Requests to Replace Destroyed Food in Saline County

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  • To better serve SNAP customers who had food loss as a result of the recent tornado and power outages the time period for requesting February replacement SNAP benefits has been extended through March 22, 2012 for Saline County.

SNAP policy at PM 22-03-01 states that food destroyed in a disaster may be replaced if the customer requests the replacement within 10 days of the disaster. Because Harrisburg in Saline County experienced widespread damage and power outages of more than 4 hours due to the February 29th tornado, we requested a waiver of the requirement that food destroyed in a disaster must be requested within 10 days.

FNS granted us permission to allow customers affected by the tornado and power outages in Saline County to request replacement of destroyed food bought with February benefits through March 22, 2012.

Continue to follow the instructions in WAG 22-03-01 as follows:

  1. Have the SNAP unit sign Form 1989, Request for Replacement of Destroyed Food.
  2. Verify the disaster - only if questionable.
  3. Approve replacement SNAP within 2 work days. The amount of the replacement cannot exceed the amount of SNAP benefits issued for the fiscal month of the loss.
  4. File Form 1989 in the case record.
  5. Complete Form 552:
    • Item 1 - Complete
    • Item 2 - Enter the date (February, 2012) of the benefits being replaced.
    • Item 3 - Enter 56.
    • Item 4 - Enter 7.
    • Items 5, 6, & 8 - Complete.
    • Items 9 & 10 - Complete for Category 08 cases not active on the regular rolls. No entry is needed for all other cases.

NOTE: If the SNAP unit's address has changed, change the address on the regular rolls before submitting this Form 552.

  • Item 23 - Complete.
  • Item 33 - Enter 13.
  • Item 38 - Enter the amount of the SNAP benefits being replaced.
  • Item 45 - Complete, if applicable.

[signed copy on file]

Michelle R.B. Saddler

Secretary, Illinois Department of Human Services