Studzinski put forth the motion to reallocate the remaining DHS funds to Youth Network Council (YNC) and reallocate the remaining Focus Funding, develop and ad hoc group to guide YNC on how to utilize those funds in support of the Redeploy Program and to have the first ad hoc meeting the first week of May 2013. George Timberlake seconded. Margie Groot abstained.
    2. Decision: The Board voted to reallocate the remaining funds to Youth Network Council.
  7. Ad Hoc Group: George Timberlake, Paula Wolff, Janet Ahern and Peter Parry.
  8. FY14 Funding Priorities: Karrie Rueter gave an update on the FY14 RFP that DHS staff members are currently working on. All other items have been tabled until the May 2013 meeting.
  9. 2012 Annual Report: Tabled until the May 2013 meeting.
  10. Next Meeting: May 17, 2013 from 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm.
  11. Adjourn: Motion to adjourn at 3:07 pm by George Timberlake; seconded by Patricia Griffith.