Individual Service and Support Advocacy (ISSA) Review & Approval of Individual Service Plan (ISP) Form

Department of Human Services
Division of Developmental Disabilities
Information Bulletin

Individual Service and Support Advocacy (ISSA) Review & Approval of Individual Service Plan (ISP) Form
May 11, 2012


During the Division's monitoring of a statistically valid sample of participants in each of the three waivers, the Division has found an overall 24% compliance rate for service plans signed to signify approval by the waiver participant, parent/guardian (if applicable), Individual Service and Support Advocacy (ISSA) and the provider Qualified Intellectual Disabilities Professional (QIDP) for FY11 and 50% for FY12 through December 31, 2011. The Division has been working with providers through informal on-site technical assistance and corrective action plans as non-compliance issues have been identified. Through these activities, the Division determined the need to issue this Information Bulletin describing requirements for review of service plans and documentation of written approval of service plans. Further, the Division believes that providing ISSAs with this tool will assist in addressing compliance with all performance measures in Appendix D of the waiver. (Appendix D addresses service planning issues.)

Process and Procedures

Fully complete the ISSA Review and Approval of Individual Service Plan (pdf).

  1. For each requirement listed, the ISSA representative should check "yes" or "no" to indicate whether requirement is met. If "no", document the reason in detail with rationale. Document this in the Notes section on page 2 of the form. If the item is "not applicable", write "NA" across the boxes and explain in the Notes section why the requirement is not applicable for the individual. If additional space is needed for comments and notes, the ISSA may attach additional pages.
  2. On page 2 of the form, indicate whether the Individual Service Plan (ISP) meets requirements and is approved, or if it does not meet requirements and requires revision.

Effective Date/Implementation

  1. The ISSA Review and Approval of Individual Service Plan form is effective for ISPs developed on or after July 1, 2012 for persons served in waiver programs.
  2. The use of the form is required to document ISSA review and approval of the ISPs.
  3. As annual reviews and revision of ISPs occur beginning July 1, 2012, the form must be used to document the review and approval. Until that time, locally developed methods of review and approval may continue to be used.
  4. A copy of the signed approval form must be maintained by the ISSA and with the official copy of the ISP on file with the provider.
  5. By June 30, 2013, the ISSA Review and Approval of Individual Service Plan (pdf) form must be on file with the ISP of each waiver participant.

Note: This information regarding review and written approval of individual service plans will be incorporated into the DDD Waiver Manual.