FCM Face-to-Face Home Visits Report

Family Case Management (FCM) Face-to-Face and Home Visit Report Description

The contacts report for pregnant women and infants was created using the following criteria:

Infants Face to Face

  1. Infants selected for the report were those who:
  • Turned thirteen months old during the quarter,
  • Were active in FCM on the first birthday,
  • Were on FCM for at least one month before the first birthday,

  B.  Infants listed as receiving all required face to face contacts were those described above who received at least one contact for each of the following visits:

  • Birth to 1 month old
  • 2 months to 5 months old
  • 6 months to 9 months old
  • 10 months to 13 months old

  A home visit was also counted as one face to face contact. Only visits recorded under the infant's Participant ID were counted.

Infants Home Visit

  1. Infant selected for the report were those who:
    • Were active in FCM for 30 days
    • Turned 2-4 months old during the report period
  2. Infants listed as receiving all required home visits were those described above who received at least one home visit between 2-4 months old. Only home visits recorded under the infant's Participant ID were counted with a home assessment and safe sleep education.


  1. Women selected for the report were those who:
    • Had a delivery during the three months ending one month before the end of the quarter,
    • Were active in FCM at delivery,
    • Were on FCM for at least one month before delivery
  2. Women listed as receiving all required home visits were those described above who received at least one home visit during pregnancy.
  3. Women listed as receiving all required face to face contacts were those described above who received at least one contact for each trimester during pregnancy. A home visit was also counted as one face to face contact.