Kiley Developmental Center Profile

Kiley Developmental Center Profile

See SODC Transition Report for the latest census information

Individual Profile - Updated 1/01/2025

Measure Value
Current Census 171
Average age of persons served (19 - 92 current age range) 49.76
Severe and Profound I/DD range 54.97%
Mild and Moderate I/DD range 38.01%
Have a behavior intervention program 84.21%
Receive Psychotropic medication 60.23%

Location: Waukegan - Northeast Lake County

By the numbers:

  • 48 years of operation - Center was built in 1975 for people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Current census: 171
  • $39.9 million budget in FY22
  • $42.6 million budget in FY23
  • $46.9 million budget in FY24
  • There are 28 living areas and 9 on-campus day program sites that serve 168 people with intellectual disabilities.
  • Kiley Center has 490.50. budgeted staff for the Center.
    • The majority of staff are represented by AFSCME
    • 40 staff represented by Illinois Nurses Association
    • 9 trades staff
  • 37-acre campus
  • Population Served: Adults 18 and older with intellectual disabilities

More background:

Kiley Center provides supports and services for adults with Intellectual Disabilities. Kiley Center serves people who exhibit severe behavioral problems, have significant medical issues, and are medically fragile. These people require support in all activities of daily living. Kiley provides training and supports that are designed to assist persons served to function more independently. The goal is for all individuals to be provided the supports necessary for them to live in the most integrated setting that can meet their needs. Kiley offers a variety of treatment programs/services including but not limited to: Psychiatric/psychological, medical/physical, social, educational, vocational/ rehabilitation, recreational, speech, language and hearing, pharmacy, dental, and dietary services, and referrals and special consultations. Staff at Kiley include Nurses, Doctors, Social Workers, Dietary/Support Staff, Mental Health Technicians, Activity Therapists, Psychiatrists, General Physicians, Psychologists, Buildings and Campus staff.

When the facility opened its doors on April 4, 1975, the facility was originally known as the Waukegan Developmental Center. In 1990, the facility was proudly rededicated as the Ann M. Kiley Developmental Center. At the time of her death in 1990, Ms. Kiley had been the longest serving director in the history of the Illinois Department of Mental Health & Developmental Disabilities. Among her many achievements, she was the first woman in the United States to direct a cabinet level mental health agency. During the four years Ann Kiley directed the Department, her name became synonymous with increased emphasis on the quality of treatment and habilitation services. Her tenure marked significant progress in increased staffing levels, improved appearance and physical condition of facilities, and the promotion of services designed to enhance the growth, independence and self-sufficiency of persons with intellectual disabilities as well as persons with mental illness. The Kiley Center's mission is to support people to attain their wants, needs, and dreams.