Using the DSP Training Program Approved On-the-Job Training (OJTs) and Competency-Based Training Assessments (CBTAs) or Agency-Developed OJT Activities
The Department encourages modification of the OJTs and CBTAs to fit the needs of the agency and the people it supports.
Important: The OJT Direct Support Person (DSP) training must be completed in the agency employing the trainee.
- Agencies may adopt DSP Training Program Approved OJTs and CBTAs to fulfill the 80-hour OJT requirement. (This document supersedes Appendix 3 effective 6/1/2013).
- The DSP Training Program Approved OJTs and CBTAs exceeds the required 80 hours of training, therefore agencies can choose regarding which OJT/CBTAs to include for their agency training needs.
When choosing OJT/CBTAs it is important that:
- 45 of the required minimum OJT hours must have distribution of the hours in each of the six competency areas. See Distribution of OJT/CBTA Hours for more information.
- DSPs must demonstrate all 81 interventional competencies.
- If OJT/CBTA activities are eliminated or modified, make sure each required competency the OJT/CBTA covered is still included in the training.
If an agency develops its own OJT training activities or modifies an approved OJT/CBTA, the modifications and a completed DSP Interventional Competencies Evaluation Form (pdf) must be submitted for review and approved by the Department to ensure the changes meet content requirements.
DSP Interventional Competencies Demonstrated through OJT Activities
The OJT activities must cover all interventional competencies listed below and must include a minimum of 80 hours of approved training. Forty-five (45) hours must be allocated to OJTs in each Module. The DSP must demonstrate 100% accuracy in the successful completion of each competency documented by observation:
Module 1: Introduction to Developmental Disabilities (5 Hours)
- creates opportunities for the individual to speak on his/her own behalf in a variety of situations.
- gathers and documents information in an accurate, objective and unobtrusive manner.
- provides information to complete assessment relevant to the individual's goals, interests, preferences and that are consistent with relevant professional practices.
- names and defines life skill areas and demonstrates observable skills and tasks.
- defines developmental disabilities and lists associated characteristics.
- documents and communicates identified strengths, abilities, desires, concerns and needs of the individual.
- follows established directions and procedures.
Module 2: Human Rights (5 Hours)
- contributes to the normalized living environment.
- utilizes person-centered language and concepts.
- communicates effectively in verbal and written form.
- demonstrates cultural competency in the planning process.
- utilizes age-appropriate strategies.
- intervenes or identifies advocacy issues.
- obtains information from the individual.
- demonstrates an ability to build rapport.
- offers opportunities for choice.
- recognizes human rights violations.
- identifies available community resources.
- educates individuals in choice making and their potential outcomes.
- follows established directions and procedures.
- assists in individual self-advocacy efforts.
- protects rights and confidentiality.
- respects personal property.
Module 3: Abuse and Neglect; Prevention, Recognition and Intervention (5 Hours)
- participates in producing a healthy, engaging environment.
- recognizes the forms of abuse and neglect.
- follows rules and procedures related to preventing, identifying and reporting abuse and neglect.
- develops strategies for preventing abuse and neglect.
- contributes to creating a supportive environment.
Module 4: Human Interaction and Communication (5 Hours)
- is respectful.
- actively engages in a non-directive manner with individuals.
- recognizes speech deficiencies.
- demonstrates various communication modes and styles.
- demonstrates effective use of assistive technology.
- demonstrates active listening skills.
- recognizes and demonstrates appropriate modes of communication with individual.
- implements communication programs.
- documents results of communication programs.
- initiates the process for revising the communication program as needed.
- establishes rapport.
- supports choices.
- demonstrates appropriate transfer of information from staff to staff.
- recognizes and provides support during times of grief.
Module 5: Service Plan Development and Implementation (5 Hours)
- actively participates in the development of an individual's service plan.
- involves the individual in identifying and choosing activities and supports and addresses potential carriers/problems.
- schedules events and needed supports as requested.
- monitors successes in achieving outcomes.
- operates transportation/mobility adaptive equipment safely and appropriately
- serves as a professional and active member of the IDT/community support team.
- listens to the individual.
- respects the appropriate boundaries of the relationship.
- communicates effectively with individual and IDT/community support team.
- reviews and completes assessments.
- facilitates choice in the person's life by assisting in identifying positives and negatives.
- encourages and develops individual's leisure interests.
- assists the individual in obtaining employment -completes job applications and prepares the person for job interviews.
- completes documentation as required and uses correction procedure for addressing errors.
- demonstrates the ability to teach.
- demonstrates the ability to communicate effectively with individuals and staff
- demonstrates understanding of informational releases.
- demonstrates organizational and environmental management skills.
- uses people first language.
- assists with the admission, transfer and discharge of individuals as directed.
- implements the habilitation plan.
- participates as directed in social habilitation (ADL's, therapeutic & leisure time activities, education, community living adjustment, behavior development, management and self-control.)
Module 6: Basic Health & Safety (20 Hours)
- implements seizure protocols.
- recognizes red flags that would be indicators of medical conditions.
- notifies appropriate persons about emergency health and safety concerns.
- accurately determines and records the individuals vital signs.
- follows universal precautions and infection control procedures.
- demonstrates basic health observation skills.
- demonstrates proper transfer techniques.
- demonstrates environmental safety skills.
- assists with personal hygiene.
- demonstrates personal care and hygiene skills and techniques.
- helps individuals understand their bodily functions.
- utilizes proper body mechanics and proper positioning techniques.
- implements disaster procedures and assists individuals as needed.
- utilizes basic food safety and sanitation techniques.
- demonstrates basic nutrition skills.
- identifies and responds appropriately to safety hazards.
- demonstrates techniques required to support ADL.
CPR/First Aid (No Required Hours)
There are no separate OJTs for this area. These interventional competencies are learned during the CPR and First Aid classroom trainings sessions.
Who Can Approve Successful Completion of a OJT?
Personnel deemed by the agency to be competent in understanding how to successfully complete the interventional competency. This personnel can include a: trained DSP designated on the Health Care Worker Registry as a DD Aide, approved DSP Instructor, QIDP who has completed a DHS-approved, 40-hour QIDP Basic Orientation training program, or licensed staff such as a RN or LPN depending on the competency assessed.
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