MR # 12.20: Content Management Project

MR # 12.20: Content Management Project


  • In November of 2011, Phase 1 of the Content Management Project began rollout statewide by node. The purpose of the project is to begin establishing an electronic case record and reduce the amount of paper that is currently generated in the Family Community Resource Centers (FCRCs).
  • Three system generated forms are electronically saved and stored for viewing during Phase 1. The three documents are the;
    • Form 2378C, Final Combined Application Form (CAF), in the Automated Intake System (AIS),
    • Calculations in AIS and the Automated Case Management System (ACM), and
    • the system generated Form 514.
  • The CAF, CALCS, and 514 are no longer printed in AIS/ACM. Instead they are saved electronically to Content Management. So when staff access Option P or C in AIS or print in ACM they are actually saving the documents to Content Management.
  • Do not print the Final CAF or Calculations from Content Management to include in the paper case record. Only print the Final CAF or Calculations for an appeal or an external audit. Staff can view the final CAF and Calculations in Content Management.
  • Staff must continue to print the Screening CAF and signature pages in AIS.
  • ACM calculations and Form 514 in ACM are not automatically saved by the system. Staff must continue to submit a print request by using the appropriate function key. Once the print request is submitted, the documents will be saved instead of printed.
  • Once the documents are stored, FCRC staff statewide as well as other central Family and Community Services(FCS) staff including auditors, trainers, and Quality Control reviewers are able to view and print the documents.
  • To access and log on to Content Management from the FCS home page on OneNet, select the Caseworker's Quicklinks and then the Content Management link. On the Login Screen, type in the RACF User ID and Password (same used to access Seagull) and click the Log In button.
  • When staff are transferring cases to the Healthcare and Family Services (HFS) central All Kids Unit, do not print copies of the Final CAF, Calculations, or Form 514.  HFS All Kids Unit was included in the project begining February 21, 2012.
  • Due to a high unemployment waiver extension granted by FNS, the entire state is exempt from the SNAP Work Requirement through 09/30/13.
  •  Form 4143, FS REDE Review Checklist, and Form 4142, FS REDE Verification Checklist, are now obsolete.