Add or Update Provider Holidays/Days Off

Use this wizard to record or update the days the provider has reported will be considered a Holiday or they will not be providing care (Days Off).

Process Steps:

  1. On the Holiday/Days Off page, click the "List" sub-tab. This tab lists the state recognized holidays for you to view.
  2. Document the calendar year and hours of operation:
    • Year: The current year displays in this field. To view an alternate year, select the applicable year from the Yeardrop-down list.
    • When you select a Year from the drop down list, all of the documented holidays/days-off for that year display. Months with no recorded holidays/days-off will have no information in the Holiday/Day(s) Off column.
    • Hours of Operation: In the From drop-down list select the common daily time the care location opens to provide care.
    • Hours of Operation: In the To: drop-down list select the common daily time the care location closes.
  3. Click on the Add sub-tab. A list of the IDHS holidays displays on this tab.
  4. Click the checkbox for the holiday if it is a holiday or day off for the provider.
  5. Click the forward arrow to move the holiday from the Available Holidays box to the Selected Holidays box. Clicking the double forward arrows will move all holidays.
    • To remove a holiday from the Selected Holidays:
      • Click the back arrow after selecting the checkbox to remove the holiday you desire.
      • Click the double back arrows to remove all holidays.
  6. To add days off that are not holidays, navigate to the Add Days Off section of the page.
  7. Complete the following fields:
    • From Date: Complete the From Date field by entering or selecting the date from the calendar icon that will be the date range of days off.
    • To Date: Complete the To Date field by entering or selecting the date from the calendar icon that will be the date range of days off.
    • Name: Select a reason for the days off from the Name drop-down menu
    • Other: If you choose [Other] from the Name drop-down, provide a reason in this field. In this field you can add your own description such as "Center Closing."
  8. Do not click the Apply to all providers checkbox. This should only be selected by BCCD. This box applies the holiday/day-off to all providers in CCMS.
  9. Click [Save].

Results of the Procedure:

A holiday or day off is added to the provider's record.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What should be documented for the hours of operation if this time changes daily?
    • Document the providers most commonly open for operation.
  2. How do documented Holidays/Days-Off impact a provider's payment?
    • Provider days off may impact eligible days. Although provider information in CCMS do not impact payment in CCTS, eligible days are part of calculating provider payments)
  3. How do documented Holidays/Days-Off affect service authorizations?
    • Service Authorizations and Holidays/Days Off are not linked together. Recording a holiday or day off for a provider will not affect the Service Authorization of a client, but can be used for reference information by the caseworker when creating the care schedule.