March 22, 2012 Communications Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Communication Committee Members and Staff.  The public is welcome to attend.


March 22, 2012, 2:00p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


To be announced. 


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Status of Reports
    1. Raise the Age
    2. SB2151 - Sex Offender Bill
    3. SB1725 Juvenile Reentry Improvement Study
      1. Status of Implementation
        1. Communications
        2. Reentry Committee Update
      2. Cost/Benefits Analysis
  5. Annual Report
    1. Distribution
  6. Communications Strategies
    1. Messaging
    2. Website
    3. Social Marketing
  7. Other Items / Next Steps
    1. Federal Budget Response
    2. Youth Engagement
  8. Next meeting date
  9. Adjournment


Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 2:15PM.

Roll Call: Co-Chairmen Esther Franco-Payne and Julie Biehl, Commissioners Jacqueline Bullard, Dana Weiner. Staff: Jeff Bradley, Michelle Arnold, Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau, Lin Ferguson. Guests: Stephanie Kollmann, Donna Taylor.

Approval of minutes: Motion to approve minutes of February meeting was made by Commissioner Biehl and seconded by Commissioner Weiner. All in favor. None opposed. Minutes approved.

Status of Reports

  1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 2:15PM.
  2. Roll Call: Co-Chairmen Esther Franco-Payne and Julie Biehl, Commissioners Jacqueline Bullard, Dana Weiner. Staff: Jeff Bradley, Michelle Arnold, Karrie Rueter, Julie Stremlau, Lin Ferguson. Guests: Stephanie Kollmann, Donna Taylor.
  3. Approval of minutes: Motion to approve minutes of February meeting was made by Commissioner Biehl and seconded by Commissioner Weiner. All in favor. None opposed. Minutes approved.
  4. Status of Reports
    1. Raise the Age: Stephanie Kollmann said we will wait until April 30, 2012 to receive the data from AOIC, and then move forward with a mid May briefing. We will check with Commissioner Jacobs and Chairman Timberlake to find out AOIC's timeline.
    2. SB2151 - Sex Offender Bill
    3. SB1725 - Juvenile Reentry Improvement Study: Discussions continue with PRB and DJJ about the length of parole. They want our response on their deficiencies concerning reform schedules, as discussed at the last Executive Committee meeting. Stephanie is going to change the language for the suggested amendatory language and send it to Commissioners for review.
      Next Steps: Complete a Fact Sheet and change document to reflect final amendatory language and send it to Committee members tomorrow.
      1. Status of Implementation
  5. Communications
  6. Reentry Committee Update: Rob Vickery gave the PRB their first training session and he said it went well. More trainings are scheduled. Karrie Rueter is going to check on having the Parole Study report reprinted.
    1. Cost/Benefits Analysis-no updates
  7. Annual Report: Work continues no updates at this time.
  8. Communications Strategies
    1. Messaging
    2. Website: We have been asked about content for the website. A document was discussed on how the website could be set up with cost options. The Committee would like updates at the meetings and input on design. Jeff Bradley and Rob Vickery will be involved in the planning and will give further input on what components the site should contain to be most effective.
    3. Social Marketing: Will assist with the website development, a Facebook and Twitter page.
  9. Other Items/ Next Steps
    1. Federal Budget Response: Karrie reported that she just received an update on funding. OJJDP report for FFY2005-2012 shows trends in charts. She did the same thing for all of the funding in Illinois showing trends and cuts. She requested information on the specific use of JABG money. She has received information from EUDL already and she will compile the same type of information for all funding we receive. We have received 74% cut in funds since 2005.
      The Committee is drafting a letter to Toni Irving to respond to these cuts. They are trying to reach Senator Richard Durbin's staff concerning these cuts. We want to send letters to all advocates and expand the list of already named advocates. Karrie also reported that JABG dollars have also been cut and some of their funding goes to law enforcement. There is concern on the impact with our funding of DJJ. It was suggested to add Redeploy Illinois (RI) to the letter. This gives us a theme for the letter and we can discuss where we were, how far we have come and what we will lose with additional decreases in funding.
      Commissioner Biehl and Jeff Bradley will represent the Commission at the facilities closure meeting in Joliet on April 4, 2012.
      HB5602 was amended and Toni Irving asked that the Commission study it and then respond. HB5602:  Provides that the inspection and copying of law enforcement records maintained by law enforcement agencies that relate to a minor who has been arrested or taken into custody before his or her 17th birthday may be released to appropriate school officials by a local law enforcement agency under a reciprocal reporting system established and maintained between the school district and the local law enforcement agency concerning a minor enrolled in a school within the school district who is the subject of a police investigation, or has been arrested or taken into custody for an offense classified as a felony or a Class A or B misdemeanor.
      Topics for discussion are the liability for the schools, false accusations, and situations when an administrator receives a report and does not take action and then the student does something dangerous. We also need to add a DMC component to the response. Karrie will draft the letter and Commissioners Franco-Payne and Biehl will refine it and get it out tomorrow. Michelle Arnold will send out an ICOY alert.
      Commissioner Biehl requested that all data request analysis work be funneled through Commissioner Weiner so we have a consistent approach and we have QA on our reporting. Commissioner Weiner suggested that it be presented to the full Commission. This will be brought up at the next Executive Committee meeting, April 18, 2012. Commissioner Jacobs will be at the next meeting.
    2. Youth Engagement
      No updates noted.
  10. Next Meeting Date
    April 26, 2012
  11. Adjournment: Commissioner Biehl motioned to adjourn. Commissioner Weiner seconded the motion. Meeting was adjourned at 3:50PM.