CCMS Forms Job Aid

The purpose of this job aid is to provide information on documents that can be generated using CCMS.

Note: If an * displays next to the Document Name, this means when this form is received into CCMS, the document type from the form is available on the Validate Documents page. If a ** displays next to the Document Name, this means when this form is received into CCMS, the document type, county, case name/number, and provider number/type from the form are available on the Validate Documents page.

Eligibility Function Documents:

Document Name Generation Information Available
in Spanish?
Mass Mailed? What Triggers
Mass Mailing?
Work Item Information
Child Care Application*
Generated when scanned or faxed to CCMS, fields automatically populate. Yes No N/A After you validate the application on the Validate Documents page,
an Application Work Item is created by CCMS.
Child Care Redetermination**
Generated by CCMS on the First Friday of every month and can also be generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page.  Yes Yes This form is created monthly on the First Friday of the month for every active case whose eligibility is ending not later than the end of next month.  To generate this form, you must be
in the context of
a case. A Redetermination Work Item is created when a Redetermination form is generated.
Request for a Child Care Provider
Generated on demand by user, using the Generate Documents page. Yes Yes User generates and submits the form using the Generate Documents page. To generate this form, you  must be in the context of a case. If not in the context of a Change of Information Work Item, manually create this Work Item and generate the form.
Change of Information **
Generated on demand by user, using the Generate Documents page. Yes Yes User generates and submits the form using the Genaerate Documents page. A new COI Work Item is created when a COI form is generated.
Request for Additional Information**
Generated on demand by user, using the Generate Documents page. Yes Yes User generates and submits the form using the Genaerate Documents page. To generate this form, you must be in the context of an Application, Rede, COI, or Provider Work Item AND a Case.
(N-1-11) Wage Verification**
Generated on demand by user, using the Generate Documents page. Yes No N/A To generate this form, you must be in the context of a n Application, Rede, or COI Work Item AND a Case.
Request for Provider Address Change
On demand by user, using the Generate Documents page. Yes No N/A To generate this form, you must be in the context of a provider. If you are not in the context of an Add/Update Provider Information Work Item, manually create this Work Item and generate the form.
(R-6-03) Approval of Request for Child Care Payments
Generated on demand by user, using the Generate Documents page. Yes Yes User generates abd submits the form using the Generate Documents page. To generate this form, you must be in the context of an Application Rede, or COI Work Item AND a case.
(R-01-02) Notice of Cancellation of Child Care Payments
Generated by CCMS on First Friday of every month and can also be generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes Yes This form is created monthly on the First Friday of the month for every active case whose eligibility is ending not later than the end of next month. To generate this form, you must be in the context of Redetermination or COI Work Item AND a case.
(N-9-98) Denial of Request for Child Care Payments
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes Yes User generates and submits the form using the Generate Documents page To generate this form, you must be in the context of an Application Work Item AND a Case.
(N-01-01) Notice of Cancellation of Child Care Payments for Child Age 13
Generated by CCMS on First Friday of every month. Yes Yes This form is created monthly on the First Friday of the month for every active case whose eligibility is ending not later than the end of next month. To generate this form, you must be in the context of a Redetermination or COI Work Item AND a case.
(N-7-01) Notice of Provider Cancellation from Child Care Case (Provider Closeout)
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes Yes User generates and submits the form using the Generate Documents page. To generate form, must be in the context of Redetermination or Add/Update Provider Information Work Item AND case and provider must be authorized.
Licensed Home Certification/License Exempt Home Certification*
Generated by CCMS  every month and can also be generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes Yes This form is created monthly by MIS batch process. To generate form, must be in the context of a provider. If you are not in the context of an Add/Update Provider Information Work Item, manually create a this Work Item and generate the form.
Center Certification*
This document is generated by CCMS  every month and can also be generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. No Yes This form is created monthly by MIS batch process. To generate this form, you must be in the context of a provider. If you are not in the context of an Add/Update Provider Information Work Item, manually create a this Work Item and generate the form.
SAMER (Site Administered Monthly Enrollment Report)**
Generated monthly by CCMS during the third weekend of the month (6th business day prior to last day of month) No Yes This form is created monthly by MIS batch process. To generate this form, you must be in the context of Application, Redetermination, COI or Add/Update Provider Information Work Item AND a case.
Email Agreement**
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes No N/A You do not need to be in the context of a Work Item.
License Exempt Child Care Center Self-Certification**
Generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. No No N/A N/A
Self-Employment Record
Generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. Yes No N/A N/A
Request for Reimbursement
Generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. Yes No N/A N/A
IL444-4469 - Child Care Rate Certification Form Generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. Yes No N/A N/A
W-9 Form Generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. Yes No N/A N/A
(R-8-07) Important Parent Co-Payment Information
Generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. Yes No N/A N/A
(R-4-07) Child Care Payment Rates for Child Care Centers
Generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. Yes No N/A N/A
(R-4-07) Child Care Payment Rates for Home Based Child Care Providers
Generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. Yes No N/A N/A
Child Care Telephone Billing Agreement
Generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. Yes No N/A N/A
IL444-4003 Responsibility and Service Plan (RASP)* This document is NOT generated in CCMS. No No N/A N/A
IL444-2151 IDHS Referral* This document is NOT generated in CCMS. No No N/A N/A
IL444-2151A Contracted Provider's Referral* This document is NOT generated in CCMS. No No N/A N/A
Teen Parent Progress Report Form
This document is NOT generated in CCMS. No No N/A N/A
IL444-3085 IDHS Contract Report Notification of Employment This document is not generated in CCMS. No No N/A N/A
Child Care Telephone Billing System Notice Generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. No No N/A N/A
Child Care Telephone Billing Practice Licensed Home Generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. No No N/A N/A
Child Care Telephone Billing Practice Licensed-Exempt Home This document is generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. No No N/A N/A
IL444-0800 Illinois Debit MasterCard Payment Option Form This document is generated by a user on demand using the Documents Links page. Yes No N/A N/A

