July 19, 2012 - Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention


Open to the general public.


10:00 am to 1:00 pm


Illinois Primary Healthcare Association
500 South Ninth Street
Springfield, Illinois


  1. Call to Order 
  2. Introduction of Council Members
  3. Approval of April 5, 2012- Draft Meeting Report
  4. Early Intervention Clearinghouse Update 
  5. Early Intervention Central Billing Office
  6. Update Service Delivery Approach Workgroup
  7. Early Learning Council Workgroups 
  8. Telehealth/Teletherapy Follow-up Discussion
  9. Lead Agency Report 
  10. Adjournment

Meeting Report



  • J. Diane Adams-Alsberry, CALM, Inc.
  • Alice Becker for Gerri Clark, Division of Specialized Care for Children
  • Bob Cammarata, ICG Health Care Services
  • Cynthia Merritt, IL Department of Public Health
  • Beatrice Nichols, IICEI Chairperson, Head Start
  • Deanna Pratscher, parent, Thornton
  • Pam Reising-Rechner, IL State Board of Education
  • Sandy Ryan, IL Council on Developmental Disabilities
  • Kathy Schrock, Easter Seals DuPage and Fox Valley
  • Glendean Sisk & Daniel G. Harris, Division of Family & Community Services
  • Robin York , IL Department of Children and Family Services


  • Diane Blythe, parent, Crystal Lake
  • Julie Doetsch, IL Dept of Healthcare and Family Services
  • Mary Petersen, Department of Insurance
  • Dorelia Rivera Martinez, parent, Elmwood
  • David Rubovits, PhD, Jewish Child and Family Services
  • Gina Ruther, DHS, Bureau of Child Care and Development
  • Connie Sims, DHS, Division of Developmental Disabilities
  • Therese Wehman, Elmhurst College
  • Constance Williams, PhD, DHS/Division of Mental Health

Contents of Council Packet

  • Agenda
  • Draft Meeting Report - April 5, 2012
  • Illinois' Determination Letter and Attachments
  • CBO Annual Report
  • Senate Bill 820
  • Lead Agency Report - July 19, 2012

Call to Order

The Illinois Interagency Council on Early Intervention (IICEI) convened at 10:02 a.m.

Introduction of Council Members

Council members introduced themselves. Daniel G. Harris, Associate Director of the Division of Family and Community Services joined Glendean Sisk to represent the Division.

Approval of January 12, 2012 Meeting Report and Additional Agenda Items

The April 5, 2012 Meeting Report was approved as written.

Early Intervention Clearinghouse Update

Dr. Susan Fowler, Director of the Early Intervention Clearinghouse, provided an update on the work of the Clearinghouse. By navigating through the Clearinghouse website, she introduced features, reviewed materials available on the website, and explained the use of social media. A copy of the latest newsletter was given to Council members. Information about the Clearinghouse's new information specialist was provided, and the operation of the library was described.

Early Intervention Central Billing Office Update

Tom Wang, Vice-president for the Central Billing Office/CQuest, provided an overview of FY2012 statistics and a progress report on IKIDS, the Illinois Kids Information Data System. An increase in the use of the Insurance Billing Unit was identified. Appreciation was expressed for work done on a DT insurance billing pilot. It was recognized that the amount of funds paid by insurance for Early Intervention services is understated in the report. The need for stakeholder input to the development of IKIDS was recognized and will be requested as development moves forward.

Service Delivery Approaches Workgroup Report 

Chelsea Guillen provided an update on the Service Delivery Approaches workgroup, which has had three phone conferences and met face-to-face once since the last Council meeting. The workgroup has completed its discussion of the evaluation/assessment process and moved on to the IFSP development process. The workgroup identifies challenges and crafts a vision to address them. When all components of the process have been completed, the visions statements will be used to develop a comprehensive set of recommendations for the Council and the program to consider. Other stakeholders assisted the workgroup in making recommendations to update the approved evaluation/assessment tool list. A wide range of topics are being considered under IFSP development. The progress of the workgroup and the commitment of its members were commended.

