DSP Waiver for Delay in Meeting Training Requirements

When DHS training requirements are not met, a waiver for the delay is needed to allow DSP training completion to be reported on the Health Care Worker Registry (HCWR) and to get reimbursement for the training.

Approval of waiver requests are based on such factors as: length of delay, reasons for delay, and history of agency waiver requests.

When Reporting of DSP Training Completion to the Health Care Worker Registry is not within 30 days

A waiver to allow reporting of training completion to the HCWR is needed when not entered into HCWR within 30 days of the completion of DSP training. 

Before this waiver can take effect the DSP may be required to:

  • Complete an additional one to six hours of refresher training on health and safety topics specified by the Department, or
  • Repeat all or part of the approved 120-hour DSP training program.

Completion of this additional training must be reported to SIU within 30 days.

When Reporting DSP Training or Completing DSP Training too Quickly - 120-day Waiver

A waiver request is required when DSP training is not completed within 120 days from the date the DSP was hired or assigned DSP duties, or is completed in less than 21 calendar days from the training start date.  Either of these situations result in a Provider's request for training reimbursement to be rejected by the Department.

Before this wavier can take effect the DSP may be required to complete an additional training specified by the Department.

Waiver Process and Documentation

  • Providers must submit a fully completed Request for Waiver of DSP Training Requirements (pdf) for Department approval.
  • The waiver request will be evaluated and the Provider will be notified in writing of the decision.  Approval letters will include instructions for Providers to follow in order to have the training requirements waived. 
  • Forms can be sent electronically to DHS.BQMQE@illinois.gov or by fax to (217) 782-9444.
  • Waiver approval letters and other documentation should be kept in the DSP's personnel or training file, or other location accessible to Department staff.
  • If Providers have questions about the waiver forms or process, contact the Quality Enhancement Section at (217) 558.1511

Note:  Additional information may be found in the Staff Training Billing and Reimbursement Process Bulletin.  Please call (217) 785-6235 if you have specific questions regarding reimbursement.