View or Update Case Information

Use this wizard to update or view Case Information from the Child Care Application, Redetermination, or Change of Information. Key case information includes the actual start date of child care, the end month of service, and the reason for child care.

Toolbox: Refer to the Process a New Child Care Application in CCMS Job Aid to view steps to process a new Child Care application.

Process Steps:

  1. On the Case Information page, there are 3 sections each separated by a gray line. All 3 sections must be completed when entering a new case. Scroll to the first section of the page.
  2. Complete the following required fields:
    • Date Received: Enter the date the new application or change of information (COI) form was received in the following format: MM/DD/YYYY
      • As with all date fields in CCMS, you can click the icon to view a date calendar. You can click on a date in the calendar and it will populate in the CCMS date field.
    • Scan Date: CCMS will auto-populate this field to the date the application was scanned into CCMS.
    • Earliest Start Date: CCMS will auto-populate this field when you tab out of the date received field. If you also enter a date in the Parent/Guardian Sign Date, the earliest start date field will update with the most recent date. This is the earliest date the CCAP program should pay the provider for care. If there is no parent signature on the application, CCMS will default this date to 7 business days prior to the Date Received field.
    • Actual Start Date of Child Care: Enter the earliest date the CCAP program should pay the provider for case. This date cannot be earlier than or more than 2 months after the Earliest Start Date.
    • End Month of Service: CCMS will auto-populate this field when an application or redetermination is received with the month and year, six months after the date in the Actual Start Date of Child Care field, with the following exceptions:
      • If an employment and wage verification letter is the income verification, CCMS will populate with the month 3 months after the date in the Actual Start Date of Child Care field.
      • If a parent's reason for care is education, CCMS will populate this field with the month of the school's ending date.
      • If the case is a Collaboration case, CCMS will populate the date 12 months after the date in the Actual Start Date of Child Care field.
      • You can overwrite this information by selecting different dates from the drop-down lists.
    • Disaster: This field defaults to No. Select Yes from the drop-down list if the case is being created due to a disaster.
    • Parent/Guardian Signature Present: CCMS will auto-populate this field to Yes if the parent's signature was available on the application or redetermination form. You can also select Yes or No from the drop-down menu.
      • If this field is left as No, and eligibility is Run, the case will be denied per policy rules.
    • Parent/Guardian Signature Date: This field is mandatory if the Parent/Guardian Signature Present field is Yes. Enter the date next to the Parent's Signature on the form.
    • # of Parents: This field defaults to 1 or 2 based on the parent/guardian records documented on the Parent/Guardian Info page. You can select the correct number of parent's from the drop-down list to document the number of parent's on the case.
  3. Scroll to the second section of the page.
  4. Complete the following required fields:
    • RPY Case?: This field defaults to No. Select Yes from the drop-down menu if the case is an RPY case.
    • RPY Begin Month: If Yes is selected for RPY Case?, this field will auto-populate with the month documented in the Actual Start Date of Child Care field.
    • RPY End Month: Enter the end month for the RPY case.
    • Active Military?: This field defaults to No. Select Yes from the drop-down menu if a parent on the case is on Active Military duty.
    • Military Begin Month: If Yes is selected for Active Military?, this field will auto-populate with the month documented in the Actual Start Date of Child Care field.
    • Military End Month: Enter the end month for the case.
    • Collaboration Case: This field defaults to No. Select Yes from the drop-down menu if the case is an Collaboration case.
    • Collaboration Begin Date: Date the case became a collaboration case. Collaboration cases can go without redetermination for up to 12 months.
    • Collaboration End Date: Date the case is no longer a collaboration case.
      • Reminder! A Child Care Collaboration case is defined as a family that has at least one child enrolled in a program that has been approved as a Collaboration Provider by the IDHS State Child Care/Head Start Collaboration Office and uses any braiding of Illinois child care subsidy funds or programs with other early childhood funds or programs to create higher quality full day, full year services for eligible families with young children. Refer to policy 08.05.01for additional information on collaboration cases.
    • Reason for Child Care: Select the reason for Child Care from the drop-down menu. Options include: 
      • Employment - Select this option if the parent(s) is eligible for child care based only on their employment. This includes paid on-the-job training. Do not use this code if the client is participating in a TANF Required (RSP) activity such as Work Experience, Work FIRST or Volunteer Services.
      • Training/Education - This option is used for Teen Parents & TANF Clients. Select this option if the parent(s) is eligible for child care because they are a: Teen parent (age 19 or younger) in high school or attending a GED program. Parent has an active IDHS case on ACID, is receiving a TANF cash assistance, and is participating in an IDHS approved work or training activity (RSP).
      • Employment/Training/Education - This option is used for Teen Parents & TANF Clients. Select this option if the parent(s) is eligible for child care based on both their employment and participation in a teen parent education activity or TANF training/education activity used in the Training/Education reason for Child Care.
      • Non-TANF Education/Training - Select this option if either parent is not receiving TANF cash assistance and is attending an education or training program covered under Non-TANF education/training. If one parent is also employed, you should still select this reason for Child Care (may need to modify, based upon exemptions extended to pregnant and child under one clients).
  5. Scroll to the last section of the page if you need to enter Grace Period information. Refer to the Document Grace Period Information wizard for additional information on how to complete this section.
  6. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Click [Next] to save the information and CCMS will display the Work Information page.
    • Click [Save] to save the information on the page. You can navigate to the next desired page.
    • Click [Previous] to save the information on the page. CCMS will navigate you to the previously viewed page.
    •  Click [Reset] to reset all the fields on the page. This will not save any information.

Results of the Procedure:

Information on the Case Information page is documented and saved.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Does the Change of Information impact the Action Start Date of Child Care or End Month of Service field?
    1. These fields will only be automatically updated when processing a new application or redetermination. If information from a Change of Information impacts these fields, than manually update the dates. If the new information indicates the case should end earlier than the original end date, a cancellation should be documented to show the last date of eligibility.
  2. How do I update a family member's information?
    1. To update the case information, you can type over existing data on the page, and click [Save].