Early Learning Council Workgroups

 Beatrice Nichols appealed to Council members and the EI community at large to consider participation in the Early Learning Council (ELC) Workgroups. Information was included in the Council packet. Chelsea Guillen and Bob Cammarata shared information about their involvement in ELC workgroups. Dan Harris echoed the importance of participation in ELC workgroups and suggested that interested individuals contact ELC workgroup chairpersons.

Telehealth/Teletherapy Follow-up Discussion

Kathy Schrock reported that a group has met twice to discuss the use of telepractice in Early Intervention. The group's discussion was broadened to take a look at how Early Intervention is currently using technology. Use of technologies in other states has been identified. The Council was reminded of concerns over OSEP and Medicaid/All Kids acceptance of telepractice in Early Intervention. Suggested next steps included a look at research and the use of telepractice in other settings, including home health and behavioral health services. Robin York identified that confidentiality may be an obstacle for DCFS wards. The group has recognized that confidentiality is an issue that must be addressed. Cynthia Merritt offered to look into how telepractice technology has been successfully used by audiologists. The group received a "go ahead" from the Department to continue its work. The topic will appear on the next Council agenda.

Lead Agency Report

Eileen DeRoze reviewed the lead agency report and discussed the addition of Council members as outlined in Senate Bill 820, which awaits the Governor's signature. The process of filling positions was described and Council members offered suggestions on how to recruit applicants, including the idea to create a nominating committee. The Council's lack of an attendance policy was discussed. It was requested that Beatrice Nichols reach out to members who do not attend meetings. Eileen DeRoze will assist with this task.

Dan Harris announced that, as of August 1, 2012, Amy Tarr will assume responsibility for the Early Intervention program and other programs as well. As the DHS attorney for Early Intervention, Ms. Tarr has acquired a detailed knowledge of the program and understands its needs.

State and federal funding levels for SFY2013 and an update on the status of payments to Early Intervention Providers were provided. Ms. DeRoze explained the concerns expressed by OSEP leading to Illinois' determination category of "needs assistance" based upon Illinois' FFY2010/SFY2011 Annual Performance Report. Three performance measures under 95% and longstanding noncompliance were identified as the basis of this determination.

Efforts to implement new Part C regulation were described, including the development of new forms and updating of the CFC procedure manual. Federal regulation requires changes to policies and procedures to complete a public participation process which includes a 60-day posting, with the receipt of written comments for 30 days and public hearings. The CFC procedural manual will be distributed and considered guidance until the public participation process is completed. As a follow-up, Pam Reising-Rechner inquired about finalizing transition training and FAQ documents. It was suggested that the guidance can be considered in the development of these materials, but should be finalized after the public participation process has been completed.

Chelsea Guillen provided information on CFC procedure manual training that will be rolled out beginning with three webinars in August followed by face-to-face training sessions that will include skill building in routines based interviewing. Training materials, including a side-by-side comparison of new and old procedures, are being developed. On line service coordination modules will be updated and a face-to-face component may be added for new service coordinators. Some modules will be open as resources for parents and providers or may be offered for Early Intervention credit.

Blake Whitson explained that insurance payment data provided in the Lead Agency report has been updated to a number that is inclusive of insurance payments for Early Intervention services billed by both the CBO and Early Intervention providers. It was again recognized that these funds are under-reported. Council member shared concerns about changes to use of private and public insurance that have been made to be in compliance with new Part C regulations and the misinterpretations of these changes that are circulating among the provider community.

Changes include the following:

  • Consent for use of a family's private insurance is now needed. Providers are still required to bill a family's insurance if that family has provided consent for its use. The system of waivers and exemptions remains.
  • Families who are not currently enrolled in All Kids are not required to enroll as a condition of receiving Part C services and, if they do enroll, must provide consent for its use.
  • If a family is already enrolled in All Kids, parental consent must be provided to share personally identifying information (PII) for billing purposes.

The impact of these changes is unknown, although it will be closely monitored. The EI Clearinghouse was asked to develop a tip-sheet for parents about use of public and private insurance, with the support of a workgroup. Anyone who is interested in helping to develop this material should contact Eileen DeRoze. The financial impact on providers was discussed.


The meeting adjourned at noon.