Create a New Team

Use this wizard to create a new Team for an organization. Work Items in CCMS are routed to teams for processing. A Team must have at least one person and one supervisor assigned to it.

When creating a team, the following must be defined:

  • Team Name
  • Team Location
  • Team Members
  • Work Item Types that can be assigned to the Team
  • Team Supervisor

Create a New Team - Process Steps:

Scroll to the Team Search Results section of the page:

  1. Click [Create Team].
  2. The Create Team pop-up box appears.
  3. Select the Team's Organization from the drop-down list. This refers to the CCR&R or Site.
  4. Type the Team Name in the correct field. The Team Name must be 30 characters or less. This field naming standard is determined by the CCR&R/Site.
  5. Click [Save] to create the Team in CCMS or [Cancel] to cancel the action.
  6. After creating the team, you must conduct a Team Search to find the created team. Use the Search for and Update a Team wizard to conduct a team search.

Assign Users to a Team - Process Steps:

  1. After completing the Team Search on the Manage Team page, select the None hyperlink under the User List column.
  2. All CCMS users (who have been assigned the proper RACF authorization) assigned to the CCR&R or Site will be listed in the Organization Users column.
    • Users can be added to more than one team at the same CCR&R or Site.
  3. Highlight the desired user(s) and click [forward arrow].The highlighted user(s) will display in the Team Members column.
  4. Click [Save]. The selected users are now assigned to the Team and will be assigned Work Items routed to the team.

Remove a user from the Team:

  1. Highlight the user in the Team Members column.
  2. Click [back arrow]. The user displays in the Organization Users column.
  3. Click [Save].
    • You must log out and log back in again to see changes in CCMS.

Assign Work Item Types to a Team - Process Steps:

  1. After completing the Team Search on the Manage Team page, select the None hyperlink under the Work Item Type column.
  2. All Work Item Types are listed in the Organization Work Item Types column.
  3. Highlight the Work Item Type(s) the team can be assigned and click [forward arrow].The highlighted Work Item Type(s) display in the Team Work Item Types column.
  4. Click [Save]. The Team can now be assigned the selected Work Items.

Remove a Work Item Type from a Team:

  1. Highlight the Work Item Type in the Team Work Item Types column.
  2. Click [back arrow]. The Work Item Type displays in the Organization Work Item Type column.
  3. Click [Save].

Assign Supervisors to a Team - Process Steps:

  1. After completing the Team Search on the Manage Team page, select the None hyperlink under the Supervisor List column.
  2. All users assigned to that organization with the "Manager" security display in the Organization Supervisor column. Highlight the desired user(s) and click [forward arrow].The highlighted user(s) will display in the Team Supervisor column. A team must have at least one supervisor.
  3. Click [Save]. The users in the Team Supervisor column will now have supervisor privileges for the assigned team and will be sent their team's Tasks/Reminders.

Remove a supervisor from a Team:

  1. Highlight the user in the Team Supervisor column.
  2. Click [back arrow]. The user displays in the Organization Supervisor column.
  3. Click [Save].

Results of the Procedure

The CCMS team is created and assigned to the selected Work Items. You can now access the Routing Management page and set-up routing rules for the created teams.