January 19, 2012 Communications Committee Meeting


Illinois Juvenile Justice Commission Communication Committee Members and Staff. The public is welcome to attend.


January 19, 2012, 2:00p.m. to 4:00 p.m.


  • Metropolis 2020
    30 West Monroe, 13th Floor
    Chicago, IL
  • 823 E Monroe
    Springfield, IL 


  1. Call to Order
  2. Roll Call
  3. Approval of minutes
  4. Status Reports
    1. Raise the Age
    2. SB2151 - Sex Offender Bill
    3. Annual Report
  5. SB1725 Juvenile Reentry Improvement Study
    1. Status of Implementation
      1. Communications
      2. Reentry Committee Update
    2. Cost/Benefits Analysis
  6. Annual Report
  7. Communications Strategies
    1. Messaging
    2. Social Marketing
  8. Other Items / Next Steps
  9. Next meeting date
  10. Adjournment


  1. Call to Order
    Meeting was called to order at 2:10pm.
  2. Roll Call
    Commissioners: Julie Biehl, Lisa Jacobs, Esther Franco-Payne, Michael Rodriguez.
    Quorum declared present. Staff: Jeff Bradley, Julie Stremlau, Rachel Sipes, Michelle 
    Arnold. Guests: Jim Bray (P), Susan Witkin (P), Stephanie Kollman and Betsy Clark.
  3. Approval of Minutes
    Minutes were held for review until the next meeting. Chairman Franco-Payne 
    verified those on the Committee with the addition of Commissioner Jacqueline 
  4. Status Reports
    1. Raise the Age: Commissioner Biehl stated the report is progressing and they will soon coordinate with AOIC to share data.
    2. SB2151 Sex Offender Bill: Loyola continues to work on this study. They are beginning a file review and are visiting a select cohort of probation departments to review files as well as reviewing IDJJ files at Harrisburg. The data form has been completed and they will be working with CPRD on the analysis.
    3. Annual Report: Per the last Commission meeting in January, the committee will be working on how to revise the reporting structure as well as determining what areas of juvenile justice the report will focus on. We will be working with Jim Bray to complete the report.
  5. SB1725 Juvenile Reentry Improvement Study
    1. Status of Implementation: Study was released on December 13, 2011. The steering committee has met and all Commissioners are invited to participate.
    2. Communications
    3. Reentry Committee Update
    4. Cost Benefits Analysis: Commissioner Weiner presented a PowerPoint to the group on cost implications for implementing the recommendations. Based on a set of assumptions that emerged from the report and this process, Commissioner Weiner and her team at Northwestern reviewed those assumptions to review the principles of savings and cost models; examine the assumptions underlying the cost models; and to review and estimate the costs and savings of the recommendations. 
      • Principal savings are when the number of incarcerated youth is reduced even when parole is constant: when the length of parole is reduced by one year, there is a $26 million savings. Commissioner Biehl discussed statutes across the country and Biehl suggested that we were conservative in our calculations for aftercare and that there could be a better rate. There was a discussion concerning court. Commissioner Biehl indicated we need to understand that youth will not go to court 100% of the time. If youth are going to court they are not necessarily returning to DJJ because the rate would be higher. Commissioner Biehl stated that most of the returns to DJJ are due to revocation and that we need to define if it is parole or incarceration. Cost savings can be actualized once a facility is closed. Currently, savings are somewhat anecdotal because IDJJ beds remain open. The committee will add the closing of facilities to the report and stress this point. 
      • The variable cost operation will increase because the cost/kid recidivism definition accounts for only new crimes committed #11 Base Annual Juvenile Recidivism Rate: The total number of released youth who violate their parole and are sent back to a DJJ facility is around 54% each year. Youth return to IDJJ for new offenses/arrests. It is not always necessary for youth to be reincarcerated because there might not be an actual offense. Some youth are AWOL or have technical violations such as curfew or missing an appointment. It is obvious that more community resources are needed to provide options for school, job readiness and substance abuse. However, funding remains an issue. The youth served by providers are Medicaid eligible clients and DCFS provides services but not to JJ kids. We cannot claim Medicaid in the base model. Residential CCBYS is not an option, which would be a claim against State dollars. Providers must have the structural capacity to claim. 
      • Commissioner Jacobs expressed the need to develop a common language around recidivism (as it continues to be an issue). Typically, recidivism refers to a new crime committed. We will finalize this report for presentation and discuss training of the PRB.
  6. Communication Strategies 
    1. Messaging: Will be addressed at the next meeting. 
    2. Social Marketing: The Communications Committee and Youth Network Council YNC are developing a website. Emails will be sent to other Committee Chairs for their input on the website. 
  7. Other Items/Next Steps
  8. Next Meeting Date: Next meeting is February 23rd. 
  9. Adjournment: Commissioner Jacobs moved to adjourn. Commissioner Biehl seconded the motion, meeting adjourned at 4:02pm.