Choate Developmental Center Profile

Choate Developmental Center Profile

See SODC Transition Report for latest census information.

Average age of persons served (21-65+ age range) is age 42.

Individual Profile - Updated 1/01/2025

Measure  Value
Current Census 168
Average age of persons served (21-65+) 41
Severe and Profound I/DD range 11.30%
Mild and Moderate I/DD range 70.20%
Have a behavior intervention program 88.69%
Receive Psychotropic medication 86.30%

Location: Anna - Union County

By the numbers:

  • 155 years of operation - founded in 1869 and formally opened for patients in 1873, during the administration of Gov. John M. Palmer
  • Current census: 168
  • $ 49,799,100 budget in FY23 for the entire campus (Mental Health Center and Developmental Center).
  • 6 living units on campus that serve 181 individuals and patients.
  • 593.6 Budgeted Staff and the facility currently has 523.7 staff. Of those 523.7…
    • 468 staff represented by AFSCME
    • 31 staff represented by Illinois Nurses Association
    • 5 staff represented by Illinois Federation of Public Employees
    • 19 staff represented by trades union
  • 229-acre campus
  • Population Served: Adults between the ages of 18 and 75 years old with Developmental and Intellectual Disabilities, Mental Health and Forensic diagnoses.

More background:

Choate Developmental Center serves people with mild to profound intellectual disabilities. Choate Center offers a variety of treatment programs/services including but not limited to: Psychiatric/psychological, medical/physical, social, educational, vocational/ rehabilitation, recreational, speech, language and hearing, pharmacy, dental, and dietary services, and referrals and special consultations. Staff at Choate include Nurses, Social Workers, Dietary Staff, Mental Health Technicians, Activity Therapists, Psychiatrists, General Physicians, Psychologists, Buildings and Grounds staff.

The Choate Developmental Center was chartered in 1869 and opened in 1873. The majority of the buildings currently occupied by individuals and patients were constructed between 1950-1965. The center is located on the northeastern edge of Anna, Illinois, in Union County. Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center has six buildings for individual care, treatment and habilitation. Additionally, the campus maintains a hospital for the acute psychiatric treatment of patients.

Clyde L. Choate, the eponym, was a decorated World War II Army Sargent who received the Medal of Honor for destroying a German tank by himself. In 1988, the center name was changed from Anna Mental Health and Developmental Center to the Clyde L. Choate Mental Health and Developmental Center to honor the local hero.