Murray Developmental Center Profile

Murray Developmental Center Profile

See SODC Transition Report for latest census information

Individual Profile - Updated 09/01/2024

Measure Value
Current Census 271
Average age of persons served (21 - 78) 48
Severe and Profound I/DD range 61.76%
Mild and Moderate I/DD range 38.23%
Have a behavior intervention program 77.94%
Receive Psychotropic medication 68.38%

Location: Centralia, IL- Clinton County

By the numbers:

  • Murray Center has 60 years of operation - founded in 1964.
  • Current census: 271
  • $43.812 million budget in FY23
  • $44.2 million budget in FY24
  • 6 Residential Homes on Campus:
    • Apple, Berry, Daisy, Elm, Fir and Grape
  • Murray Center has 492 budgeted staff for the Center.
    • 407 Staff represented AFSCME
    • 39 Staff represented by Illinois Nurses Association
    • 5 Staff represented by the Illinois Federation of Public Employees
    • 20 Trades Staff
    • 4 Teamster Staff
    • 17 Merit Comp Staff
  • 120-acre campus
  • The Center serves individuals between the ages of 18 and 83 years old with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

More background:

Murray Center serves people with mild intellectual disabilities, moderate intellectual disabilities, severe intellectual disabilities, and profound intellectual disabilities. Murray Center currently serves 190 individuals with a dual diagnosis of IDD/Psychotropic and offers a variety of treatment programs/services including but not limited to: Psychiatric/psychological, medical/physical, social, educational, vocational/ rehabilitation, recreational, speech, language and hearing, occupational therapy, physical therapy, pharmacy, dental, and dietary services, referrals and special consultations. Staff at Murray Center includes but is not limited to Administrators with administrative support staff, Professionals, Nurses, Dietary Staff, Mental Health Technicians, Physicians, Nurse Practitioner, Dentist, Psychologists, Vocational Staff, Security staff, Engineering staff, Buildings and Grounds staff.

Warren G. Murray, the eponym, originally donated the land to build the center as a center for children. The Warren G. Murray Developmental Center is now a residential facility capable of providing needed support and habilitation training for up to 325 adult persons who have a broad spectrum of individual behavioral and medical needs. The campus includes 13 major buildings. There are six residential homes with four living units on each home. Each cottage has units with a day area, dining room, dietary, nurse's station and laundry. The cottages are interconnected with walking paths for access to the Community building, which provides on-site activities. The campus also has an administration building, main dietary department, general stores area, mechanical building, boiler house and clothing area. Murray Center sits in a circular drive around the exterior of the campus.