Use this wizard to generate a new document to send to a client or provider. Before attempting to generate a document, you must first be in the context of a case, Work Item, or provider. To be in the context of a case, Work Item, or provider, this information displays in the purple header.
Generate a Document - Process Steps:
- Select the correct Document Type from the document from the drop-down list. If you are in the context of a Work item, case, or provider, the documents in this drop-down will correspond to context.
- Click [Search].
- Search results display in the Document History section of the page.
Field |
Description |
Document Type |
The abbreviation of the documents that can be generated. |
Language |
E = The document was generated in English.
S = The docuemnt was generated in Spanish. |
Date Created |
Displays the dates that the document was generated. |
Delivery Status |
Displays the date the document was last updated. An update can include adding a new version to the document, adding a note to the document, or generating the document. |
Created By |
Displays the last and first name of the user to last update the document record. |
- Review the Search Results displayed in the Document History section of the page. Determine if the document needs to be generated based on the history provided.
- Click [Add] to generate a new document. A pop-up PDF file of the document will be generated that may be interactive for you to complete.
- If there are interactive fields on the document, complete these fields before printing or submitting the document.
- (Optional) Click [Print] to print a copy of the document locally after you have finished completing the mandatory fields.
- Click [Submit] to send the completed document for mass mailing. Clicking submit also saves the document in CCMS for future viewing. The document cannot be edited after you click [Submit].
- A success message displays, confirming the data was saved to CCMS.
- Remember! Disable your pop-up blocker before you click [Add] or it may prevent you from generating your desired document.
Mass Mailing Overview:
When generating documents in CCMS, certain documents will be sent to the client or provider using the Mass Mailing process. This process is similar to the process used to mass mail documents in CCTS. A document can be mass mailed to a provider or client using postal mail or e-mail, depending on the preference recorded in CCMS.
Mass Mail documents do not need to be sent by a CCR&R/Site, instead the document is processed at the Springfield Central Mailing Center. Documents generated in CCMS before 7:00pm CST each day will be sent for processing that night. If a document is generated on a Saturday or Sunday, it will be sent for Mass Mailing on Monday after 7:00pm CST.
Documents that are mass mailed monthly, such as Redeterminations, are sent for processing on the second Friday of each month.
Results of the Procedure:
You can now generate a new document to print and mail to a client or provider.