Add or Update Provider Record Information

Use this Wizard to create a new provider record, or update information for an existing provider record.

Process Steps:

  1. On the Add/UpdateProvider page, there are two sub-tabs. Click the "Loc A" sub-tab to document a provider's location. To add additional provider location records, click the "Add Location" sub-tab to add another record. Repeat this step until all provider care locations are documented.
  2. On the Loc A tab, scroll to the first section of the page:
  3. Complete the following fields:
    • Site: Select this checkbox to indicate if the new provider is a Site
    • Last Name: Type the last name of the provider
    • First Name: Type the first name of the provider
    • Corporate Name: Type name of a provider if a corporation
      • Each provider must enter either First and Last Name or Corporate Name. However, a provider cannot enter both.
    • Doing Business As: Type the other (non-legal) name under which the provider business is conducted
    • Gov't Code: Government code associated with provider
    • Registration #: Provider's registration number
    • DOB: Type the Date of Birth of the provider (this is mandatory for provider types 764-767)
    • SSN: Type the Social Security Number of the provider
    • FEIN: Type the provider's Federal Employer Identification Number
    • Type of Provider: Select the provider's type of care from the drop-down list.
    • Prov Status: Select Pending, Approved, Denied, or Cancelled from the drop-down list.
    • Approved for QRS: Select Yes or No to determine if the provider has been approved for Illinois' Quality Rating System.
    • QRS Rating: The QRS Rating is automatically inserted into CCMS. It is a rating of the quality of care of provider.
    • W9 Status: Select the provider's current W9 Status from the drop-down list
    • Union Status: The provider's union status populates through an interface with CCTS.
    • Certified Status: Documents if provider is currently certified. This information populates through an interface with CCTS.
    • DHS Employee: Select Yes or No to note if the client reported they are a DHS employee.
    • Child Care Collaboration: Select Yes or No to note if the provider is under the DHS' Child Care Collaboration Program.
      1. Check the Head Start box if the provider is part of the Illinois Head Start Association.
      2. Check the ISBE Pre-K if the provider is part of the Illinois State Board of Education Pre-Kindergarten program.
    • R&R maintaining provider: Select your CCR&R name from the drop-down menu. The organization in this field is the CCR&R who is responsible for maintaining the provider's information in CCMS.
    • Other Associated R&Rs: This field lists all other CCR&Rs associated with the provider, but they do not maintain the provider's information.
  4. Scroll to the second section of the page.
  5. Complete the following fields:
    • Service Address, County, City, State, and Zip Code: Type the address of the location where child care service is provided.
    • Address Ind: This field defaults to A. You can type over this and add another Address Indicator here. The Address Indicator naming standard is set by each CCR&R/Site.
    • In the Phone# and Another# fields record phone numbers for the provider's care locations.
    • Fax: record thefax number for the provider's location.
    • In the Email Address and Re-enter Email fields, type the provider's email address. This is the email address where the provider can be contacted and CCMS correspondence will be sent if the provider chooses to receive documents via email.
    • Mail Pref: Select if the provider prefers to receive documents via email or postal mail.
  6. Scroll to thethird section of the page.

    You can click the "H" icon to view the Email History for the provider. Anytime you type over an existing email address, it is moved to History. You can view the date the email was created, closed, and also the user who last modified the email address.

    The Email History pop-up window is informational only and cannot be edited. Click [Close] to close the window.
  7. Complete the fields with the address information of where the payment should be sent.
  8. Scroll to the fourth section of the page:
  9. Complete the following fields:
    • License #: Document the provider's license number. This field is mandatory if the provider type is 760, 762, or 763.
    • License Expiration: Document the date of the expiration date of the provider's license.
    • DCFS License Status: This information populates through an interface with DCFS.
    • License Capacity: Document the child capacity the provider location (Day, Night, and Extended).
  10. Scroll to the last section of the page:
  11. Complete the following fields:
    • Payment Pref: This is the provider's preference for receiving payment. Select Direct Deposit, Check, or Debit Card from the drop-down list.
    • Select the parent's primary Language from the drop-down list. If English or Spanish is selected, correspondence will be sent to the client in this language when available.
    • If the parent's primary language is not English or Spanish, select Other from the Language drop-down list and complete the Other field to document the parent's language. The field is informational only and does not impact the correspondence language. The Other field character limit is 50.
    • IVR: Select Yes or No to note if "the Important CC Password Info form should be generated out of CCTS."
  12. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Click [Next] to save the information and CCMS will display the Household Members page.
    • Click [Save] to save the information on the page. You can navigate to the next desired page.
    • Click [Previous] to save the information on the page. CCMS will navigate you to the previously viewed page.
    • Click [Reset] to reset all the fields on the page. This will not save any information.

Results of the Procedure:

A provider location is added to the provider's record.