Link Two or More Cases

Use this wizard to link two or more cases together. Linking cases connects the cases and allows you to easily switch between the contexts to view different case information. Linking cases does not impact eligibility and does not override information from one case to another.

Process Steps:

  1. Scroll to the Case Search section of the page.
  2. From the Caseload drop-down menu select your organization's caseload ID to view all the cases in your organization and find the cases you want to link. You can also use other fields on the Case Search page to find the cases you want to link.
  3. Click [Search] to begin the case search. You can also click [Reset] to cancel the search and reset all fields on the page.
  4. Results of the case search display in the Search Results section of the page. Review the results to determine if the desired cases display.
  5. Select the checkbox next to the cases you wish to link together. Once two cases are selected, the [Link] button becomes active. Click the [Link] button in order to link the cases.
  6. Select the Case # link to display case information in the purple header located at the top of the page. This means you are in the "context" of that case, and you can view/update case information using the Left Navigation menu.
  7. When you link cases, a drop-down list of the cases displays in the purple header. You can then use the drop-down list to toggle between the two linked cases.

Results of the Procedure:

The selected cases are linked together.

Frequently Asked Questions

When should I link cases?

A good example of when cases can be linked is if a client reapplies when they have a denied or cancelled case in existence. Their old case could be linked to their new one.

Another option would be if one child is RPY and on a different case, and there are other children from the same household on a separate case.

Can I unlink cases?

You cannot unlink cases once they are linked. If cases are linked accidentally contact the CCMS Help Desk.

Can I link a CCMS case and a CDB case?

Absolutely, a CCMS and CDB case can be linked together. In order to view RSP documents for a CDB case, you must first link it with the corresponding CCMS case.