CCMS Reports Crosswalk

Reports will allow caseworkers to pull specific information in real time. Reports can now be created on demand by each CCR&R/Site to pull real-time information from CCMS. Reports that will not be generated in CCMS or CCTS may have the information found in them in new reports or built into tasks and alerts.

CCMS Reports

Report Number Report Name Description Parameter Information
Eligibility Case Ad-Hoc Look Up This report can be used to look up cases by CCR&R/Site or Statewide. The report displays cases matching the search parameters and includes CCR&R/Site Caseload Code, Case Name and Number, Mailing Address, Case Status, and Eligibility Start and End Dates.
Should you choose to use the CCR&/Site Name, you can find the amount of cases for each CCR&R/Site.
The parameters for this report include: CCR&R/Site Name, Case Status, Childcare Reason, Client is Employee, Collaboration Case Indicator, Shared Case Indicator, RPY Case Indicator, and Date Range. Use the Case Status parameter to filter cases to view the number of cases within each status.
Eligibility Case Changes This report shows specific field changes made to a case by each user. Users can view case changes that have happened for a given date range. The fields shown on the report include: CCR&R/Site Name and Code, User ID, Case Number and Name, the fields that were changed, Effective Date of Change, and Process Date. The parameters for this report include: CCR&R/Site, Name, User ID, and Effective Date Range. First select the CCR&R/Site, then the User ID field to filter for specific worker's case changes.
Eligibility Cases and Children This report provides all children receiving care in a zip code or county. The fields also show County, Zip Code, Case Name, Child Assigned, Child DOB, and Provider FEIN/SSN.
In addition, this report shows each Provider Type within the selected Zip Code or County and can be used to total the amount of children that are receiving care for each Provider Type on the factors of Part Time, Full Time, age groups, and special needs.
The parameters for this report include: CCR&R/Site Name, Parent/Guardian County, Zip Code, Provider Type, and Age Range. Select a CCR&R/Site Name then choose from the additional filters.
Eligibility Child Care Application Listing This report is a list of applications entered during the report month as well as the status of the application, whether approved, pending or denied. To identify cases, use the case number or name which appear in the report. The parameters for this report include: CCR&R/Site, Report Period, and Status. Use a combination of the CCR&R/Site and Status filters to see cases in certain statuses at your organization.
Eligibility Case Demographic Information This report will show the user that the number of children belonging to types of household, ethnic type of children, or age category of children. Once the user chooses one of these three options to display demographic information on, the report includes the fields: CCR&R/Site, Zip Code, Case Number and Name, Race, Children Assigned and Children DOBs. The parameters for this report include: CCR&R/Site Name and Child/Household Criteria. To filter by Child/Household Criteria select from the drop-down either types of household (1 or 2 parent), ethnic type of children, or age category of children. From these selections, use the filter and sub types to find the desired demographic information.
Eligibility Eligibility End Dates This report documents cases that expire in a given date range. In addition to providing the Eligibility Begin and End Date ranges, users can also view the CCR&R/Site Name and Code, Case Number, TANF Case Number (if the case has one), Case Name, and Reason for Child Care. The parameters for this report include: CCR&R/Site Name and Eligibility End Date Range. To search for cases with upcoming eligibility, use the Eligibility End Date Range to filter specific dates into the report.
Eligibility Income, Activity & Co-Pay This report lists cases' income and co-pay information. The fields displayed in this report in the first table include CCR&R/Site Code, Case Number and Name, Reason for Child Care, Family Size, Number of Children Approved, Monthly Income, Co-Pay, Co-Pay Table, Provider Assigned the Co-Pay, and the End Date of Eligibility.. The parameters for this report include: CCR&R/Site Name, Reason for Care, and Service Month. To select a CCR&R/Site, first select the CCR&R/Site name, then the Address Indicator.
Eligibility New Applications Routed to Another Site This report documents applications that were submitted to a county, but re-routed to another site. This report displays the Original Organization Name and Code, New Organization Name and Code, Application Date Received, Scanned Date, and Case Name and Number. The parameters for this report include: CCR&R/Site Name and Scan Date Range.
Eligibility Provider Information by Case This report will list the Provider's Name, Number, Type, Address, License Capacity, Phone Number, and Email. It will also list information for a specific case, such as Reason for Care, Child DOB, Age Group, and Days Approved by Rate Type. The parameters for this report include: Case ID, Provider Status, and Service Period.
Eligibility Provider Information

This report provides a listing of Providers By Type approved for active cases at the time of the selected report period. It includes provider information and can be used by staff to find providers and to export to Microsoft Excel to print mailing labels.