Customer Service Function Documents:

Document Name Generation Information Available in Spanish? Mass Mailed? What Triggers Mass Mailing? Work Item Information
(R-1-11) Authorization for Background Check**
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes Yes User generates and submits the form using the Generates Documents page. To generate this form, you must be in the context of an Add/Update Provider Information Work Item.
Relative Background Check Letter
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes Yes User generates and submits the form using the Generate Documents page. Provider type of care 765 & 767 receive this cover letter. To generate this form, you must be in the context of an Add/Update Provider Information Work Item.
Non-Relative Background Check Letter
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes Yes User generates and submits the form using the Generate Documents page. Provider type of care 764 & 766 receive this cover letter. To generate this form, you must be in the context of an Add/Update Provider Information Work Item.
(R-10-09) Overpayment Referral Form
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. No No N/A To generate this form, you must be in the context of an Overpayment Work Item AND a case.
Overpayment Calculation Worksheet
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes No N/A To generate this form, you must be in the context of an Overpayment Work Item AND a case.
(N-1-11) Child Care Overpayment Letter
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes No N/A To generate this form, you must be in the context of an Overpayment Work Item AND a case.
(N-1-11) Provider Overpayment Letter
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes No N/A To generate this form, you must be in the context of an Overpayment Work Item AND a case.
(N-1-11) Parent Overpayment Letter
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes No N/A
(N-1-11) Provider Overpayment Change Letter
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes No N/A
(N-1-11) Rescind of Overpayment
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes No N/A
Attendance Exemption Request
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Links page. No No N/A
Statement of Facts
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. Yes No N/A
Request to Withdraw Appeal*
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Links page. No No N/A
Notice of Appeal*
Not generated in CCMS Yes No N/A
Implementation of Appeal Decision
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Links page. No No N/A
Request to Establish Accounts
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Links page. Yes No N/A
License Exempt Center Background Check Letter
Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Links page. No No N/A

PIQA - Program Integrity and Quality Assurance

Document Name Generation Information Available in Spanish? Mass Mailed? What Triggers Mass Mailing? Work Item Information
Outcome Letter (Report) Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. No No N/A To generate this form, you must be in the context of a Field Review Work Item.
Confirmation Letter (Report) Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. No No N/A To generate this form, you must be in the context of a Field Review Work Item.
Child Care Fraud Referral form Generated by a user on demand using the Generate Documents page. No No N/A To generate this form, you must be in the context of a Field Review Work Item.