Tasks in CCMS are sent to a team to notify members of actions to be completed for a Work Item. All tasks as associated with a Work Item. Some tasks are information only and notify the team of information they may find helpful. All tasks are associated with a Work Item, and the task is generated when the Work Flow Status of a Work Item changes on the Work Item Details page. The task is routed to the correct team according to that Work Item's routing rules. All members of the team receive the task which appears on the "Current" column of the user's Dashboard page. You can click on the number hyperlink on your Dashboard page to view the task text on the Tasks page. The task text is a hyperlink on the Tasks page. Review the text. To take action on the task, click on the hyperlink to view the Work Item Details page for the Work Item associated with the task.
You can search for tasks in the Search section of the Tasks page using the below options:
When a Work Item is completed, the user changes the Work Item Stats to Complete on the Work Item Details page. This closes all tasks and reminders associated with the Work Item. You can also mark individual tasks complete on the Tasks page. Marking a task as complete closes the task and removes this task from the team member's Dashboard page.
The user can now search for a task, view task information, and mark a task complete.
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