2011 Redeploy Illinois Fact Sheet

Illinois Department of Human Services
Division of Family & Community Services

Program Description


Redeploy Illinois is designed to provide services to youth between the ages of 13 and 18 who are at high risk of being committed to the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice (IDJJ).

Eligibility Criteria



Redeploy Illinois provides a fiscal incentive to counties that provide services to youth within their home communities by building a continuum of care for youth who are in the juvenile justice system, thereby reducing the county's commitments to the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice.

Research demonstrates that non-violent youth are less likely to become further involved in delinquent or criminal behavior if they remain in their home communities and if appropriate services are available that address underlying needs - e.g., mental illness, substance abuse, learning disabilities, unstable living arrangement.


Through Redeploy Illinois, counties can link each youth to a wide array of needed services and supports within his or her home community, as indicated through an individualized needs assessment. Services are provided in the least restrictive manner possible, and include, but are not limited to, case management; court advocacy; education assistance; individual, family and/or group counseling; and crisis intervention.

Delivery Method

Funds are provided to a county, counties or group that support a system of care developed at the county (or multi-county) level and specified in a plan submitted to the Department.

Program Data

Program Data SFY09 SFY10 SFY11
Program Expenditure (Numbers in 000's) $2,230.3 $2,053.9 $1,985.4
Number of Grantees 9 (10) 9 8
Number Served 351 320 370

Note: In FY 09, funding was provided for a planning grant in Cook County.

Program Accomplishments

  • In the first six years of implementation, the Redeploy Illinois sites, on average, reduced commitments to the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice by 51% within their communities.
  • In six years of providing services 882 youth residing in those counties were diverted from commitment to the Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice, potentially saving the state tens of millions in incarceration costs. 
  • Redeploy Illinois gave counties financial support to provide comprehensive services in their home communities to youth who might otherwise have been sent to IDJJ. 
  • Redeploy Illinois sites filled in the gaps in the local continuum of programs and services necessary for high-risk delinquent youth. This effort allowed counties to more cost-effectively serve youth locally and reduce their reliance on IDJJ. As a result, youth were given every opportunity to succeed in their own communities.
  • Redeploy Illinois received ARRA funding for FY11 to issue additional planning grants to eligible counties.