The report includes Provider License Name and Number, Provider Address, Day and Night License Capacity, Number of Cases, Number of Children

The parameters for this report include: CCR&R/Site Name, Provider Type, and Report Period. Use Report Period to select the month and year of the information you wish to see.
Eligibility Staff Activity Production Report This report provides totals for staff production at an organization including Provider Changes, COI's Processed, Applications Approved, RAI's Generated, Provider Closeouts and Redeterminations/Cancellations/Denials entered for a given date range. The parameters for this report include: CCR&R/Site Name and Date Range.
Eligibility (Overdue and Open Tasks) Task Information This report allows users to search by due date range for each location. The report displays the User ID and the Number of Overdue and Open Tasks a specific user. The parameters for this report include: Due Date Range, CCR&R/Site Name, and User ID. To See the User ID, first select the CCR&R/Site from the drop down menu. Use the User ID parameter to view overdue and open due for a specific user or an entire CCR&R or Site. To see your upcoming tasks for the week, set the due date range for the desired dates.
Customer Service Overpayments by Type This report provides a listing of Overpayments by Type for active and closed cases. This report displays the Organization, Overpayment Type, Overpayment Reason, Work Item ID, Case Number, Provider Name, and Amount. The parameters for this report include: Organization, Overpayment Type, Overpayment Reason, Provider, Case#, and Overpayment Amount.
Customer Service Service Request This report lists the number of customer service requests by CCR&R/Site/BCCD, by Type (Mail Control, Web Bits, Complaints, Policy Clarifications…), and by Status (New, In Progress, Complete, Deleted, or Total). The parameters for this report are: CCR&R/Site Name, Request Type/Sub Type, and Created Date.
Customer Service Union Dues This report documents union dues paid or outstanding for a specific date range. Users can see the Provider SSN, Month and Year of Due Union Payments, Overpayments, Vouchers and Warrants. The parameters for this report include: Provider Name, Provider SSN, Provider FEIN, Case Number, and Date Range.
PIQA Common Parents The report is a list of the parents with a common employer. This report displays Provide Name, Employer, Parent Name, Case Number, and the Start and End Dates of Eligibility. The parameters for this report include: Provider Name, Employer Name, Eligibility Start Date, and Eligibility End Date. To see the Employer Name options, first select a provider from the Provider Name field.
PIQA Parent Sanction This report is a list of parents on whom a sanction has been imposed. The parameters for this report include: Parents Name, Violation Type, Sanction Level, Date Imposed, and Date Released.
PIQA Provider Sanction This report is a list of providers on whom a sanction has been imposed, including the current sanction. The parameters for this report include: Providers Name, Violation Type, Sanction Level, Date Imposed, and Date Released.
City of Chicago City of Chicago/CCMS Duplicate Child

This report is a list of the clients who have cases in both CCMS and the City of Chicago systems. The case on both systems is matched on Child First Name, Last Name, and DOB. The purpose of the report is to identify duplicates so that they can be further investigated.

The report displays information on the CCR&R/Site Name, Case Number, Parent Name and SSN, Child Name and DOB, Mailing Address and Provider Name.

The parameters for this report include: Service Period Month and Year and Report Scope.

CCTS Discontinued Reports

Report Number Report Name Where You Can Find This Report Today
5029C501 Active Child Care Case Listing To find the information listed in this discontinued report, use the Case Ad-Hoc Look Up report. Use the Childcare Reason and CCR&R/Site Name to find this needed information on demand.
SBPLMK41 RACF ID Production Report This CCTS report is discontinued. To find the information listed in this discontinued report, generate a CCMS Staff production Report. Note: the CCMS Staff production Report but that report does not have payments entered or provider closeout numbers.
SBPLMD41* Providers Who Need Documentation This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a task is sent in CCMS when specific documentation is needed.
Refer to the CCMS Tasks Job Aid for additional information on provider tasks.
5029C901 Child Care Application Listing This CCTS report is discontinued. Use the Child Care Application Listing report to find this information. Pending applications become generated tasks that will follow routing rules for caseworkers as well.
5029E21-01 Providers With No CANTS This CCTS report is discontinued.
5029E361 Multiple Providers With Same Address

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead, on the Add/Update Provider page, a message will appear when two providers have the same address.

Message Text: Multiple Providers With Same Address

SBPLM1A1 Clients Who Are Also Providers

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead, a message will appear in the purple header as well as the Parent Info and Add/Update Provider pages.

Message Text: Client Who Is Also Provider

SBPLM271 Active Clients Turning 20

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a Case Maintenance Work item is created and a task is generated if a parent with active status with Child Care Reason of Training/Education or Employment/Training/Education is turning 20. The task is generated on the 1st of the month prior to the parent turning 20.

Task Text: Active Client Turning 20

SBPLM281 Active Cases With Multiple Children With Same Date Of Birth

This CCTS report is discontinued. A Case Maintenance Work item is created and a task is generated if the active case has more than one child with same date of birth. A child is active if the "Does this person need childcare assistance" field is Yes on the Family Information page.

