Finding Case Information in CCMS

This Job Aid is to assist you in locating case information within CCMS. Below in the Case Information column is a list of items you may search for in CCMS. Please make notes on how to navigate and where to look for the information that will be needed in your daily role. There are extra rows at the end of the document for any additional notes you would like to make.

Note: CCMS Mapping uses the following standard: Tab; Page; Field

Case Information How do I find this Information?
Case Name Case; Parent/Guardian Information; First Name & Last Name fields
*The parent record with the HOH tab checked is the Case Name
Agency that owns the case

Purple Header; Csld
Case; Case Search; Search Results section; Caseload column

*Must conduct a Case Search first

Head of Household Case; Parent/Guardian Information; HOH field
County of Residence Case; Parent/Guardian Information; County of Residence field
Mail Preference Case; Parent/Guardian Information; Mail Preference field
Email Address Case; Parent/Guardian Information; Email Address field
Language Case; Parent/Guardian Information; Language field
Date Received Case; Case Info; Date Received field
Actual Start Date of Child Care Case; Case Info; Actual Start Date of Child Care field
RPY Case? Case; Case Info; RPY case field
Active Military Case? Case; Case Info; Active Military case field
Collaboration Case Case; Case Info; Collaboration Case field
Reason for Child Care Case; Case Info; Reason for Child Care field
Grace Period(s) Information Case; Case Info; Job Search/Grace Period Type field
Grace Period Dates Case; Case Info; Grace Period Begin Date/Grace Period End Date fields
Employer Case; Work Information; Employer/Company Name field
Wage Information Case; Work Information; Wage Information section
Work Schedule Case; Work Information; Work Schedule section
Education/Training Activity Case; School Information; Type of Education/Training field
School Schedule Case; School Information; School Schedule section
Child Requesting Care Case; Family Information; Does this child need Child Care Assistance field
Is the Child Special Needs? Case; Family Information; Is the Child Special Needs field
Actual Start Date of Childcare for each Child Case; Family Information; Actual Start Date of Child Care field
Child Date of Birth Case; Family Information; Child Date of Birth field
Relationship of Family Member to Head of Household Case; Family Information; Relationship to Applicant field
Is the Child a Ward of the State? Case; Family Information; Ward of State field
Child Date of Birth Case; Family Information; Child Date of Birth field
Total Monthly Income Case; Income Information; Total Monthly Income field
Child Support Paid Case; Income Information; Child Support section
Client Requested Child Care Schedule Case; Child Care Arrangement; Schedule of Hours of Child Care section
Weekly/Monthly Max Number of Child Care Days Case; Service Authorization; Weekly/Monthly section
Co-Pay Amount Case; Co-pay; Co-Pay Amount field
Provider Who Receives the Monthly Co-Pay Case; Co-pay; Provider who receives the co-pay displays on the page
Family Size Case; Case Summary; Family Size field
Case Status Case; Case Summary; Case Status field
Current Providers on Case Case; Case Summary; Provider Summary section

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