View or Update Family Information

Use this wizard to document each family member on the case who is not a parent/guardian living in the home. This information is often documented on the Child Care Application, Redetermination, or Change of Information form. Key case information includes the children requesting care, special needs of the child, and relationship to Head of Household.

Toolbox: Refer to the Enter a Child Care Application Job Aid to view steps to process a new Child Care application.

Process Steps:

  1. On the Family Information page, there are two sub-tabs: Family Member and Add Family Member. The Family Member tab will change to the name of the individual after the record is saved. Click the Add Family Member sub-tab to add an additional family member. Repeat this step until all records are documented. The name of each family member appears after the required information is saved.
  2. Complete the following fields:
    • If this is a child for which the applicant is requesting care, select Yes in the Does this person need Child Care assistance? drop-down list.
    • The Effective Date field populates when the Does this person need Child Care assistance? field is completed or updated.
    • If the person is a child considered special needs, select Yes from the Special Needs? drop-down list.
    • The Effective Date field populates when the Special Needs? field is completed or updated.
    • Record the Actual Start Date of Child Care, this is the earliest date the CCAP program should pay the provider for care of the child.
      • As with all date fields in CCMS, you can click the icon to view a date calendar. You can click on a date in the calendar and it will populate in the CCMS date field.
  3. Record the End Month of Service by selecting the end month and year from the drop-down lists. End Month of Service should be determined at time of a Child Care Application or Redetermination and should not change based on a case being updated. If the case is no longer eligible based on the new information, a cancelation should be entered.
  4. Scroll to the Demographic Information section of the page.
  5. Document the First Name, M.I (Middle Initial), and Last Name of the family member.
  6. Document the Date of Birth of the family member in the DOB field.
  7. Select the family member's Gender from the drop-down list.
  8. Click the checkbox next to the family member's Ethnic Origin.
  9. The US Citizen field defaults to Yes. Select No from the drop-down menu if the family member is a not a United States citizen.
    • Ethnic Origin and US Citizen will only be collected for the child that needs childcare assistance. Only one ethnic origin can be selected.
  10. The Ward of the State field defaults to No. Select Yes from the drop-down list if the family member is a current ward of the state.
  11. Document the family member's social security number, if available, in the SSN field in the following format: #########
  12. Select the family member's relationship to the Head of Household from the Relationship to the Applicant from the drop-down list.
  13. RIN: This field cannot be edited. A Recipient Identification Number (RIN) for the family member will be populated by CCMS.
  14. Click one of the following buttons:
    • Click [Next] to save the information and CCMS will display the Child Care Arrangement page.
    • Click [Save] to save the information on the page. You can navigate to the next desired page.
    • Click [Previous] to save the information on the page. CCMS will navigate you to the previously viewed page.
    • Click [Reset] to reset all the fields on the page. This will not save any information.

Results of the Procedure:

Information on the Family Information page is documented and saved.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How do I update a family member's information?
    1. To update a person's family information record, you can type over existing data on the page, and click [Save].