Task Text: Active Case Multiple Children same DOB

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a task is sent in CCMS the SSNs for the twins aren't close in numeric sequence, or the children are multiples greater than two. This task is also generated if the client can't verify the existence of a child by providing either a copy of the social security card, which is still voluntary, or an original certified birth certificate for the child:

Task Text: Active Case Mult Childrn same DOB

SBPLM291 Active Cases With 5 Or More Active Children

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a Case Maintenance Work Item is created, and a task is generated if the active case has 5 or more active children. A child is active if the "Does this person need childcare assistance" field is Yes on the Family Information page.

Task Text: Active Case 5 or More Active Children

SBPLM311 Child on Multiple Case Report by Child Name and Date of Birth

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a Case Maintenance Work Item is created, and a task is generated when two cases with at least one active child on each with same RIN or same Last Name, First Name, and DOB.

  • Cancel the case if there are no other children on the case who have been proven to exist and issue an overpayment.
  • If there are other children on the case who has been proven to exist, redetermine eligibility based on the new/correct family size. If eligible, but the copay is different, issue an overpayment and keep the case active. If the case is not eligible based on the new information, cancel the case and issue an overpayment.

Task Text: Child on Multiple Cases

SBPLM621 Providers Who Need CANTS Recheck

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a Case Maintenance Work Item is created, and a task is generated provider needs a CANTS recheck.

Task Text: Provider missing Background Check

2BPLM791 Head of Household Multiple Case Report

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a Case Maintenance Work Item is created, and a task is generated if the Case name is the same on two cases based on the same RIN or same Last Name, First Name, and DOB.

Task Text: HoH on Multiple Cases

2BPLM821 Cases in Non-TANF Education/Training

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a Case Maintenance Work Item is created, and a task is generated.
When the child care reason is Non-Education and Training for 24 months (even non-consecutively). This task is generated in the 23rd month.

Task Text: Case in Non-TANF Edu/Teaching 24 mo and 20 hrs work.

SBPLM841 Non-TANF Cases Age 20 or Older With Reason 2

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a Case Maintenance Work Item is created, and a task is generated 1 month prior to turning 20 for those with a case open in CCMS and not in TANF.

Task Text: Non-TANF Cases Age> 20 w Reason 2 may be eligible for Reason 1 or 4

SBPLM842 Non-TANF Cases Age 20 or Older With Reason 3

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a Case Maintenance Work Item is created, and a task is generated 1 month prior to turning 20 for those with a case open in CCMS and not in TANF.

Task Text: Non-TANF Cases Age> 20 w Reason 2 may be eligible for Reason 1 or 4

2BPLM861 Client on Multiple Case Report by Case Name and Date of Birth

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a Case Maintenance Work Item is created, and a task is generated you try and save the Parent/Guardian Info page.

Task Text: SSN of client or other family member is used has been approved on another Case.

2BPLMC41 Providers That Did Not Clear CANTS

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a Case Maintenance Work Item is created, and a task is generated the DCFS interface shows the Provider Background Check Failed.

Task Text: Provider Background Check Failed

SBPLMK22** Active Clients With Invalid SSNs

This CCTS report is discontinued. A page alert message will be generated when an invalid SSN is entered on the Parent Info, Family Info, Add/Update Provider, and Provider Household Members pages. You will not be able to move off screen until a valid SSN is entered or the SSN has been deleted from the field.

Message Text: The SSN you have entered is not valid. Please enter a valid SSN or leave this field blank if you don't have one.

SBPLMN51 Cases Sent Cancellation For Child Age 13 This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a Case Maintenance Work Item is created, and a task is generated the month before the child's 13th birthday.
SBPLM411 Case Transfer Report This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead a caseworker creates a Transfer Work Item. This generates a "Transfer Case Request" task to BCCD.
2BPLM871 List of Licensed-Exempt Providers Overcapacity

This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead, on the Child Care Arrangement page, a message will appear when you attempt to add a provider who is overcapacity.

Message Text: Licensed-Exempt Provider Overcapacity

2BPLM881 Report for Licensed Centers This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead find the information by setting the Provider Type parameter to Licensed Centers in the CCMS Provider Information report.
2BPLM882 Report for Licensed-Exempt Centers This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead find the information by setting the Provider Type parameter to Licensed-Exempt Centers in the CCMS Provider Information report.
2BPLM883 Report for Licensed Homes This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead find the information by setting the Provider Type parameter to Licensed Homes in the CCMS Provider Information report.
2BPLM884 Report for Licensed Group Homes This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead find the information by setting the Provider Type parameter to Licensed Group Homes in the CCMS Provider Information report.
2BPLM201 Certificates with Zip Code Errors This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead, this report is replaced with postal software.
2BPLM371 Addresses with Zip Code Errors This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead, this report is replaced with postal software.
2BPLM981 Redeterminations with Zip Code Errors This CCTS report is discontinued. Instead, this report is replaced with postal software.